Here is my contribution to the data samples. These are my soul windows. I noticed that a lot of INTj and ENTp's have a similar onion shape look to the eyes. Also when I look at someone's eyes who are a similar shape, it becomes akward for both myself and the other person. Its as if I begin to see a dark halo outline around their eyes, and their pupils become deep black holes. I have trouble looking at the chalk board in school when I have an ENTp professor, because we can see each other seeing the other in our periferal vision, and both of us feel very uncomfortable. When I'm in math class and I am trying to copy something off the board, i feel some kind of interfearance coming from my professors eyes in my periferal, and the professor feels this too because they start to blink and have to turn away. One time I was trying to really get something off the board into my notes and the professor was feeling all akward but I kept looking and she was extremely tense. Anyone have a similar experience?
By the way: I think of the eyes as a mouth that can express emotions and at the same time log anyone accessing it for data, which makes it intimite. I think each type expresses their stype with their eye moods. I also think these moods become permanat eye shapes, based on the baseline emotions. It would also be interesting to see different emotions or moods expressed in childrens eyes (before their faces become mature and solid) then we can break down older peoples baseline moods into emotional components in order to extract type. Just an idea.