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Thread: new blood here. vid and some questionnaire answers. type me?

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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    Welcome to 16T!

    My guess for your type is SEI. I see alot of Si in your video and in your post. Some Fe as well but it was more subdued in your video, probably due to introversion.
    mmhm that's the only type i've gotten on the couple of tests i took. it's just that reading into it deeper, delta values seem closer to me. i have always noticed in myself that i dislike the parts of society that say "let's get riled up and feed each other our emotions". sorry if that's offensive to beta or Fe or something. i have been called an "old soul" by literally every therapist, counselor, and psychiatrist i've talked to. literally every one lol.

    my closest friend is eii (some more extroverted subtype) and i love her to death. if i were gay i would go for her. idk what it is. i admire how professional and driven she is for her values. she's great with people and makes me laugh i smile just thinking about her. she's a lil passive aggressive but then 'explodes' with whatever's bothering her. but there's one kernel in her that i can't stand and it's this need to kind of impress everyone and not get embarassed, not even by complete strangers. we clash hard on that sometimes, like i'll just be doing my thing in public and i can tell she's irrationally pissed off.

    my brother/surrogate father since he's the only older man who took good care of me and still does (he's 27) is definite ILE. we get along great. idk we don't kick back and get hella deep about stuff but he makes me laugh my ass off and i like discussing philosophy with him. i got my moral values from him. but we differ in some life goals... he's incredibly unconventional and rebellious against society. he doesn't wanna be restrained in any way, by any sort of job (he doesn't have a steady one lol) and doesn't believe in love. he also lies a lot. but i love him to death.

    my other brother is also ILE but probably Ti subtype. we have the same sense of humor but other than that i think he's really lame. the Fe-HA really shows in that
    he placates everybody in an argument and idk he randomly tries to be friendly and hospitable and it's so obviously and awkwardly fake...

    with my oldest (29) LII brother kind of bores me. he's awkward. i know we talk mostly about Si, and it's pretty fun. he's got a lot of health problems. i give him fashion tips lol and talking about shit i like to do but then when he tries to bring Ti-type philosophizing into it, we clash because my thinking revolves around one singular philosophy i hold to (called negative utilitarianism/antinatalism) and see no reason in discussing anything further.

    and i think the kid i'm head-over-heels for is ENFp. not sure so i'll describe what i like about him. i like that he's "open". that's what i'd call it. he's socially uninhibited and just seeks to make friends with people. he's everyone's friend and deep down i know he's really caring, but shuts down verbally when it comes to deep issues because he's too upset. i.e. i told him i was suicidal on the phone, he hung up and i found out he called the school psychologist on me.
    also, this lil dude reminds me of his smile definitely
    other than that i can't type people well so i haven't gone further
    Last edited by fruitbats; 04-21-2015 at 04:20 AM. Reason: looked like a chunk of text

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