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Thread: Could I be SLE? LOL

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    Oh and yeah....where exactly does the idea about ESE's (as alpha SF's) not being image conscious comes from? They're like people who most of all try to look and act perfect at all times. And they're not particularly humble or always genuine either.
    OK, well perhaps it is just a matter of proper terms. What if we use "character" instead of "image", makes more sense? Whoever keeps the type descriptions in mind, and the difference between Alpha SF and Beta NF, would know what it is about, it's all there. However, you are right that "image" is quite an ambiguous term and greatly depends on the context, it may mean both "looks/aspect" or "character/persona", with the later being used here, denothing this Beta NF particularity.

    Re genuineness: not sure how can we define it to accomodate them all - but I think Alpha SFs are rather prone to tell what they feel in a straightforward manner, to the point of being naïve or deconspire themselves when not intended, while Beta NFs use strategies for certain impacts. Sure, they are not pragmatist either, I'm not saying that.
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScarlettLux View Post
    Wow hahah people really still don't think I'm EIE. I honestly never knew until now people had doubts about that.. seems like SEE is the main type being considered, and now ESE is being suggested..

    I really, really, really am not ESE. I am the anti-thesis of ESE, imo. I have strong and very, very weak that manifests in itself being very concerned / uncomfortable with health, food, day to day activities.. Unable to relax, unable to take care of these "trivial matters" as I see them... I can't understand the sensations in my body and I'm hyper aware as a result, I have had bouts of hypochondria and such. Also, I completely resonate with Beta quadra themes -- very passionate, conquering despite suffering, the drama + emotionalism..

    To be perfectly honest I *KNOW* I'm extraverted Beta and yeah, I do tend to come across random I suppose and happy go lucky... but that's when I'm actually happy in life. I've recently gone through a very dark time in my life and now this is the true me, I suppose.

    Sorry, I'll reply more later.
    What you wrote here does sound EIE enough. I still don't see SLE tho'.

    Also, I was talking to someone about Fe demonstrative and EIE > SEE is more likely by what we discussed. According to them, there are no SEE's that use Fe in the way you do, as your Fe is very vibrant, persistent and somewhat explosive in nature. In the case of SEE and IEE, in comparison to EIE's Fe which is too bright from the POV of Fe PoLR, it's like there's a shade over Fe demonstrative emotionality so it's dimmer but for that reason more pleasant to the Fe PoLR types.

    One more thing, I saw your photos in an older thread, you VI as EIE or at least beta NF pretty much, tho' I'm not big on/am skeptical about VI in most cases, I do have a clear enough opinion on yours.

    And no worries take your time with the replies but yea I would definitely like to hear from you about my earlier post Even though I do lean towards EIE for you, I'm still interested in that.

  3. #43
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    I too vote for EIE for the OP. I don't get any SLE vibes at all. Too much Fe for IEI.

    I don't think you are SEE either because SEE's absolutely hate admitting that they don't know something. When they are forced to get an ask someone for an answer, they want the shortest and most straightforward answer possible. You on the other hand constantly seek out the opinions of others. An SEE having people constantly break things down in fine detail for them would be like, "FUCK U I KNOW WHAT I AM DOING DON'T TRY TO TELL ME DIFFERENTLY YOU DIPSHIT!!!!".

    Fe base is super obvious. I don't know enough to make a judgement between ESE and EIE, but you say you have Si problems, so I'll take your word for it and go with EIE.
    Last edited by Muddy; 09-09-2015 at 11:43 PM.

  4. #44
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    Ftr my opinion is not strong either way, so I'm perfectly fine with EIE. SEE doesn't make perfect sense anyway. Not to mention I've never even seen you talk : )

    What I'm not on board with is typing primarily by quadra values. There's a bunch of other types that often come off very Beta, passionate or whatever, as @Aylen has mentioned, plenty of sp lasts and EPs, E7's. Also, every LSI I've known is the opposite of Beta.

    I'm also not down with "Beta extrovert" way of typing. EIE and SLE girls are not similar at all in most cases (that goes for LSI and IEI as well or any other activity relation ), but I know many disagree.

