Hey all,
I was just curious if there were any only children here? Particularly ENFps? I have known for a long time that i have strong introverted and extraverted traits. I always thought that this was because i was an only child. I have since learnt that many ENFp's are like this.
I am quite happy to be by myself, although too long without social interaction makes me uneasy and nervous. In fact i find that the longer i hang out with others, the better social skills i exhibit, up to a point when i get over stimulation and i need time alone.
I think ENFp's are quite fine as only children. I have always been happy to be at home doing my own thing and exploring, in fact i relish my time alone. Since we normally have quite a few friends when we need that social interaction we can get it. I do often wonder what it would be like to have a brother or sister. It would be nice to have someone else close to me that i could learn from etc.
So how do other types(especially ENFp's) find having siblings? I can imagine i would get smothered sometimes and want my time alone?