Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
I do like to get along. But I have a lot of "contra" within that I withhold, a lot of the time. I am always telling myself, "your view is not what matters here." Which contradicts my desire to express it! Because I have a view, often contradictory. I will focus on respecting what a person says/does/believes in because the higher value is that of seeing and validating the goodness of a person, and that "holds back" the lesser value of my expressing contradictory views, particularly when they are not sought.

No! Not sp first. When I have done stacking tests it is consistently sx/so/sp though close, not a big lean. And the descriptions fit. I am iw2. For a long time I thought I was 2w1, but on closer examination I am convinced I am a 1 not a two. But no doubt the wing is 2. This is true on 1 vs.2:

1 vs 2: Ones are much harder on themselves than twos. Twos can think highly of themselves merely by seeing themselves as considerate of others. Even when twos are self-critical, they have more of a pride in being self-critical. Twos being image-center first won't hesitate to have outbursts of emotion, which seems like a lack of self-control to the one.

and this is true about 1w2:

1w2s in contrast sees the 1w9 focus as too detached from humanity and have a more practical morality focus, for example things between people like ethics and etiquette. The 1w2's focus on where to fix things is more in the trenches due to their 2 wing. They value connections between others above abstract ideals in terms of application of principles.

Yes, I can see now that I misread that - it apparently applied to sp first, but yet, that's how I am. A lot of brakes on. Partly due maybe to E-I, wanting to do it right. Not wanting to hurt people and step on toes, either. (when I do I honestly feel I am hurting Jesus). Wanting to live to my principles and awareness that that is all above me (the things I know to be right and good)..

I am not much fluent in Enneagram, though I have read a lot of books on it some time back, and have done a bunch of reading online. Its not my favorite. I prefer Socionics. However the things that I have read and studied in Enneagram I do feel I "get".

I will let you know when I find that tri-type. At the time I figured it, it really did fit with what as written on that tri-type. Sort of curious now.

P.S. I am so sp-last... I am supposed to be paying bills today, which are late, and the day is seriously slipping by..
P.P.S. If you send me a link to a reliable tri-type test or two I may take it again. (Then I can compare it to what I scored before, if I find it)..
Ok, I was unsure if you were considering sx/sp because you related to the "wanderer".


The instinctual energy of this subtype is the most at odds with their dominant Oneness. This subtype is the most intense. They are looking for perfection in everyone they are close to, not just their spouses. They can be very charismatic and engaging. They can also be very persuasive, like the social/sexual. If they have an opinion you are going to hear about it. It’s very important for them to be understood. They are outwardly competitive. Like the social/sexual, they too may be mistyped as other enneatypes. The anger that is under the surface with the other instinctual variants of type One is much more likely to be apparent with this subtype. You always know where you stand with them. They can mimic type Eight’s energy in this regard. On the high side, this type is warm and engaging, but on the down side this same energy can bring with it the full brunt of the One’s anger and the need to be right.
