Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
I agree. I reread op and even though chips did not take these things as "hints", I find them very explicit in a diplomatic way. I am pretty sure the supervisor knows she is having real difficulty and not just someone with uncontrolled anger issues or something similar.

These aren't just hints to me. It is someone trying to gently help me out before it's too late. We can't be the only ones here who sees it as explicit?
That's what I thought as well - it seemed rather explicit to me. I also think that given that you are a floater and not being able to work at one branch won't have much of an impact on your employment (if I understand correctly), your supervisor might also have you in mind with that decision. If you have such issues with many patrons at this particular location, she might find that it would also benefit you to be freed of this responsibility and work at less stressful locations.

I would be curious about how she worded the decision that you can no longer work there.