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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    What I'm not on board with is typing primarily by quadra values. There's a bunch of other types that often come off very Beta, passionate or whatever, as @Aylen has mentioned, plenty of sp lasts and EPs, E7's. Also, every LSI I've known is the opposite of Beta.
    Yeah I'm kinda like, the stereotypical Beta is such EIE stuff. If you read a bit deeper then it's not just about that stuff, though So I never had issues with determining that I relate to Beta quadra the most.

    I'm also not down with "Beta extrovert" way of typing. EIE and SLE girls are not similar at all in most cases (that goes for LSI and IEI as well or any other activity relation ), but I know many disagree.
    I think on the surface they can appear similar for a short time. EIE/SLE and IEI/LSI. It's superficial, sure. But it's fooled me before, well mostly when I was more of a beginner.

  6. #46
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    I think on the surface they can appear similar for a short time. EIE/SLE and IEI/LSI. It's superficial, sure. But it's fooled me before, well mostly when I was more of a beginner.[/QUOTE]

    We'll have to agree to disagree I've noticed these kind of mess ups happen when you only watch a person for a very limited time (as in a video) and you start to over-analyze. Otherwise, if you know them, no way you confuse LSI with IEI, completely different people.

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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    I think on the surface they can appear similar for a short time. EIE/SLE and IEI/LSI. It's superficial, sure. But it's fooled me before, well mostly when I was more of a beginner.
    We'll have to agree to disagree I've noticed these kind of mess ups happen when you only watch a person for a very limited time (as in a video) and you start to over-analyze. Otherwise, if you know them, no way you confuse LSI with IEI, completely different people.
    Note I did say it's for a short time. Nothing to disagree about here.

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    I'm dating an SLE, whose dad is LSI, and the SLE's diminished Ni is painfully OBVIOUS - SeTiFeNi

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    Since I'm feeling rather disturbed by your lack of discernment and generous at the same time, famous female SLEs include: Cameron Diaz, Fergie, Jennifer Aniston, Marilyn Monroe and Lucille Ball ... "I Love Lucy" ... while female LSIs include: Scarlett Johansson, Julia Roberts, Hillary Clinton, Angela Merkel and Angela Lansbury.

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    And the most unbelievable thing about all of these Beta antics is that my EIE aunt, who's Socionics ignorant, recently mentioned Hillary Clinton LSI and Lucille Ball SLE on her own accord - Hillary Clinton wanting to become our first female president and Lucille Ball being highly ingenious and astute in her use of slapstick humor.
    LSIs are natural dictators while SLEs are conquerors.
    Last edited by IBTL; 09-10-2015 at 03:56 PM. Reason: This shit ain't that hard to figure out...

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    Last but not least, if LSIs are paranoids (Ti dominants with Se egos) then SLEs (Se egos with Ti and Fe internalized functions in constant turmoil Se[TiFe]Ni) are borderlines, as in Borderline Personality Disorder.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by William View Post
    1. Pretty much everything you do is in-the-moment. I don't see any Ni Beta NF warnings of the repercussions of starting something which will lead to a disaster later down the road, or patience when it comes to different viewpoints. Your style is drastically different than someone like Starfall. She might like you and 'claim' you as a Beta NF because she likes you, but that doesn't mean functionally that you're a Beta NF. Consider how she or other IEIs or ILIs act when they don't like someone or don't like an idea - they may distance themselves from it or criticize it passive-aggressively. But no, you tend to charge head-on into the conflict. Even an EIE can be more behind-the-scenes, if you consider someone like Jadae - you, however, are more in-the-moment.

    2. There's little to no understanding of patience over time or seeing the sequence of how things progress. I haven't seen any ability from you to delve to the true essence of things, or to vocalize your impressions in the way Ni egos do.

    3. You have little patience for pure theory, preferring to learn conversationally. @nondescript already spelled out a very theoretical answer for you which you blatantly shot down with a smug "I could not read any of this lmao.. I'm sorry." It's not a *bad* thing, it's just people learn in different ways - and typically Sensors struggle more with pure theory.

    4. There's also very little randomness or generation of new connections/ideas/theories for you to be Ne-ego. Ne-ego for you is also completely out of the question. You don't easily see how things are connected or related to one another.

    Those are simply my impressions. I think being SF is much more likely for you, be it Gamma SF or Alpha SF - again, however you classify Fe & Fi and Se and Si. I would personally lean more towards SEE for you - it has the same Se-leading which you are now considering, but no Ti.

