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    Quote Originally Posted by job View Post
    I think I will say one or perhaps two more things about this.

    The idea that Christianity promotes killing and such things is very strange.
    Christianity is subject to Mosaic law, promoting killing was common, especially concerning Christianity throughout history. Modern Christianity doesn't much adhere to Mosaic law anymore, and like other sources cited have noted, it has become largely compartmentalized and tamed.. Furthermore, Christians ought to know that Christ's law does not over-rule Mosaic law, Christ was to fulfill and enforce Mosaic law. Lastly, You seem to think the OT has nothing to do with the NT as if trying to say the orange peel has nothing to do with the orange.. Read the Bible, it most certainly promotes killing, and Christians worship and praise it whether they know it or not.

    There have been references made to the Old Testament with this discourse, and indeed, the Old Testament could be said to have some acts or discussions that were appropriate for the type of culture and barbaric difficulties that were faced at that time.
    I will repeat... Christianity is subject to Mosaic law... Early Christianity more closely followed Mosaic law, that which was much a part of the "Barbaric Difficulties " of their time.. Worse still, Christianity only promoted love and peace between fellow brothers and Christians.. Love thy neighbor doesn't mean what you think it does...

    The New Testament is indeed that, a New Covenant, which Jesus came to die for our sins and to establish this New Covenant, the New Testament, and first and foremost as Christians, followers of Christ, the New Testament is what Christians adhere too. Is Christianity a violent religion? Does Christianity condone killing?
    Sorry, the New Covenant was as violent as the last, and is not subject to succession..
    Anyone who has read the bible will know that the Christian message is a message of peace and love, and simple Google searches of Christianity can confirm this.
    Yeah, because this is all about "Peace and love":

    * In Matthew 25:41, Jesus says: "Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting FIRE,. . ."
    * Mark 16:15-16 15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. 16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be condemned to hell.
    * Matthew 10:35-37 35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. 36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. 37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
    * Luke 14:26 26 If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.
    * Matthew 10:34 34 "Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.

    * 2 Peter 3:7 And by the same word, the present heavens and earth have been stored up for fire. They are being kept for the day of judgment, when ungodly people will be destroyed.
    I think you have a different definition of peace and love than the rest of us do.. And I am not sure if you have bothered to read Matthew in which discusses those who bear bad fruit ought to be cast into the fire..., and largely in reference to "Devils", (Goats), to which are reference to worshipers and the gods of others.. Basically Matthew is saying that the penalty for Idolatry is death to which must be cast into the lake of fire.. Jesus himself promoted Genocide:
    6:10 And he (Jesus) said unto them, In what place soever ye enter into an house, there abide till ye depart from that place.
    6:11 And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear you, when ye depart thence, shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them. Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city.
    Well, what happened to Sodom and Gomorrha Job?... Basically Jesus just said that any city that doesn't receive him shall utterly be destroyed and face a far worse fate than had Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgement.. He further goes on and makes the same threat to anyone that doesn't accept his disciples . Hence burn all the infidels that don't bow, praise, or worship Jesus their lord savior from himself..., err his father Yahweh depending on Sect of Christianity you belong to.

    Of course, there have been people who have used Christianity, the name of being Christian, who have carried out large scale acts in history which are not Christian in their ethos. This is of course not Christianity, but people who do this. Christianity does not cause wars, people cause these wars and many tools have been used as an excuse to start a war in history.
    Oh but it is...

    I will ask, does science cause wars?
    No.., science is a methodology... , it's not even an ideology

    Is science evil?
    How can a methodology be evil, it has no doctrine .. You are trying to compare a religion to that of a methodology

    Let us consider the biggest war and in our recent history, World War 2. World War 2, in particular Nazi Germany, was a war based in science, the science of what is called eugenics.
    Eugenics is a philosophy on improving the human population through genetics, the science in regards to genetics really has nothing to do with causing wars. The science behind genetics has no doctrine or philosophy to say to go and do bad things to people. People do that, and religions with religious doctrines can and do promote it. You cannot honestly compare your religion to science.., it's incoherent to do so.
    So is science evil?

    Science killed all these people and committed atrocities on people?
    No it didn't and neither did it tell anyone to.. Again I must stress that science is a methodology, not an ideology or religion.. Yes, science can be used to do bad things as can a religion, but again science doesn't have a doctrine to which promotes such things or tells people that they must commit atrocities.. That is what religion does.. I never once opened a science book that has ever told me to kill non-believers, or to go bomb a city of civilians.. I have never once read a science paper that promoted genocide of people who don't bow down and praise science.. For this discussion, I would strongly recommend reading "The Island Of Dr Monroe" ...

    Science is not evil, it is people who use tools for their own ends that can cause horrific things to happen, and that is the same with many things.
    Correct..., but again religions have scriptures and doctrines to which lay out their moral standings, ideological beliefs, and what they should and should not do in accordance to there of.. There is a huge difference between Dominion theologies such as Christianity and the Scientific methodology . Hence, a religion in this case is like telling me I should stab an infidel in the eye and kill him or her. Science on-the-other-hand could be used as a tool to figure out how to best do that, but it in itself doesn't tell me to, encourage me to, or demand that I do.. Science doesn't try and coerce me to, or give me a reason to commit such atrocities.

    Most people whom an individual knows who refers to themself as Christian, are people who like others, they attend places of employment, have relationships, various hobbies and interests. As Christians, they may attend a religious service, they may partake in charity work or helping people and are inspired to do this in part at least due to their Christian values.
    Correct.. There are a lot of peaceful and charitable Christians.. However, the religion itself is contrary to that by doctrine.. It tells them that they are worthless, it tells them to worship Jesus or be damned, it tells them that they must hate themselves and their lives to be worthy of Jesus... Christianity tells people to kill their kids if should they dishonor and disobey them.. Christianity is also a religion that praises Yahweh, one of the most blood stained and vile deities in known literature..

    They are not monsters, they may live next door to you or somewhere that you meet them, and the discourse of this thread to say that these individuals, Christians, are evil, genocidal maniacs apparently, is so far removed from the message of Christianity and so far removed from the lives of the various individual Christians that I refer to, that the discourse of this thread is indeed strange and indeed far removed from what is really occurs, that it is very very bizarre.
    I would say most aren't even though their religion most certainly is. So does Christianity condone killing? Yes it does, and does so by doctrine whether or not a Christian does or doesn't
    Last edited by TheJackal; 01-31-2016 at 11:26 PM.

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