Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
Don't be so sure about that. You're a girl I assume so you're on the better end of that equation already (i.e. more ILI males exist than females the data suggests). An ILI without psychological issues will be cold and standoffish at first, but open up quickly once they start believing you're not trying to play/use them. It'll take more time if you're HB6+ and he/she is as well. We know what we're worth, but we also know that hot apparent SEE's hitting on us is, while very much appealing and welcome, exactly how many a life started down the path to ruin so that sets off the paranoia a bit. "Too good to be true" is the sentiment you will have to conquer. Do so, however, and you'll never find a more devout, thankful, and happy a lover.
I had to google that HB term, lol. I guess I am, but I project an aura of "don't approach" because of reasons, and therefore no one does. I said I won't be meeting any because of the way my culture is oriented. Basically, if you're good at Fe, you're liked by everyone. Even I, with my 4D Fe, since it's unvalued, am a bit out of the loop - a lot of it coming from the fact that I'm soc blind as well. I literally haven't met any ILIs, or if I have, I never met them again, since I assume that we don't frequent the same places, and I didn't identify any at school. I also don't actually meet a lot of people. I am an extrovert, yeah, and require being around people, but many times I don't want them to talk to me at all, I just want to feel their presence... and so on.

I don't consider someone not opening up quickly an issue, in fact it's preferable. I have my own paranoia issues, so I'll be wondering if the other person is trying to play/use me as well.

Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
Out of morbid curiosity, do you know what a "kuudere" is and would you date a male one that was into you? Because that's kinda what you'll be running into if you're "lucking" into those of my kind.
Yeah, I know what a kuudere is. Yeah, I would date them, provided that they're not actually emotionally stunted and are just cold to the outside world but able to give me affection. It'd be kinda nice to be the only one on the receiving end of such affection, I suppose.