Quote Originally Posted by Verbrannte View Post
That you know which one of all of the many is mine is exactly the problem. I didn't really consent to putting my info out there like that, hence the picture with Mephistopheles and the E.U.L.A. I wanted to be carefree and have fun on this site, now I have to do business lest I be discovered by people I know in real life to act like a lunatic here. It's better that I take the hit for potentially many others though since a lot of people weren't observant enough to even tell how this all worked ("what public list?"). *curls up and dies*
The userlist is not public, it's only visible to the ~70 users of the site, and you need the password to join, which has only been shared here and on a few facebook groups. There is hardly anyone on sedenology from your country, let alone someone who might know you IRL.