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Thread: The will to live

  1. #41
    LauriesCrusador's Avatar
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    This thread may be kinda old but the topic itself never gets old and I'm up for some late-night blather, so here it goes...

    What gives you the will to keep going?
    Well, there are things I want to see how they develop or rather if they develop the way I predict or think they can go, there are things I want to (help) change. However, my 4-legged buddies and everything involved is certainly the #1. If you have something you'd die for or at least something that really has a meaning for you (that 'something' might change throughout life, though - even several times) it gives you so much strength that no matter how tough things get or how defeated you might feel when you go to bed in the evening, there's still something very much alive that automatically keeps you going one more round when you wake up the next morning.

    How do you make life feel good? What are your thought processes?
    That's a difficult one because I don't think about those stuff. Short answer is, living and enjoying life instead of thinking or worrying about life LOL So, doing what I want, I'm interested in, is challenging, has a meaning for me. Trying out new things (only when you've tried something at least once you exactly know how you feel about it). Not wasting any time, energy, effort about things I have no control over and thus can't change anyway.

    Not mulling over the past or worrying about the future. The past is the past, you can't change it anyway anymore, it's gone. And the future... nobody knows what the future holds. Needless to say that I really hate the very popular interview question "where do you see yourself in 5, 10 or 15 years?" Well, the answer is simple: 5, 10 or 15 years older. The rest I can tell when I'm there.

    Not expecting things to be always easy. IMO, things that are actually worth doing are rarely easy and a good challenge - be it physically or mentally - is always welcome because it's damn relaxing and stimulating at the same time.

    Turning hopeless situations, bad times or serious tough times into learning experiences by focusing on the situation and figuring out what can be done or I can do to resolve it, asking fundamental why? questions, facing facts that might have been unnoticed in more normal times and finally integrating all the new stuff. ....and so I may even be able to enjoy myself during those shitty periods of time.

    Pushing my body to its limit and overcoming the challenges I set for myself. This's where I feel most alive and awake and those are the best moments of my life.

    Enjoying the little things in life, like watching how resistent some people are to the smallest change, no matter how practical, or how much easier it will make things. This's amazing... and so damn entertaining. Or watching how quickly some people push for speed or even send themselves into a frenzy when things around them speed up or get hectic, as a result only creating new problems and even more chaos. Priceless. Or watching how some people seem to be completely unable to relax, wasting plenty of energy/time/effort for... well, nothing. ROFL Or that moment when you're in the waiting room at the doctors office, full of empty chairs, and the old lady with the newspaper has to sit right next to you. Or that moment you step outside into the sun after having your pupils dilated by the eye doctor, and it looks like you missed the nuclear holocaust by ten minutes.

    IGNORING Facebook and all other destructive so-called social-media as much as possible for the sake of my sanity.

    Not sitting around agonizing over the porpoise(sic) of life on this earth as if knowing it is of paramount importance because it gives direction and everything falls into place. BS!! We are not on earth for some God-given or whatever porpoise(sic) and now it's our damn duty to find it. Fact is, we are here on earth because one or two persons decided it...or perhaps even accidentally. This 'you need to know your porpoise(sic)' shit is kind of a trap anyway. When you don't think having a porpoise is of paramount importance, that it's not the way to your life-fulfillment, not knowing your porpoise(sic) is not an issue at all and you are happy with doing whatever you do and can enjoy the hell out of the ride. On the other hand, when you think life does have a porpoise(sic) and you think knowing it is essential to your life-fulfillment (as we're told), you'll definitely need (to know your) porpoise(sic), like no goal = no direction or no idea where to start = no motivation. TRAP ! Basically, the whole concept of 'life purpose' is an invention from humans in order to minimize the level of uncertainty that life brings along. Besides, who really knows who he is... who knows himself that good that you can actually tell what you're searching for in life. We probably all have certain ideas of who we are and what we want but self examination is probably (one of) the most difficult endeavor of our life. So, no need to sit around agonizing over the porpoise(sic) of life, doing endless futile soul-searching and only feel frustrated and bad because you can't figure it out... meanwhile life is passing you by. Nonetheless, I really like to ask "what do you think is your porpoise(sic) on this earth" because I fucking hate this question myself and most of the time people have a hard time answering it. LOL

    Enjoying making the most out of my life. With that said, not comparing myself, my life, my journey or what I have or not have with others. It's prolly the worst you can do because you'll only focus more on what you don't have than enjoying what you have or made out of life. Also, no need to compete against our materialistic society that identifies its self-worth with getting/having a good job and making money or all the stuff they own because that's what people are taught from early age on. It's more important to search for the things you actually want than keeping up with the Joneses.