    And not to be rude about it, but to hammer my point home of no Ti - I also think there is something to be said of a start date of October 2005, and almost 10 years later, in September 2015, to be still wondering one's type, and whether you have the ability to analyze new pieces of information like a Ti ego would. I don't think a true Ti-ego would be wondering their type 10 years later - at least not likely, without a valid reason.

    I apologize if any of this was overly critical or rude, but I'm trying to keep it constructive. Have a good day.
    Maybe she's just retarded.
    Anything you have said that S or F can't do can, imo, be done by not so retarded SF people. IMO, most of what you said is just common sens, unless in extreme "intuitive" personalities (by intuitive I mean that they get things without even touching to the theory and get similar or better results than people who do).
    For exemple I've a technician@work who when he explained things to me (when I was not used to his talking style) would mean strictly nothing. He just said pieces of information and would suppose you get all the stuff in between the two pieces of information he just gave you otherwise he'd be very annoyed to explain it to you. Morever the pieces of information would be related more to how he "felt" things than how they really were in reality.

    I don't mean to be mean but that's something I've realized, personality type, unless very "intuitive", don't have any relation with what you have said up there. They can tell us that someone might have more trouble understanding something because it doesn't *fit* its strong functions, but it doesn't mean that someone would completely give up or not notice. Hence it's more the person being completely retarded.

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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    EIE is not a bad typing, but there's always this nagging voice in my head that you're a sensor - the way you approach the theory, talk about your life...
    What is that way like, other than what she's displayed in the recent threads - those are the only ones I've seen. Can you specify this a bit more? I'm asking because I'm thinking of a friend who's most definitely beta NF and she talks in a way that can come off as pretty "simplistic" first but she has strong Ni actually. Beats mine easily heh. And very Fe, as well, no way that it's just demonstrative Fe, too consistently there to be demonstrative.

  14. #54
    from toronto with love ScarlettLux's Avatar
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    Fuck you Mega, honestly. So fucking rude. GTFO if you can't contribute anything constructive or worthwhile without resorting to calling me "retarded".

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  15. #55
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    I type in a very, very colloquial way... this doesn't in any way, mean I am less "intuitive" or intelligent.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ScarlettLux View Post
    I type in a very, very colloquial way... this doesn't in any way, mean I am less "intuitive" or intelligent.
    That's part of what I was referring to when talking about my beta NF friend a couple posts above

  17. #57
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    I'm doing my Master's degree in OT, I've always excelled at academics.. I think I come across differently here as I don't show that side of me..

    What exactly are YOU doing, Mega?

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  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScarlettLux View Post
    Fuck you Mega, honestly. So fucking rude. GTFO if you can't contribute anything constructive or worthwhile without resorting to calling me "retarded".
    Se demonstrative?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddytextures View Post
    Se demonstrative?
    I don't think so, what specifically seems demonstrative about this?

    PS: lol about analysing SL's and Mega's drama
    PS2: I'm not saying it's ok to call SL a retard

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    I don't think so, what specifically seems demonstrative about this?

    PS: lol about analysing SL's and Mega's drama
    PS2: I'm not saying it's ok to call SL a retard
    Its seems like a classic example of sporadic Se use. You don't see SL going around saying anything like that in any of her other post, but when mega said something "Rude" she suddenly became very outspoken and confrontational towards him. Mega's post sounded a lot like something an ILI would say e.g insulting someone's intelligence in a sarcastic manner, which seemed to strike a nerve with her.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddytextures View Post
    Its seems like a classic example of sporadic Se use. You don't see SL going around saying anything like that in any of her other post, but when mega said something "Rude" she suddenly became very outspoken and confrontational towards him. Mega's post sounded a lot like something an ILI would say e.g insulting someone's intelligence in a sarcastic manner, which seemed to strike a nerve with her.
    Eh it could be any function position going by that, Se HA is also in Vital ring.

    It didn't seem sarcastic or personal*, do they even know each other?

    *: tho yeah, very... not fitting in any way whatsoever

  22. #62
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    Wtf... really?!

