View Poll Results: Christopher Walken's type?

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  • EIE (ENFj)

    2 66.67%
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  • ILI (INTp)

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  • LIE (ENTj)

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  • IEE (ENFp)

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  • SLI (ISTp)

    1 33.33%
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Thread: Christopher Walken

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  1. #1
    xkj220's Avatar
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    What are you talking about? If he's especially renown for something, it's for his blunt, deadpan delivery. The way he articulates everything speaks of Te. He also seems kind of cranky. If he's not ILI he's LIE. Another option would be LII. I'm more inclined to think that his ignoring is Ti or Te, than Ni or Ne, and I'm pretty sure that he's an NT.

  2. #2
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    yes he's more vague and relaxed than a typical EIE. I don't know enough ENFj-Nis to say.. ENFj-Ni is possible. INTp is a hard sell, but not impossible.. given he is an actor and has developed his acting talent into his unique style, that may account for his expressiveness which is not really that strong. His 'thinking out loud' acting philosophy is a Ni take on acting if there ever was one. It's not an Fe take. Which way it goes depends on whether you interpret his expressiveness as conscious and developed or stemming from his type. He is not INFp, he is a dynamic type.

  3. #3
    Ti centric krieger's Avatar
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    How is ENFj not hard to sell? What makes this guy so extroverted then? He is subdued and quiet in most of his roles.

    This video shows him making several blunt Te-ish statements. "Don't suppose you could be tad more specific.", "Don't do that.", etc.

  4. #4
    Ti centric krieger's Avatar
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    The thing about walken is that he doesn't ever do all the animated stuff along with his environment. He does them on his own terms. He is a very independent kind of actor that way. I don't think it looks like Fe at all.

  5. #5
    xkj220's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by labcoat View Post
    The thing about walken is that he doesn't ever do all the animated stuff along with his environment. He does them on his own terms. He is a very independent kind of actor that way. I don't think it looks like Fe at all.
    Correct. He always brings his own game.

    More vids:

    This one everybody should see before they die:

    (the way he speaks is clearly Te)

    Dailymotion - Christopher Walken 2003 interview - a Funny video

    Notice how pissed off he gets (although he tries to hide it) when Conan comments on his hair. PoRL hit maybe? ( I think conan o'brien is IEE btw)
    Last edited by xkj220; 11-23-2009 at 08:30 PM.

  6. #6
    JuJu's Avatar
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    Addressing some things in the above posts about Walken being INTp:

    * It sounds like xkj220 considers Socionics' extraversion = extroverted (socially.) In Socionics, "subdued" and "quiet" does not correlate to introversion--just as the opposite does not correlate to extroversion... I.e. Whether Walken appears "subdued" or "quiet" is not relevant to his Socionics type. (E.g. in Socionics, there are INTps who are more extroverted (socially) than ENFjs.)

    In Socionics, all that EXXx denotes is that ones leading function is extroverted; likewise IXXx denotes one's is introverted. In other words, one must listen to WHAT one says, not nec. HOW one says it.

    Sometimes it's tricky detecting whether one's leading function is introverted/extroverted; however, to someone well-versed, it's not very tricky to tell in one is "speaking" Te, Fe, Ti, etc. They all have their own particular ways of coming across--in what people talk express.

    So when someone says, "I don't think he looks Fe..." (as above.) All that tells me is they're (erroneously) evaluating looks, not content.

    In this case--even in the interview you posted, interview pt 2--Walken speaks of relationships/styles in the world of theatre, of funny accents he can do, of his upbringing, etc. He speaks of these easily and fluently, (i.e. without difficulty, as Te polrs, such as INTps/ISTps, usually do.) In Socionics, fluency in these topics connotes adroitness w Fe and Ni.

    In that interview, there is nothing that Walken says that connotes or denotes skill with/interest in Te. (If you detect something, however, I'm interested to know what it is.) IMO, INTp is not the correct type. (In terms of IM elements expressed, INFp is much more likely than INTp.)

    I'm writing this not to fight with you--I could care less what people here believe, and am no longer interested in persuading anyone... I'm trying to give an explanation.

