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    Petter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    You think Mark Zuckerberg is an Se lead?
    I only use four functions: Se, Si, Fe and Fi. Why? Because PFS is dependent on the functions, but the functions can process information without PFS. Mark Zuckerberg has a leading Se and primary PFS.

    Se = dorsal stream (or FPN, fronto-parietal network)

    Si = ventral stream (or DMN, default mode network)

    PFS = prefrontal synthesis ... the conscious purposeful process of synthesizing novel mental images

  2. #2
    f.k.a Oprah sbbds's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Petter View Post
    I only use four functions: Se, Si, Fe and Fi. Why? Because PFS is dependent on the functions, but the functions can process information without PFS. Mark Zuckerberg has a leading Se and primary PFS.

    Se = dorsal stream (or FPN, fronto-parietal network)

    Si = ventral stream (or DMN, default mode network)

    PFS = prefrontal synthesis ... the conscious purposeful process of synthesizing novel mental images
    Is Mark Zuckerberg a dolphin too now?

  3. #3
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    Decoding rule search domain in the left inferior frontal gyrus

    On one side, some studies suggest that the fractionation along the left-right dimension is mostly domain-based. Evidence from neuroimaging studies shows that verbal information is preferentially processed in the left ventrolateral PFC (vlPFC), while spatial information is preferentially processed in the right vlPFC, suggesting that hemispheric specialization is domain-based.

    However, some recent models propose that the fractionation along the left-right dimension is process-based. Particularly interesting is the Goel’s model describing the reasoning abilities of humans. This model suggests that the left PFC has a role in reducing uncertainty by processing conceptual connections and logical relations among the available information, while the right PFC has a role in maintaining and even enhancing uncertainty by overcoming preconceptions based on prior beliefs and therefore allowing us to explore a wider range of possible solutions. These cognitive mechanisms are particularly important for our inductive reasoning abilities. Indeed, inductive reasoning is a complex function that allows us to increase our understanding of the world by making predictions based on our previous knowledge. Although the complex set of computations underlying inductive reasoning is carried out in a large network of brain regions, a central role is played by the left PFC. In fact, this brain structure has been shown to be particularly sensitive to rule induction and rule checking. These studies support the hypothesis that hemispheric specialization is process-based rather than domain-based. Viewed together with the studies mentioned above, it seems that the organizing principles underlying the lateralization of executive functions are still unclear. To explore these principles, we employed an inductive reasoning task.

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    left vlPFC: abstract/known objects (language...)

    left dlPFC: abstract/known objects (numbers, triangles... <--> logical reasoning)

    right vlPFC: concrete/real objects (patterns, faces...)

    right dlPFC: concrete/real objects (geometric shapes <--> categorization)

  5. #5
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    Frontal Lobe Controls Knowledge Encoding and Retrieval

    The VLPFC controls encoding of mappings between knowledge stored in posterior areas and decision processes in frontal areas and subsequent retrieval. The human lateral prefrontal cortex (PFC) is organized functionally along a gradient from abstract decision and action planning processes in more rostral parts (e.g., VLPFC) to increasingly more concrete response-related processes in more caudal parts (e.g., premotor cortex (PM)). This prefrontal system maintains patterns of activity for various types of information (e.g., linguistic, visuospatial, object, rules) in functionally distinct neural populations. Each influences (controls) other areas to accomplish a mental or overt action. For example, to decide the category of a visual object, dorsolateral PFC (DLPFC) and PM accumulate and compare visual evidence obtained from the occipitotemporal cortex to compute a decision according to a rule that determines the choice, which involves more rostral frontopolar (BA 10) areas. In the parietal lobe, the intraparietal sulcus (IPS) also accumulates evidence, consistent with its strong bidirectional connections with some decision-making regions. The VLPFC has an important role in disambiguating knowledge, as when multiple interpretations of the input result from initial processing (e.g., ambiguous figures, impoverished percepts, multiple alternative meanings or knowledge types are competing), and it interacts reciprocally with DLPFC and PM to recruit working memory resources to resolve uncertainty.

    BA 10 interacts with both DLPFC (Se) and VLPFC (Si), so Myers-Briggs type theory and Socionics Model A are inaccurate.
    Last edited by Petter; 11-19-2020 at 12:51 PM.

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