I just started to date an INTJ. Its going quite stellarly. We just don't seem to tire conversation wise. He said something very sweet and romantic yesterday, that I was his 'goddess'.
What I found funny was that, my last INTJ bf used to refer to me as his goddess.
Is this something INTJ's do? Propel their mate to goddess status?
I haven't had any other bf's do it...well cept an INFJ who called me his Princess but I felt it was just more of an endearing term than anything.
BTW, very fun to be an INTJ's goddess. They seem so factual most of the time that you don't get to see that romantic, giving, and playful side of them. Already the INTJ I'm dating now is far more giving than most guy's I've dated (besides my previous 6 year INTJ relationship).
I tend to give a lot back and love reciprocating. I'm just as creative about it as they are so its like two kids spoiling each other. I don't recall actually any other couple going to the lengths we would for each other.
Digressing from topic here....
The reason it didn't work out is actually pretty complicated and relating to a whole series of events which occurred. I felt I needed a separation period and wanted to move out for a few months to get my head back on straight. He had let some self-destructive behavior into his life that was having a pretty big impact on me. He refused to deal with it at the time.
Between him not giving me any space to reflect (our heads were so wrapped up in each other, its hard to explain but without space from him, I didn't feel I could figure out how "I" felt about everything) and several other people getting involved, it created a situation that I no longer wanted to have anything to do with.
He had let a gold digger in his life and was under her advisement. She was filling his head with poisen thoughts which were not true. I was hurt he even believed them in the first place. I think he kind of was hoping that I would go to him and say, kick her out I'm coming back. I'm just not the type to ever do something like that. Instead, I walked away.
It felt like it was ripping my soul apart, but I detached...when I detach I don't re-attach ever again. I still feel sorry for him sometimes though. He is extremely loyal and a dedicated mate. Despite everything and having no contact with him for 4 years, I still think very highly of him. The woman he ended up with is nothing more than a gold digger who doesn't work and can't hold down a job. She's extremely lazy and a complete coach potatoe.
Before him, she was on welfare and trying to befriend old people so they'd leave her money in their wills. She is a master manipulator though that wiggled her way into his life while he was vunerable after our breakup. She was a friend of a friend who had heard about my separation from a successful guy who lavished gifts on me. She befriended me and even kept encouraging me to leave him actually.
She used my knowledge I had confided in her of him to get in. It certaintly wasn't her physical appearance, actual intelligence, or good morals.
I don't know if I was more hurt over the relationship ending or that I was replaced with THAT.