Quote Originally Posted by Words View Post
I think cog styles is something to muse over if one has the time, and I think Gulenko has too much time on his hands

With socionics imo it's better to stick to the basics and not get bogged down in such paperwork, I don't see anything good from building on foundations that weren't ready to take the strain.

As for JOA, he is trying, he had or has a fundraiser site to get non socionics people to do a video and a questionnaire to determine their quadra, so I think he's relying on his ability to type quadra from the videos and seeing how that lines up with the questionnaire.
Gulenko types LII you know?

I agree with the bolded.

Quote Originally Posted by RedMarquee View Post
LSI is causal, SLE isn't. I can vouch LSI as well.
Thanks for the input & good point.

Quote Originally Posted by Amber View Post
^^ I would say it´s exactly the other way round. LSI is kinda strict and stubborn, SLE is more about fun and challenge (which can be pretty random once in a while).

However I do see some sort of Positivism and Emotivism in Myst and I also wondered about LSI. That could derive from her being Ennea-Positive triad rather than Reinin though. She seems super-spontaneous online ...I don't know how she deals with "serious matters" irl though. Also there's lots of Fe at play (way more than in your classic LSI) which she produces and maneuvers herself. A better fit for Fe HA. However I don't really spot much Holographic-Panoramic and most of all Negativism ... in the sense of operating well with contrasts rather than mere comparisons that highlight similarities. She actually tends to do the latter.

Nyways SLE - huge Ti > LSI - Se (C in DCHN, D would mean stronger Te-Fe, which I don't really see) > ILE-Ti > EII-Fi.
I like fun and challenge & am stubborn too and yes even strict. I'm not really spontaneous irl unless I'm put in a *very good* mood. It's kinda funny sometimes how un-spontaneous I can be. But socially I can get very spontaneous like you see here. Se sub would have more Fe but again, irl I don't really do it... if in very good mood and with the right company then sure. I don't think Fe HA is this restricted. Interesting you noticed how I make comparisons, yes that's pretty spot on, I can also note differences when comparing, of course. But I'm more about that than just directly working with contrasts whatever that may mean.

I'm definitely not C in DCNH, I'm too much terminal over initial so it must be D or N. Lol at EII-Fi, where the fuck does that come from.

Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
From our interactions I would say the descriptions below probably fit your personality. As I mentioned to you before, LSI can be polarising personalities in groups. They can be rigid and stubborn but they can also be very playful and spontaneous, in the right situation, even though there are times when my friend is being playful but people are so used to him being critical, (when discussing concepts and how they apply in the real world) that they miss the humor. I admit his humor is pretty subtle, at times, (delivered in a monotone voice) but he is also witty so it can easily pass over some people's heads. I can't count how many times I came to his defense and had to explain the "joke" to someone. :/
I get that problem myself about humour heh.

My mom can be polarizing in my own family. My friend who is LSI-Ti has a way of polarizing people that is very fascinating from my perspective. Sometimes he will put so much effort into dissecting people's arguments that he inadvertently alienates people, which is not his intention, by coming off too serious and rigid. He really likes people and wants to be included but he doesn't come off as warm as some might like, at first . My mom on the other hand seems to lack some warmth as well but she can turn it on and off depending on the situation. She smiles more at strangers and acquaintances than she does with people she is close to. I have no reason to doubt your socionics self type and any issues I might have with our interactions would probably be due to language which I keep in mind when we chat. I do not see you as an intuitive or ethical base type so if I were to consider anything other than logical it would be sensing.
OK, do you really type me as Ti sub or was that a typo? I'm told I seem nice warm on first contact if it's a situation where I consider the friendly attitude to fit it (Fi role I guess).