Quote Originally Posted by Muddytextures View Post
Before when I talked about LSI being prone to being tricked into believing these weird conspiracy theories you said that was related to the low IQ of the individual and not Ni HA/Ne polr. If that is the case who is my ability to theorize better than a typical SLI can't also be related to IQ also rather then the strength of the intuitive functions? I always got an above average IQ score when tested in school and did better than most of the classmates I went to school with despite never studying and skipping a lot of homework.

In addition SLI has contact Logic and Intuition which can possibly make them very good at theorizing on-the-spot since they are to adapt and adjust their logic and intuition easily, albeit the theorizes themselves may be somewhat flimsy. LII in comparison has inert logic and that makes it harder for them to readily adjust their viewpoints and thus somewhat hamper their ability to theorize as flexibly as I do, although what they do say will be much more firm and carefully thought out, like @Avalonia's post. I also suspect a good amount of self-typed SLIs are actually LSE. My LSE step-dad describes himself as a "relaxed, easy-going person" despite him being a very obviously restless, "needing to be doing something productive" person. Our different rhythms of energy don't mix well at all which makes me very skeptical that my temperament is dual to his EJ temperament. On the other hand he seems to get along very well with other members in my family who are obvious IJ types.

Morals, by definition, is a person's standards of behavior or beliefs concerning what is and is not acceptable for them to do. They are a combination of Fi and Ti, not just Fi as this questionnaire would suggest. Therefore me not giving a fuck about the morality in society could be Ti demonstrative.
Alright, I'm not interested in you trying to supervise me. I've wasted enough time in the past on arguing with ILEs. I'm not doing it anymore.

I'll stick with ILE for your typing.

PS: nothing personal against you. But I clearly and distinctly recognize the pattern of communication and I know it leads nowhere, so saving time for both of us. Enjoy your typology stuff!