Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
Wow, you will upset an LSE by matching the speed to the vehicle next to you and thereby blocking the road and yes sometimes LSE get into a rush because they never have time.
If they are doing that to me then why should I care that they are upset that they can't pass for a few moments. I think it is rude to ride someone's tail like that and especially rude when they honk while doing it. Like I said I drive in the right lane except to pass so if someone is doing that to me they are obviously ignoring the traffic and outer conditions that might have me driving the way I am. It just seems to me that any person doing it lacks awareness and/or consideration of the situation.

If I am spacing out a bit, and someone comes up on me fast, I will realize it is my fault for spacing and I will move over the first chance I get. Most people do not tailgate or blow their horn when this happens but I sense I am annoying them so I move. I can see it from their side of things since I have the option to get over. I am aware and considerate of other people on the road for the most part. I am especially careful with bikers because I have been on the back of a bike many times and people have come very close to hitting us for various reasons.

I've had an LSE in a white truck tailgate me, honking and cursing at a stop sign. I couldn't go because of odd traffic that was blocking the road ahead. Once the LSE u-turned around me and got a glimps of me shaking my head in disapproval he smiled and thus I saw that he didn't mean any harm by it. I too smiled back and he went on his way.
Did you explain to him later why this was not your fault and why he should be more considerate though?