    Anyway, I wasn't equating sensor with simple/dumb in any way. If anything, the following explanation will sound simplistic. Intuitives I know overanalyze and overthink theory in a way sensors don't. It's like a feeling of spiriling more and more into the air of theoretical, with nothing to ground it, Be it when talking about human relations or something technical , depends what they're interested in. It's just a distinct feeling of people who are removed from imidiate physical world and not in the moment- it's always about something about the future, how the future should be or will be, or how the present moment could be different etc..There's a severe lack of practical implication if you put a bunch of intuitives together, the talk will *always* somehow end up in nihilistic philosophy/weird theories/theories no one gives a shit about . Intuitives are also in most cases way more offbeat and eccentric in the way they think, with more unusual thinking process and quirkier outlook on the world, which happens because they overthink everything .When I say overthink, that's got nothing to do with intelligence. You can have a bunch of theories, novel ideas and think yourself to death, and still be stupid and all your ideas don't make senes, or are just plain wrong and unusable.

    With EIE's I know, when you talk to them for a longer time irl, there's no doubt they're intuitive - they're all about the future and how things should be and what's wrong (LIE's on the other hand can be more tricky from my experiece).

    Whenever I spend too much time with my intuitive friends and I sit down with some sensors, it's like...thank fucking god someone put a stop on this endless, useless and time-consuming theorizing. So I actually prefer sensors as friends and partners.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    What is that way like, other than what she's displayed in the recent threads - those are the only ones I've seen. Can you specify this a bit more? I'm asking because I'm thinking of a friend who's most definitely beta NF and she talks in a way that can come off as pretty "simplistic" first but she has strong Ni actually. Beats mine easily heh. And very Fe, as well, no way that it's just demonstrative Fe, too consistently there to be demonstrative.

    To me, Scarlett's response to the guy that gave her more theoretical explanation, is unusual for intuitive person or for someone who's been on this forum for so long, and is trying to get to the bottom of their typing process. It just shows she's not interested in this topic in particular depth, which is unusual for Beta NF's I know. That's got nothing to do with her being unintellegent, it just shows disinterest. I'd say the same if someone would try to explain the theory behind airplanes to me- cause I don't give a shit why they manage to fly.

    I know EIE's are supposed to be THE type that thinks they're every other type and just keep circling around, but I am skeptical of that. Imo, intuitives usually know very well they are intuitives, as soon as they grasp what the concept of intuition means. It's some sensors that struggle with the understanding of this devide, as they are just so "on the ground" they don't even get that some other weirdos are not : ) The intuitive friends that are familiar with the theory are also very good at singling out other intuitives in person, while sensors usually resort to outside markers of some sort..."oh, this person wears eccentric glasses or goes to such and such school, or plays an weird instrument...he must be intuitive....". While with intuitives, it's more like an intuitive feel that someone is on an alternative reality like you. That's ofc impossible to do over internet. Besides, intuition fails us sometimes...ok, more then sometimes : ).

    I also personaly have never met a truly dumb Beta NF - they're usually above average in intelligence (subjective but whatever). But ofc, one is always dumber than some other, so if you're only hanging out with half geniuses (who are usually NT's ime) or you yourself have genius IQ, than I'm sure everybody else seems dumb in comparison : D Some people here are also so fucking pretentious (I'm looking at you, E5's), that gossiping or being concerned in what you wear makes you an imbecile in their eyes. Whatever, if that makes them feel good about themselves, so be it. Each of us have our own criteria and ways of making ourselves feel better than others anyway.

    There's also many different ways of being intelligent. Ti users probably find everybody who sucks at Ti dumb , but at the same time I could find somebody dumb, because he can't put together two sentences about the message of some movie we've watched together, or the big picture message completely flies over their head, because they suck at reading human condition or symbolicism. But I don't, cause often these people are way more intelligent than me in other fields. So Ti-ing all over the place is just a certain kind of intelligence and if someone can only see value in their kind of intelligence that shows dumbness by itself.

    Again, I'm really not trying to say Scarlett isn't EIE, it's more than possible she is and there are some cultural differences at play here. I'm just pointing out things that don't make sense for me perfectly with seeing her as EIE. There are a bunch of things that don't click for other typings as well.

    Can I get a star for the most diplomatic post toward every single human now ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    Wtf... really?!
    Yeah wtf.

    Anyway, I wasn't equating sensor with simple/dumb in any way. If anything, the following explanation will sound simplistic.
    I totally get what you are getting at but depending on circumstances I think you may fail to detect right away that detachment from the tangible world.. at least here online? Also, on the surface you yourself have certainly appeared as sounding all very practical and whatnot, to me, in certain circumstances. SL does mention that she will gladly talk about weird theory stuff when she gets deep into talking with someone.

