hm, yeah, the thing is i've yet to meet an LSI for whom impatience, acting too fast or even a hint of impulsivity is a problem. but that's just based on the LSIs i know, so i don't know in what way subtypes/stackings/whatever come into play. the LSIs i know build structures/systems and then try to enforce them to keep things in order (and tame the for them otherwise overwhelming chaos of the world, or something like that ^^ ). i heard LSIs complaining about chaoticness, disorganisation, things which are badly structured, etc.., but they never mention something about their impulsive side. maybe they have it, but at least they usually don't mention it as a problem. i heard LSIs to complain about it as a trait in others. (e.g. that's where LSI and SLE's often clash with each other). the other things you listed seem SLE to me as well, but could probably be LSI traits too ...

if you're willing to to go into more detail about your Ti agenda i'm curious about that. sounds interesting!

based on writing i cannot tell whether someone is my dual or not anyways. (i usually go by duality vibes or their behaviour in real life). so, it's just to throw out another possiblity. your writing style reminds me of some SLEs i know in real life. but that could be type unrelated (as an IEI i secretly think that any kind of beta STs are the coolest people in the world anyways... haha, beta quadra is so weird. i'm still confused what beta ST's like about beta NF's with all their emotional craziness .. )