
Since my last post, I have began to side with being ESTj/LSE - Si. I have came to this conclusion after reviewing the IE Descriptions, Erotic Attitudes, and Duality Descriptions written by Stratiyevskaya.

Erotic Attitudes:
I do not identify with being a 'victim' in the Erotic Attitudes Theory. I identify more with 'caregiver'. The ESTj and INFj duality description seems very accurate to the relational development with my current SO. I always initiate physical intimacy, and obviously more dominant. But I also take a more 'caring' technique, such as fixing her car & electronics, carrying her stuff, buying food, etc. I realized my expressions of affection relate a lot to Si. I provide for the current moment and environment - making sure we are comfortable and safe. In contrast, I read that ENTjs are more mentally and intellectually 'challenging' to their partners. I do not really see this trait in me, as it feels like I would be 'attacking' my partner.

Positivism vs. Negativism:
Another primary difference between ENTj and ESTj is positivism vs. negativism. Primarily in regards to Fi and people, I am very cynical and distrustful of the intentions/feelings of others. When I meet new people, my initial impression is relatively negative even though I do not publicize it.

Possible Duality:
I believe my SO is an INFj. Originally, I thought INFj were 'deep', a bit out there, disorganized, and dreamy people. This seems like an exaggeration within the MBTI descriptions, as INFPs are often portrayed as lost artists. The Oldham Description describes her principles and values quite accurately. She is very gentle and outgoing but at the same time reserved about her inner feelings. Even after 2 years, I still truly do not fully know her deep thoughts/opinions. These characteristics are polar to me. I am much more upfront, and honest (sometimes too much).

I retract my previous statement of not getting along with INFjs. I miss identified these individuals and believe that they are ISFps. I have noticed a few physical patterns with these people that I view as the same personality type. They are relatively 'artsy', a lot of them wear sandles with socks, some have dyed hair, dislike me 'watching' them, have a lot of dramatic displays of emotions/quick mood swings, and often are overweight. I apologize if this is offensive to anyone.

Information Elements:
I found the following quote from the Ni as Vulnerable Function very accurate, "when talking about the future, especially one's longer-term plan), the individual treats it as if it were accessible today and often is not aware of all the developments that must happen first." I associated my tendency to plan the future as an ENTj trait. But what I did not realize was that my plans primarily consist of the final results and not the processes/steps in between.

I relate with the
Oldham ESTj description about 95%, by far the most accurate description thus far. The only statement I have slight disagreements with is statement 4 in the first listing about "Belief in playing fair". http://www.the16types.info/info/types/ESTJ.htm

My personality type search has been narrowed down to ENTj or ESTj. I think the only way for me to gain complete confidence in my decision is through experiencing intertype relations and understanding how I cooperate with each type. Any input is greatly appreciated. Thank you again for all previous help!