Partly copied from the end of the thread, "typing wrongly:"

I'm being absolutely genuine with you when I write that you can put Socionics into practice nearly constantly.

As silly as it might sound to some here, I've found it's true: if one takes the time to learn how to VI correctly, (clarified below--I think part of the unwillingness to go with this is with the connotations of the terminology,) and type accurately by dominant functions, Socionics becomes a practical tool... Which one can use in nearly every interaction to one's benefit.

I want to make this known to people here who are down on Socionics--thinking it's all subjective and pie-in-the-sky... It's not.

People around here laugh at the notion of VI--and as it has been propagated thus far in the English-speaking community, i.e. Ganin's "XXXx have big chins" and all of that horseshit is just that: horseshit.

What I've found is that VI it has nothing to do with the size of one's chin, or the particularities of one's physiognomy. (Everyone looks different, of course--different genes, etc.) VI based on this is based on a poor foundation.

It's not this, but by evaluating how someone presents themselves that one learns how to VI accurately. (By accurately I mean 85%-95%... No one, not even the best at this, are perfect... As Ritella rightly wrote, "everyone has good and bad typings.")

Simply put, by looking at someone and maybe speaking a few sentences with them to find out their interests, i.e. evaluating how they present themselves, one can VI them. (Thus, VI in this instance means "quickly type;" not "type by the way his chin looks" or any of that garbage.) I can put them into the right quadra with very high accuracy.

Here's how:

By typing many people--practicing almost everyday--I now have a huge database of type archetypes from which to draw when I meet/type a new person... For example, let's take celebrities b/c they enable everyone to discern what I'm talking about, (if one looks into it.)

Lou Reed, Michael Jordan, Dr. Phil, and Steve Wilkos.

They all look very different (although three are bald lol) ... They all present themselves differently, emphasizing different skills... They all, however, present themselves in typically ISTj ways. They are all reminiscent of other ISTjs I have met, or otherwise typed.

Thus it's likely, when I see a new ISTj, he reminds me of one of these people... After speaking with him for less than a minute, I will know his type, subtype, and how to communicate with him best...

Also, during conversation, I am more myself the entire time, if that makes any sense, whereas before I would sometimes people-please... B/c I know that my duals and members of my quadra will take what I say well.

I have made a bunch of new friends this year by doing this... It's really, really awesome, and I wish it for everyone here.

Making Socionics practical has to do with building this database of correct typings.

Simply put, many people here have either not been doing it right, or (those who have been doing it right) have been too meek in promoting their understanding... Leaving others here to wallow in their own half-assed Socionic off-shoot theories. (I wallowed in my own for awhile.)

This skill w/ typing makes it easy--and very practical--to start good relationships, and also avoid bad ones.

All this is by way of saying--and I am writing it just so that others can learn, because Socionics has been very helpful to me (best year of my life so far)--if one takes the time to learn how to type people via VI and dominant functions... Socionics can help improve lives in a very practical way.