Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
All of that is true, I think; but in addition women also want to know you're tactful, discerning, in control of yourself, and hold them and yourself in high regard. Not saying you're guilty of transgressing any of those virtues, but I can envision a LIE being so direct it gives off a negative vibe, even though it meets your initial criteria maybe it goes beyond and has negative implications as well. I always tend to criticise LIE's in this regard, i.e.: being overkill, and I'm not saying this is definitely happening and that you're putting out a lizard man vibe, but I can say I have seen such things as a matter of personal experience.

Its funny Trump comes up, because he takes this to 11, whereas LIEs, as a matter of degree, aren't that extreme, but they do suffer from overshooting the mark which is what produces the questionable vibe at issue

"grab them by the pussy" is 8w7 in a nutshell, in a bad way
No, I am socially calibrated. I posted earlier about not being highly "sexualized" and hitting on girls everywhere. I find a lot of women attractive, but am attracted to very few. The ones I do want after some tension and flirting.............bigtime eye contact. I already have some rapport built with them.

Only bold and confident women hit on you blatantly and show interest, the shy ones want to see your interest before they put themselves out there. Women are coy with me, wondering if I am into them..........I let them know that I am.