I think socionics as a 'science' is real concrete in saying some relationships are better than others. What I wanna know is how other people feel personally about this, especially if you are in a relationship. Socionics says dualization is the optimal relationship for marriage, and I gotta agree out of first hand experience. But what about other people who are in relationships which aren't dual? Ranging from good(look a like, illusionary) to bad(conflict, quasi-identical). I wonder what socionics recommends for socionics marriage conseloers(horrible butchering of my own language) ? Say, well this is why you are having the problems, so to fix them you must break it and find a dual or live with these problems for the rest of your relationship. In other words, can relationships be 'accounted for' as in consciously trying to change the relationship with better knowledge of the nature of it, or simply are what they are and will never change. Also, do you or would you want to date someone who is not your dual, assuming you understand socionics and subscribe to it's theory?
Now that I've asked the question, lemme give you my opinion... From personal experience this is my stance. Other people, they can have whatever relationship they want, it won't bother me. But I know people who will stay in bad relationships(bad as in bad socionics relationships and bad as in bad literal, anybody would say they're bad relationships) thinking 'We can fix this, this will past'. Personally I think those people are doomed and will continue to have problems or even neuroses because of trying to 'fix' an unfixable relationship. But not from knowing socionics theory, but simply seeing a bad relationship and saying, you know, sometimes people just don't work together. Personally, I've had dual relationships, and they've been the closest I've ever had. Before I knew about socionics. I would never consider a non dual for marriage, but I'd date almost anyone(besides conflict probablly) at least as much as I could stand(out of curiousity and out of trying to get laid of course). I see socionics relationships as Baskins Robbins, gotta try all 14(or 13) flavors.