Quote Originally Posted by Ellyan View Post
I would have to say yes to EP for him. I have seen him on cam, watched him walk around his neighborhood and drive his car. EP make the most sense for him if I go by the descriptions. He is pretty energetic when doing stuff and he seems to always be doing something. He is fast too. He can get 10 things done while I am still looking up how to do the one thing. He can get impatient when people are not doing something fast enough or are in his way of doing something. hahah He also can appear pretty relaxed on cam and then burst into activity. Fun to watch but sometimes hard to keep up with his energy. He has a way of making me go faster and want to keep up but not competitively.

Sometimes when I talk to him I feel like I had a double espresso and get a burst of energy from him, even if I was tired. I don't view him as pushy. He is motivating for me but not sure how others take him. He is always changing things up in group chat and sometimes will post something shocking in the middle of an ordinary conversation that makes me laugh but seems to bother some delta types (not always a forum member). He is very open-minded but it doesn't mean you can easily change his mind. He spots manipulation easily. If he goes along with it, it is for his own reasons and he might change his mind rather quickly and take another direction.

Typical characteristics

impulsive, shifting from apparent inactivity to bursts of energy, often several times a day, showing impatience during them
walk is energetic but "cat-like"
often seems optimistic and open-minded
entertains people easily and naturally
inclined to fidget when forced to remain inactive for long periods

EPs are both static and irrational, so they perceive reality as mostly not changing, and when it does, it's in abrupt "leaps" from one state to another. An EP is bothered by the lack of change, especially as seen through his leading function, since his personal preference is for change. That makes him impulsive, with sudden bursts of action, energy, or even just thought, as he tries to get his perceptions "moving".

As extroverts, EPs tend to be feel that it is up to them to initiate contacts with other people, and EPs in particular tend to feel quite natural in that role.

Perception of other temperaments

EJ: EPs perceive EJs as active but too restless and nervous, slightly annoying due to a lack of sense of spontaneity.
IP: EPs perceive IPs as pleasantly flexible and responsive to their initiatives, sometimes too unpredictable but for that very reason never boring.
IJ: EPs perceive IJs as too predictable and boring, too unwilling to do things on the spur of the moment.
Yeah, some good stuff here for sure.