    Btw LIE's, I have no problem seeing them as intuitive, for some reason. I guess this is all influenced by our own worldviews

    To me, Scarlett's response to the guy that gave her more theoretical explanation, is unusual for intuitive person or for someone who's been on this forum for so long, and is trying to get to the bottom of their typing process. It just shows she's not interested in this topic in particular depth, which is unusual for Beta NF's I know. That's got nothing to do with her being unintellegent, it just shows disinterest. I'd say the same if someone would try to explain the theory behind airplanes to me- cause I don't give a shit why they manage to fly.
    The thing is, that guy, nondescript, was giving an explanation that was hardly readable by most people, confirmed intuitives included, because of the lack of paragraphs and other formatting issues. I had no problem reading it as I'm not sensitive to such problems but I found it was not really very theoretical in the way an intuitive would write it (nondescript is a S type). I would not use this incident as valid proof for any sort of typing.

    I know EIE's are supposed to be THE type that thinks they're every other type and just keep circling around, but I am skeptical of that. Imo, intuitives usually know very well they are intuitives, as soon as they grasp what the concept of intuition means. It's some sensors that struggle with the understanding of this devide, as they are just so "on the ground" they don't even get that some other weirdos are not : )
    Hahaha you got that right, I had no idea such weirdos are out there like you intuitives. I mean I did assume they worked the same way I do...

    I also personaly have never met a truly dumb Beta NF
    I have, actually, I used to hang out a lot with a pretty dumb EIE in middle school. And I don't mean lack of organization in her thinking or low Ti in general, simply seemed dumb overall. Though she was certainly smarter than me at how to manipulate people, lol. Anyway we did get along well still, she was fun enough.

    There's also many different ways of being intelligent. Ti users probably find everybody who sucks at Ti dumb
    Actually no, I don't do that.. initially I could get the wrong impression of someone if they are lacking the most basic organization in putting their thoughts together but I do figure it out alright over time if they are actually smart and then I have no problem with such superficial issues. Low Ti or not, disorganization or not, those people can be incredibly smart and I admire them for that specific brand of intelligence they have.

    Again, I'm really not trying to say Scarlett isn't EIE, it's more than possible she is and there are some cultural differences at play here. I'm just pointing out things that don't make sense for me perfectly with seeing her as EIE. There are a bunch of things that don't click for other typings as well.

    Can I get a star for the most diplomatic post toward every single human now ?
    Sure, your standpoint makes sense. I don't see the need to worry about having everything click together, only the relevant issues need to be sorted, the rest is just weak and ambiguous correlations

    And you can have that star yea

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    I totally get what you are getting at but depending on circumstances I think you may fail to detect right away that detachment from the tangible world.. at least here online? Also, on the surface you yourself have certainly appeared as sounding all very practical and whatnot, to me, in certain circumstances. SL does mention that she will gladly talk about weird theory stuff when she gets deep into talking with someone.
    Heh, I think what you're picking on is more pragmatism and realism than practicality, things I speak of and am interested in are predominantly about human relations and society at large. But thanks anyway : )

    The thing is, that guy, nondescript, was giving an explanation that was hardly readable by most people, confirmed intuitives included, because of the lack of paragraphs and other formatting issues. I had no problem reading it as I'm not sensitive to such problems but I found it was not really very theoretical in the way an intuitive would write it (nondescript is a S type). I would not use this incident as valid proof for any sort of typing.
    Yeah, that was a bad example, It was questionable and difficult to understand, but I'd for sure ask more questions or at least try to read it through - you know, as a supposed Ti lover and all that. That's not the main thing I based it on though. It's pure feeling I got from Scarlett's posts, replies and talking to her. Apparently I'm not the only one. For one, I don't understand how one after all these years of being exposed to theory which speaks about humans, their relations and psychology, and being NF at that, doesn't know if they are a female IEI or female SLE .That's just incomprehensible for me and puts the basic understanding of theory under huge question.

    And second, It's not even the topics one talks about, it's about how they talk about it. Whatever, we're not going to come together here - my intuitivedar may be broken : P and you're right, over the internet it's just a waste of time. I'd be more than happy if Scarlett would make a video.

