You want me to explain the difference? I explained it simply in an unrelated discord. Shapiro argues emotionally with a backing of logic. It's unique that such a person has a master of Fe. Here's how I'd critique that song. I don't like it. Done. Streamlined for all that. If I said why I didn't like it? I don't like rap. If I said why I don't like rap? I'd clarify, I like some rap, but not that rap. There's different kinds of rap, that's the one I dislike. You could keep asking why, and you'll get a similarly terrible answer. It's as if I don't have any internal logic to back up what I just said.

However, if you want me to explain it well, I'd do a ton of preparation, and become Ben Shapiro's cousin for a while. Retreat into my hut, actually listen to the music. Then I'd say it's actually not bad. Bass line in the soprano, melody in the bass. Flipped it. Ah. I like a nice sonorous sound to my music. It's good. Really good. See, the words mean nothing to me, it's everything else. I could honestly agree with him about the lyrics though, they probably suck.

I'll look. This isn't Drake speaking about himself. This is an example of him talking as if he's someone else. Nice Fi polr against an Fi user, Drake. I mean, it's nothing personal, I suck at figuring out how to help people in crisis. Give me a crying woman, and you'll get a crying me. Not really, but that's essentially what happened once between me and my mom. She says something incredibly depressing, I try and work it out. Then I solve it. She says no I won't do that. I break down. All's good now, we're a lot more ready to communicate with each other now and actually do indeed listen to each other.

For fun, I'd love for someone who knows Ben Shapiro to ask him to explain why Yee is a well respected meme.