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Thread: Ti-ENTp Pick-up Artists

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  1. #1
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    Quote Originally Posted by suedehead View Post
    @Kim You were complaining about me passive-aggressively in chatbox yesterday. Of course you'd disapprove of my interest in this, because it serves you. But I have my own objective, which is to get pussy.
    My complaint was not about you specifically. It was triggered by an earlier conversation in chatbox. Your posts are just part of a current trend of people talking about "getting pussy," etc. It's all over the place.

    I am also currently "fucking the living shit" out of an sp/so, whom I find far more attractive and exciting than most sx firsts I have encountered in my life. He is not passive, powerless, and pathetic either, so all of this has nothing to do with stacking (just saying this because in other threads you say it is).

    I find PUA as a movement repulsive, but I think this is just a symptom of you being in a pretty severe depression. Developing a fucked up attitude towards women is not going to help you with anything. I REALLY recommend changing your meds (I have changed mine many times before finding the right ones).
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    Quote Originally Posted by suedehead View Post
    I'm pretty sure most of it is coming from me.

    Why is it repulsive? It works and women clearly eat that shit up based on the videos I posted. It's giving them what they want and it's the reason they blow off every other chump. It's valuable information. I don't have a fucked up attitude towards women either, it's a realistic one. I don't take meds and I don't plan to so I don't know where you're getting that from.
    It would not work on me or any of my female friends. It works on some women, maybe. If that is the kind of relationship you want with a woman, knock yourself out. I don't want it and plenty of other women don't want it because we don't like being hated on and reduced to our genitals.

    And I thought you wrote at some points your are taking SSRIs. Maybe I misread, but in that case, you REALLY should give them a try.

    And I wish most of the PUA crap came from you. It's rampant currently. Your posts are just the most obvious ones.
    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
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    Glorious Member mu4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    It would not work on me or any of my female friends. It works on some women, maybe. If that is the kind of relationship you want with a woman, knock yourself out. I don't want it and plenty of other women don't want it because we don't like being hated on and reduced to our genitals.
    I think it works on a fairly neurotic spectrum of individuals. I'm sure PUA would work on a spectrum of men as well. There is a spectrum of attraction here where a spectrum of individual go for narcissistic or narcissistic appearing men and the borderline seduction tactics in PUA is straight out of BPD handbook.

    PUA simply is npd + bpd seduction game in one toxic farce. Most people who try to do this game will also fail because well most people aren't actually scum.

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    I wanted to do the same topic over on PerC but didnt see the potential.

    I heard about the blueprint about 7 years ago, a friend recommended it to me. I downloaded it and saw RSD Tyler, the fat INTj adult-child who wanted to play the town fool and manipulate everyone around him into believing he was cool. I hated him. It took me half a year to start understanding what PUA is really all about. The advice I took from RSD helped me express my Ne-Ti and retarded undeveloped Fe. I did some extreme shit, Jeffy style or worse in a way, I wanted no social control...

    What I learned after 5 years of sarging is that you are the one that seeks people who you want to interact with and you dont want to spend time pretending your something your not. Enjoy yourself in the interaction, stop seeking validation.

    They keep talking about there is no magic pill. I think these guys are on the magic pills. They cant tell you what drugs they are taking but its obvious they enhance their cognitive abilities with something like MDMA imo. This is their job guys, dont expect them to tell you they pay a few girls so that you can have "proof" in their abilities, or that they do drugs. Men are such losers when it comes to expressing themselves or be open to experience, these guys mustn't know the truth about good game and how to achieve it through direct knowledge, they are given placebos. They need hope and motivation which is the ultimate PUA goal now days.

    Ohhh and btw, I respect these guys and support them. Im fed up with these Fi dom/sec casanovas trying to be touchy-feely with girls drooling around them, makes me mad... so beta... so girly... BWAH!
    If it wasnt for these guys I would probably be another INTj hoping I could someday meet a perfect princess I could share my hearth with again.

    You cant teach an INTp how to pickup girls. And you cant teach an ENTp to learn textbook pickup. What you can do is learn calibration, use Fe to connect to a girl to get her to want you. Learn what makes her tick, what is her most used I/E function, fill it up with actions.

    And yea... These guys are teaching people how to be a narcissist, well, at least in the stereotype way. Alex and Jullien both seem classic ENTp's narcissists with Ne-Fe loop, my favs

    Good topic, lets not spoil it with personal disputes.

  5. #5
    both sides, now wacey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by suedehead View Post
    LSE E8 (dude with the tattoos, start at 3:30)

    That's called steroids dude, that's not called game.

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