    As I have nothing more worthwile to contribute but my own impressions, I will now see myself out of this debate.

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    Last edited by ScarlettLux; 09-13-2015 at 03:37 PM.

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    alpha sf's manipulate with naivete

    beta nf's would die before making that particular brand of naivete into the selling point of their image

    ^don't take my word for it

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    Quote Originally Posted by lemontrees View Post
    alpha sf's manipulate with naivete

    beta nf's would die before making that particular brand of naivete into the selling point of their image

    ^don't take my word for it

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    Quote Originally Posted by ScarlettLux View Post
    I feel like you are honest and real and strong in your Se. EIEs become a bit sneaky with it, ime. Much less fair than you come off as.
    That is my impression also. What you see is what you get. Wearing their emotions on their sleeves is one of the reasons that makes SEE's so likable.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ScarlettLux View Post
    Fuck you Mega, honestly. So fucking rude. GTFO if you can't contribute anything constructive or worthwhile without resorting to calling me "retarded".
    I said "maybe", there's a 50% chance you are so there's a 50% you aren't, stop supposing things.

    Morever retardation is about being delayed, it has been 10 years mate, you sure are delayed (if you assume the "maybe" refer to the retarded half).

    Quote Originally Posted by ScarlettLux View Post
    I'm doing my Master's degree in OT, I've always excelled at academics.. I think I come across differently here as I don't show that side of me..

    What exactly are YOU doing, Mega?
    PhD in systems engineering.
    Morever grades are there to testify that somebody has learned (I won't say understood because understanding something is above grades) what was teached to him in a 30~ hrs course or so. If you don't work your grades will be shit, it doesn't mean you are less intelligent but it does mean that the subject didn't interest you/that you didn't put the effort of learning.
    I have passed nearly every year after being 15 at the 50% limit, then I switched to the working hat 2 years ago and I'll finish 1st of my mastery degree and will be doing a PhD.

    I have a friend who is a genius, he's a university dropout, I have never encountered someone as smart as him. I had another acquaintance who is smart (imo), his goal was to become a physicist scientist so he figured out the simpliest way was to work a lot, he did so, finished first every year and (I haven't checked) but it wouldn't surprise me if he's doing a PhD.

    The fact that you think intelligence is related to having good grades makes me want to think that there's something you've yet to understand, which I think comes to mind (imo) rather easily once you have critically thought about life for about 10s.

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by lemontrees View Post
    alpha sf's manipulate with naivete
    I know this from experience.

    ESE sister is visiting. I am mentally taking notes. She seems so amazingly innocent at times but she knows what's up and the effect/affect it is having on others. It is part of her charm.

    beta nf's would die before making that particular brand of naivete into the selling point of their image
    This is true for me. <3

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    And to our sweet OP, if someone typed me as EIE, I wouldn't take it lightly. EIEs are fierce and confrontational mofos! Nicki Minaj SEI called Mariah Carey EIE "******" for a reason!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mega View Post
    The fact that you think intelligence is related to having good grades
    IQ and academic performance are actually quite well correlated, though it certainly is not at 1.00.

  33. #73
    from toronto with love ScarlettLux's Avatar
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    Mega is so basic he's pumpkin spice latte. Boom.

    Does anyone read my posts? I specifically said that I *know* I am EIE deep down and created this thread for shits.. and to entertain possibilities.. although if you were to ask me .. I think I do understand Socionics very well, after 10 years.. Truthfully however, I feel not at all similar to many self typed EIEs besides Darya. I feel a kinship mostly to the IEIs and also strangely, Myst - an LSI-Se and the SLEs that were here before (Herzy, Ezra). I somehow "got" them or their way of typing more.. their overall "mood" or something was more welcoming and understandable than supposed EIEs like Mega, Jadae, Gilly..

    So there are simply inconsistencies that I see and would like to further discuss. Doesn't mean I don't understand the basics of Socionics.

