I don't know if this is type related or not. Just curious what ya'll think.
What type is most likely to be lifelong learner and have an incredible memory. When they talk to you, they don't tend to relate to you in the way everyone else does, instead they give you the gift of knowledge and fill you with trivia?
They also dislike the rules and constraints of working in a traditional work environment. Often late compared to other employees but can get away with it because they just so know so much and are so valuable.
They are more than book smart (although they are that too) but are very creative and inventive at solving problems and getting things done.
They also tend to be very diverse and seem to know and experience a lot but are far too detail oriented to be an ENTP.
Edit: PS these are often just facts they are discussing rather than detailed theories. They can come up with new ideas, just when discussing I can definately feel I'm conceptualizing why they are doing something else.
We definately relate on almost every topic and in a non-threatening way. But they tend to give to you in facts because that seems to be their quest. They absorb knowledge in away others don't seem to.