Hi, I am trying to remember, but I feel like I HAVE done a bit of what Aylen does, slowing down. I remember tapping my brake lights to hold people back, becaseu I had seen my Dad(SLI) do it. However, viewing my own behavior I was not proud of it, and maybe becoming a Mom changed me. I just want to drive safe. So most of the time, almost all the time, if it is safe to do so, I signal, then brake, then I actually pull over - or drive slowly on the shoulder - so the speeder can pass. Usually I do this before they tailgate, I just sense they are impatient. If they are reckless and dangerous in their speeding I always say a prayer for them and all other drivers in their path. Sometimes if I am very annoyed, I say, Lord, please let them learn, and scare them if they need it, but don't let them get hurt.

Highway driving - if a speeder tailgates and I cannot change to a slower lane (like a car is BESIDE me), I will signal that I am going to change lanes even though obviously I can't yet. (Then I change lanes as soon as safely possible). If they don't back off, maybe i will slow down to get behind the car in the slow lane sooner, and with my signal on, its easy to see why I am slowing. At any rate, I act if I can, and if I cannot act at all - the road is crowded, i.e., I do an exaggerated "shrug" with my hands up and that works pretty much every time to make them back off till I can move over. Which tells me they are so fixed on going fast they did not even see that I could not move over.

So basically I yield to rude drivers, and feel sorry for their choice to drive aggressively and put their lives in danger.

My LSE brother used to drive too close for comfort. I have never seen him be an angry driver though. l do not remember him ever yelling at drivers like my ESE-ex sometimes did (which could have been his anger issues and not his type). Instead LSE brother would focus on driving efficiently and FAST. Yes, once we were driving to Pennsylvania to visit colleges that we had both been to for a year, sort of near each other but Pennsylvania is a huge state, covered with woods, its a long drive on the highways. And we were on college-student budgets. He was driving a tiny cheap old car, and we rode there and back tailgating one tractor-trailer trucks after another, in order get in the wind stream pocket behind them and save on gas. That did not feel entirely safe. However, I felt a certain safety with him. Like, he was in no way a distracted driver. I remember on the way home we were both broke, but on his suggestion we pooled our bits of change and we stopped at a rest area - the one that was about 90 min. from home, last leg of the trip, so, just when we'd be tired - and he knew we had just enough money for a small cup of coffee to split.

This same brother that year used to drive me to my local community college (that I went to that next year), on his way to his college. For efficiently, he would shower in the morning and not dry his longish thick hair. Nope, after folding his 6'+ frame in the tiny car he get on the highway and roll down the window and drive with his tall head stuck out the window to dry his hair...