Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
I'm still flirting with the SEE, but she has been absent from the restaurant for the past few weeks. Last Friday, she was back, with blood in her eyes and bruises above her cheek bones.

I asked her if her BF had beaten her up. She just gave me a long look and laughed and said no. She'd had an operation on her septum and showed me the stitches between her nostrils where the surgeons had opened her up to get in there. She looked like a car accident victim, while still being quite pretty.

She said her facial condition made her realize how some people are bad parents. She said that a little girl had, when her back was turned, said "Mommy, look at that woman's beautiful hair!", but when she turned around, the little girl got scared and said "Mommy, what's wrong with her face?"
But instead of explaining to the girl or asking the SEE, the mother said "Hush" and hurried her off.

I said to the SEE, "That mother has probably seen lots of women who go to work after being beaten up by their BF's."

"Yeah, right. But that doesn't excuse the mother's behavior. The little girl just had a question, and she should have answered it."

I said, "You could wear a bag over your head. That might help.", which got a breezy reaction from the SEE and a shocked reaction from the woman who had just stepped up to place an order and who hadn't heard the whole convo.

"Or shades. You could experiment with shades. That could be pretty cool."

"The problem," the SEE continued, "is that mothers shouldn't keep their children in the dark and act like some things are off limits."

I changed the topic of conversation away from people's moral failings by asking her if she's a Libra.

"Yes", she said, leaning forward over the counter, flipping her long hair back and boring into me with her eyes. "We're people-pleasers. Why do you ask?"

"Oh, I was just trying to remember what you said. I looked up the compatibility of Aries and Libra. I can't remember what it said...."

"Complete opposites", she said, and smiled and went to get my order.

I took away several things from this convo. First is how easy it is to get into stride with an Activity partner. It's a shame that this woman isn't an ESI. Second is that this SEE seems to be maneuvering me into complimenting her good looks which, now that I know this, I can use to tease her and also tell her the truth, which is that she's the most attractive woman in the place. I didn't realize that SEE's might be a bit insecure in their feelings. From this forum, I never got that impression, although I've never made a study of it.
Fourth is the close identification of SEE's with enneagram type 2 and type 7. Type 2 is the Helper, who could be construed to please people, and type 7 is an Epicure, concerned about taste and appearance. I find it strange that Libras are also considered to be people-pleasers. https://labyrinthos.co/blogs/astrolo...ths-weaknesses
How much of this is selection bias, and how much is cause-and-effect?
Adam Strange, I am exceptionally curious to see what types of people you identify as being ESI and SEE so we can compare notes.