Please help.

I have come across MBTI before and fit the ISTP profile very well. Having now learnt much about socionics I am still unable to determine if I am a socionics ISTp or ISTj, as I have personality traits described by both.

I enjoy playing sports (almost always good at them) and other games all the time, can be very lazy at times as I am always relaxing, my home is always a mess and Im always late. I am incredibly curious about the world around me and learn about them very objectivly in a non-nonsense manner. Interested in physics, maths, astromomy, psychology (how I discovered socionics), and how thing work in general. I dislike hierarchy and authority, sometimes supisious of people who seem to like the control and responsibility of high social status jobs, I often break many rules as most seem unnecessary. Many people see me as quite a frivolous person who lacks general knowledge although I often can't understand this as I have a very deep understanding of many things and a good memory for facts and figures. I tend to dress very informally and spend little time and effort on my appearance, and feel uncomfortable in formal dress.

looking at the functions I seem to use lots of but little This would probably make me ISTp, correct?

Any help would be appreciated.