    The never-ending process of learning how to school four-legged buddies from grass roots to the highest level makes life feel good. No matter how good you are, in horseback riding, regardless of which specific sport you choose, there will always be the one that will challenge you and make you feel like a greenhorn LOL

    Surrounding myself with the right people. Some people or environments have the gift of sucking your spirit energy off you. With that said, send toxic (m)asses up the hill no matter who it is. Yes, even family members. Some say, s/he is your mother, father, sister, brother yada-yada-yada... so you don't have a choice and simply have to deal with them. Well, that's utterly BS !!! That's just what they're raised to believe.

    Following my dreams and not allowing others to talk me out of it, as crazy as they may be. Always keep them in the back of my mind and make sure my steps bring me closer to it, albeit perhaps only slowly.

    In case I've got it all wrong and may even have to rethink my career choice one day, I'll start a YouTube channel wherein I wear skimpy clothes, jump up and down a lot while caterwauling and rubbing random object on myself, then sit back and collect YouTube ad revenue.

    Life is mundane
    Well, it certainly is when you only get up to work full-time Monday through Friday in a job you fucking hate already waiting for the weekend to come on Monday 09:00 a.m. and/or spend the rest of the time on fucking forums or other social media, make dinner for the kids/s.o., do the laundry, watch boring TV movies/shows, finally head to the bathroom for an eagerly-anticipated shower to let the warm water soothe your aching bones and tired muscles, calming your soul and lulling yourself into a place where all dreams seem possible until your s.o. or cat/dog flushes the toilet... bringing you back down to earth with a jolt.

    Anyway, if you see life as being mundane, it's your perception that is mundane. You may rest assured that a skydive will do a helluva job because the adrenaline rush alone will kill your mundane feelings. Unfortunately, you can assume that this won't last long. But life is far too long to be miserable and way too short to not be lived to the fullest... and by the end - it may sound cliche or annoying - life is what you (want to) make of it.

    Granted, life fucking sucks at times and it's prolly safe to say that nobody yearns for tough times, or the moment when (you realize that) everything crashes right before you think you will hit the bulls eye or going through just one tough time after another. We also all prolly have sad, negative or depressed thoughts sometimes. But it's your choice how you want to look at things, how to handle or respond to (tough) situations or whether or not you want to make a choice at all and something. If you have sad, negative or depressed thoughts or feel down, shitty or whatever periodically and have no fucking idea why, or when you find yourself continually in bad situations you might need to get to the bottom of why you feel the way you do or why everything you do crashes or why you end up repeatedly in shitty situations or perhaps why you refuse to make a choice or take action at all. Even though you might get the impression at times that a person's life road is set up or you are kinda guided by a mysterious force, it's not. Whatever happens to you is almost always a mixture of your choices, your actions or its absense and external actions incl. your response to it. But since we all carry more or less garbage with us its quite possible that we make unconsciously bad choices in certain situations over and over again (habitually), and so possibly even create a future we don't want without even realizing simply because we stayed stuck in old habits and patterns.

    Instead of focusing on the bad situation and perhaps even on the consequences of failing and get stuck and thus allowing your mind to take over and as a result ending up in a circle where you perceive everything around you in a bad light (and perhaps even get depressed), in such a moment relax and focus on the solution, on the present moment, on yourself, your body, your thoughts, your habitual reaction to the situation and something and you are able to clearly take in what actually happens – outside and within yourself. This is essential, since your perception dictates your response. Even though you may never be able to detect what it exactly is that leads you to do/think/feel/habitually react this or that way, you will be able to get control over how you react to situations.
    Actually needless to say, there's a big difference between knowing something intellectually and being able to implement it when such a situation occurs. In case you do not belong to those who live in the moment anyway, you may need some practice

    Nonetheless, I'm not saying you can achieve anything in life if you simply try hard enough and want something... just enough and if you haven't achieved this or that then you just haven't tried hard enough, that's just waaaaay too easy!! There are too many things that are completely out of your control that might turn your life upside-down and there's nothing you can do about it but to learn to cope with it. Yes, life is tough but keep in mind when nothing seems to work and
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    "The spirit of resistance to government
    is so valuable on certain occasions,
    that I wish it to be always kept alive.
    It will often be exercised when wrong
    but better so than not to be exercised at all.
    I like a little rebellion now and then.
    It is like a storm in the atmosphere."
    Thomas Jefferson

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