  7. #7
    xkj220's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post
    Addressing some things in the above posts about Walken being INTp:

    * It sounds like xkj220 considers Socionics' extraversion = extroverted (socially.)
    Lol. I have never, ever said that. In fact, iirc there are few posts in my post history where I am presenting arguments against that view.

    In Socionics, "subdued" and "quiet" does not correlate to introversion--just as the opposite does not correlate to extroversion... I.e. Whether Walken appears "subdued" or "quiet" is not relevant to his Socionics type. (E.g. in Socionics, there are INTps who are more extroverted (socially) than ENFjs.)
    Nice try explaining stuff that you don't quite understand.

    In Socionics, all that EXXx denotes is that ones leading function is extroverted; likewise IXXx denotes one's is introverted. In other words, one must listen to WHAT one says, not nec. HOW one says it.
    Uh? Do you mean that WHAT is important or that HOW is important? Also, what is "nec"? Ah nvm, I got it now. Why is one important and not the other?

    Sometimes it's tricky detecting whether one's leading function is introverted/extroverted; however, to someone well-versed, it's not very tricky to tell in one is "speaking" Te, Fe, Ti, etc. They all have their own particular ways of coming across--in what people talk express.
    Yeah, and he speaks Te (IMHO).

    So when someone says, "I don't think he looks Fe..." (as above.) All that tells me is they're (erroneously) evaluating looks, not content.
    Looks you mean as in VI?
    In this case--even in the interview you posted, interview pt 2--Walken speaks of relationships/styles in the world of theatre, of funny accents he can do, of his upbringing, etc. He speaks of these easily and fluently, (i.e. without difficulty, as Te polrs, such as INTps/ISTps, usually do.) In Socionics, fluency in these topics connotes adroitness w Fe and Ni.
    I'm not sure IXTps are unable to speak about their emotions. Is that what Fe PoRL is? Is anybody who is able to speak about their stances and subjective thoughts on things a Fe + Ni, or Ni + Fe ego type? Are logical types unable to do impressions of people?

    In that interview, there is nothing that Walken says that connotes or denotes skill with/interest in Te. (If you detect something, however, I'm interested to know what it is.)
    "Skill/interest" in Te? I can tell that the way he structures his thoughts is Te. Look at it here. Don't make me look for particular statements that he makes to show as examples because it's tedious and I don't feel like it atm. Watch the interview that I posted.

    I'm writing this not to fight with you--I could care less what people here believe, and am no longer interested in persuading anyone... I'm trying to give an explanation.
    Sure, no worries. I don't know exactly what you are referring to, but just letting you know that I am genuinely interested in finding his type, and not arguing for the sake of arguing (which I find unproductive). I currently go by a theory that would make an EIE-Ni similar in some ways to an INTp, so it's possible. Anything else you can bring to the table will be appreciated.
    Last edited by xkj220; 11-23-2009 at 09:53 PM.

  8. #8
    Ti centric krieger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu
    *It sounds like xkj220 considers Socionics' extraversion = extroverted (socially.) In Socionics, "subdued" and "quiet" does not correlate to introversion--just as the opposite does not correlate to extroversion... I.e. Whether Walken appears "subdued" or "quiet" is not relevant to his Socionics type. (E.g. in Socionics, there are INTps who are more extroverted (socially) than ENFjs.)
    It is still the general trend that extroverts are louder and less subdued than introverts. While the fact that a person is quiet and subdued is not an end-all proof of the fact s/he is introverted, it is still an argument.

    In other words, if you're going to believe this:

    I.e. Whether Walken appears "subdued" or "quiet" is not relevant to his Socionics type.
    and really believe his level of social extroversion is not in any way relevant to his typing, you might as well throw all of socionics out of the window and say there isn't anything at all to base typings on.

  9. #9
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    yeah you're right he is INTP-Ni. It's clear in those interviews.

  10. #10
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    As I told xkj220 in PM, the more I watch of C. Walken, the more I believe that he's INFp.

    xkj220 is right, the way that Walken expresses himself is subdued, lacking the emphatic accenting typical of ENFj's speech, and sharp/tense/jittery gestures.

    His gaze/demeanor remind me of INFps like Bob Dylan, Tom Petty, Alice Cooper, etc.

    My judgement before about Walken being Ni-ENFj was too superficial... It took watching nearly an hour of interviews to get the typing correct.

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