    Also you made quite a few spelling and grammatical errors there, Mega, you sure you don't want to question your own intelligence vs book learning/rote knowledge? All of what you said about me not understanding what "true" intelligence is, is complete BS. I know what you're getting at but I'm pointing out my ACADEMIC success because it is more theory based and indicative of me understanding more conceptual types of knowledge, etc.. In no way do I think S vs N is any indication of difference in intelligence just FTR

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    Quote Originally Posted by ScarlettLux View Post
    Does anyone read my posts? I specifically said that I *know* I am EIE deep down and created this thread for shits.. and to entertain possibilities.. although if you were to ask me .. I think I do understand Socionics very well, after 10 years.. Truthfully however, I feel not at all similar to many self typed EIEs besides Darya. I feel a kinship mostly to the IEIs and also strangely, Myst - an LSI-Se and the SLEs that were here before (Herzy, Ezra). I somehow "got" them or their way of typing more.. their overall "mood" or something was more welcoming and understandable than supposed EIEs like Mega, Jadae, Gilly..
    I find EIEs aren't all that similar to each other, tbh. I've seen them fight with each other too Which to me makes sense, EIEs often being so opinionated and open about stuff.

    So there are simply inconsistencies that I see and would like to further discuss.
    Sure, go ahead with whatever questions etc you have.

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    Quote Originally Posted by nondescript View Post
    It contains some pretty insightful things .
    No. It doesn't.

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    Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
    No. It doesn't.
    Care to elaborate?

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by maithili View Post
    That's so weird, that you think your HA could be your main function. I just noticed something similar with one of my oldest friends, who I typed SEE bc it was so obvious to me. She is super, super Ni-seeking, hippie, pleasant to be around and knows tons of people. By chance we started talking about personality theory, and she told me with complete confidence, "I'm INFP!"

    It really made me think about how we understand and project socionics - so much of it is based on how we choose to understand ourselves.
    This is such a great point. I'm pretty sure i typed myself IEE for a long time because of similar issues. I admire Ne strength a lot and maybe wished i was Ne-dom more than my really being Ne-dom . People did try to point that out to me along the way, but i stubbornly refused to listen until life made me realize it myself (along with other discrepancies).
    Enneagram: 9w1 6w5 2w3 so/sx

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    Quote Originally Posted by ScarlettLux View Post
    Mega is so basic he's pumpkin spice latte. Boom.

    Does anyone read my posts? I specifically said that I *know* I am EIE deep down and created this thread for shits.. and to entertain possibilities.. although if you were to ask me .. I think I do understand Socionics very well, after 10 years.. Truthfully however, I feel not at all similar to many self typed EIEs besides Darya. I feel a kinship mostly to the IEIs and also strangely, Myst - an LSI-Se and the SLEs that were here before (Herzy, Ezra). I somehow "got" them or their way of typing more.. their overall "mood" or something was more welcoming and understandable than supposed EIEs like Mega, Jadae, Gilly..

    So there are simply inconsistencies that I see and would like to further discuss. Doesn't mean I don't understand the basics of Socionics.

    Also you made quite a few spelling and grammatical errors there, Mega, you sure you don't want to question your own intelligence vs book learning/rote knowledge? All of what you said about me not understanding what "true" intelligence is, is complete BS. I know what you're getting at but I'm pointing out my ACADEMIC success because it is more theory based and indicative of me understanding more conceptual types of knowledge, etc.. In no way do I think S vs N is any indication of difference in intelligence just FTR
    Aren't you asian? A bit too much emphasis on education there.

    EIE's can be kind of intellectuallity elitist.

    Mega, Jadae and Gilly are all kind of throw away people.

    If people doubt you are what you say are on here they are going to continue to question you regardless of what you "know".

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    Quote Originally Posted by Satan View Post
    If people doubt you are what you say are on here they are going to continue to question you regardless of what you "know".
    Not necessarily, depends if things get clarified later.

  40. #80
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    Academic success is as much about ambition and drive as it is about intelligence. In school I could've easily of of gotten straight A's in nearly everything if I actually turned in all my work and studied. With enough determination, anyone who is not mentally impaired is capable of achieving a high level degree, although they would struggle much more then someone who is naturally intelligent. Intelligence in itself is very subjective. As we know here in socionics someone who is a genius in working with math is more often then not a complete dumbass in knowing how to interact with people. We have limited time and capacity to develop skills so we must favor some things over others. The best measure of intelligence is how easily you learn a variety of new information compared to other people.

    That said, I think OP should just make one massive end-all post explaining everything that does and doesn't fit with EIE. Maybe also throw in your views about the functions, how you relate to the types, what misconceptions other members have of you that you would like to clarify, etc.
    Last edited by Muddy; 09-13-2015 at 01:56 AM.

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