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Thread: Model D

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  1. #5
    Petter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seriousguy View Post
    I agree about -+ signs, but how is ILI's Fe+ a 4D function is beyond me.
    Fe+ isn't just about "maximizing the positive". Fe+ always interacts with Ni-, which is about scenario thinking and fantasy. ILI's Fe- oversimplifies decisions in "the real world" (Si+), but he or she spends a lot of time speculating about different social scenarios and decisions. For example, LIIs are often completely lost in various social situations. That is not the case with ILIs. We understand the social dynamics (NiFe), but we have no energy to be social in the here and now (SeFi and SiFe).

    As you mentioned the link to the Victor's descriptions of -+ signs, I assumed Te- should be same for the quadra, so how is ILI's Te- different from LIE's Te-? What do you mean by "sometimes"? How you know when an IEI is using his unconscious 4D Te-?
    The general description of Te- is the same for all types. But a weak Te- is different from a strong Te-, and an accepting Te- is different from producing Te- etc.

    "Sometimes" or occasionally you see Te- in IEI. I just meant that it is less often than the conscious functions.

    IEI uses Ni+Te- when he or she plays chess, i.e. strategizes about objects (Ni-Fe+ is about subjects).

    Every functions in the "strongest" is 4D and every functions in the "weakest" is 1D? What about 2D and 3D functions? In your ILI's diagram, you mentioned Ni+Te- as the ego functions (and Ne-Fi+ as second Ego), but Te- isn't there in the strongest / weakest list, what's its dimensionality?
    Yes, there are only 4D (strongest) and 1D (weakest) functions in that diagram. Dimensionality is the same in Model D and Model A, so for example, IEI's Se+ is 2-dimensional. ILI's Te- is 3D, and ILI's Fi+ is also 3D. Neither of those are strongest, in Model D and Model A.

    So, an ILI can easily retain the Fe+ information for a long amount of time due to its 4D nature?
    The concept of dimensionality in Model D is exactly the same as in Model A. There is no difference between main functions and secondary functions.

    Similarly, Ni+ will push Ne- to unconsciousness?
    No, because Ne- does not interfere with Ni+. However, all functions that a person is currently not using, are unconscious. That is not the same thing as Ego, Id etc.
    Last edited by Petter; 07-11-2016 at 06:34 AM.

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