Ding ding! Yes, this is why I "appear" ENTj.

Day 1: I contemplate various possibilties about my type, and don't post. (P)
Day 2: I contemplate various possibilties about my type, and don't post. (P)
Day 3: I contemplate various possibilties about my type, and don't post. (P)
Day 4: I contemplate various possibilties about my type, and don't post. (P)
Day 5: I contemplate various possibilties about my type, and don't post. (P)
Day 6: I contemplate various possibilties about my type, and don't post. (P)
Day 7: I contemplate various possibilties about my type, and don't post. (P)
Day 8: I contemplate various possibilties about my type, and don't post. (P)
Day 9: I contemplate various possibilties about my type, and don't post. (P)
Day 10: I contemplate various possibilties about my type, and don't post. (P)
Day 11: I contemplate various possibilties about my type, and don't post. (P)
Day 12: I contemplate various possibilties about my type, and don't post. (P)
Day 13: I contemplate various possibilties about my type, and don't post. (P)
Day 14: I conclude, and do post that conclusion here. (J)

I see:
P: 13 days
J: 1 day

My conclusion: P

FDG sees:
P posts: 0
J posts: 300

FDG's conclusion: J

I see:

300000000000 P thoughts that I don't post that nobody here sees.
300 J thoughts that I do post.

I see: P (and duh)
FDG sees: J (and duh)

My conclusion: P by a long shot
FDG's conclusion: J by a long shot

This is how typing people just by what they post online can be so misleading and inaccurate. You go on what they post, but you never really know what they don't post. And is what they post all that's there, or is it just the tip of the iceburg? You never know. As for why I don't post much, it's due to a lot of things. Time is the biggest one. I also value privacy and don't want my life to be an open book on the Internet. Another is that the more I learn, the more I realize I don't know, and the stupider or less confident I feel. I don't want to mislead people, so I don't post until I'm fairly confident about something, which usually involved quite a bit of offline thought and research, as represented above.

Special thanks to Expat for the help in realizing my true type, because I spammed up his PM box with a lot of thoughts and questions over the past week which weren't seen here either. :wink: