I feel like there's a confusion of what Se actually is. it's a very instinctive function that aims to make an impact on the real world by all means, this also includes using force to move people around, sometimes in a very aggressive way that is uncomfortable for others. I've never seen Ethan behave like that in any way. here's a description of Se as base function from Dmitry Golihov, who imo made very insightful comments on each function:

Se as leading function in SLE (ESTp; Zhukov) and SEE (ESFp; Napoleon)

"This person is very self-confident in his abilities, believes that he can do everything. Often makes an impression of a willful person: "what I consider to be right, is right for everyone". Makes an impression of a volitional man - he seems to never have enough space around him, "like a bull in a china shop." If he is endowed with physical strength and stamina, he detests "wimps"; if the opposite and he turned out to be weak then considers all stronger men to be "goons". Often good at handling money, but in this issue can be either too conservative or too cocky. Life is perceived through the prism of power: "who is over whom". To be heard by him, you have to make yourself be respected. Any weakness is seen as a deficiency, so often he can use it to his advantage not seeing anything wrong by it. They are constantly doing something, developing some skills. Usually, their strength is visible to the naked eye, but it is lacking in flexibility, rather it is something monumental and conservative. Always try to be first in any enterprise, and if it doesn't turn out this way this angers them greatly. If their strength and ability are questioned, it may lead to an outbreak of aggression. Potentially - great athletes, but the constant over-evaluation of own abilities is fraught with possible injuries. Preaches the gospel of power and abilities, confident in own external appearance. Asserts his own uniqueness, originality. Sees no need to get someone's approval for a particular action; implements his solutions in a very self-confident manner. Does not hesitate to use force anywhere. Grows angry and irritated if someone has contradicted him and this is usually visible outwardly. Sometimes, he first falls into irritation, and then only afterwards he understands something of what has been said to him. Listens out the opinion of someone else only when he couldn't accomplish something himself or that person is seen as having authority in his eyes. Loves extreme situations as this is a way to prove to himself that he is, he exists. In addition, this makes it easier for him to get approval from society for his actions. First, they'll do something, and only later understand what they had done. Person of action, agency. Inclined towards philosophy of overcoming or at least coping, of victory at all costs "could topple a bear - you're a man." Prefers to win over the opposite sex, to take by siege like a fortress. With this always sure that everything depends only on himself, his power, his capabilities. Hence becomes extremely irritated when he realizes that he has not achieved his goal. His weakest point is inability to understand that in life not everything depends on him alone. Therefore, if such a person does not achieve success in life, he grows very frustrated because at heart he considers himself a failure. Very sure that he looks and dresses well. Find it hard to be in a situation where nothing can be done, nothing can be changed, to be placed in "limbo", to just wait for the right moment for action, not "blurt out" everything at once. They are always accompanied by restless activity, by workaholism. Not a minute without action, which means sometimes the incapacity to stop and think. If there is a pause, then it has to get filled. If they are talking, immediately come up topics of problems and action."

you can believe what you want, but I personally think that Ethan is the opposite of a Se valuing type.