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    *********** 21-04-19:
    "Looks like a mystic that just arrived to battle and staring out at the battle, ready to unleash"

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    Sir that's my emotional support gremlin ApeironStella's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lkdhf qkb View Post
    Most videos on here seem to be about so/sps from the "warmside" range:

    "Warmside" So/Sp (strong so) - This stacking pulls from Sx/So to enhance outer warmth, revving up the So to where they can pass off as more stereotypically so/sx than many actual so/sx's. Not surprisingly, many supposed So/Sx's and Sx/So's are in fact So/Sp's of this warmside range. Being Sx last, they tend to relate less through nonverbal expression and more through talking and joking around; but what they lack in subtlety they may make up for in overt conscientiousness, whereas so/sx's tend to be subtle and tactful.
    Roles: the populist, the humorist, the fundraiser, the entertainer, the socialite.

    So/sp are contra-flow and always give off a vibe of solipsism(self-centeredness); "my holidays in blablabla", "my dreams and how to achieve them" that is bathed is some kind of need for superiority(maybe so/sps put themselves into this superior position because it’s their way to supply their social first neediness, which remind of the narcissistic personality complex).
    On the other hand, so/sx, as syn-flow, cares about the intimate experiences(sx) of other people. It is a humanistic stacking, that wants to integrate other people’s experiences into their own. They supply their need for acceptance and admiration by relating to others.

    Honestly though. Looking at a lot of posts here, there is that sense of "alienation" with a lot of the posts- a way of trying to make yourself stand as different, but at the cost of "connection", that immediately turns me off. Well, either that or quite sx-first stuff, since I don't quite see the soc-first tampering that sx-second to redirect it for connections, a more subtle kind, you would more often have with soc/sx?

    That said, if I'm that bothered by it, I should probably provide examples myself, rather than bitching about that. But it's just something that struck me odd whenever I checked this thread.

  17. #657
    Sir that's my emotional support gremlin ApeironStella's Avatar
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    SO/SX Description

    Written by Joseph Simone

    Being part of the Synflow group, this stacking has a certain synergy between its elements that flows with people in contrast to the contraflow stackings that have a solipsistic energy. "With people" doesn’t necessarily mean "positively associated with people," but rather the opposite of solipsism.

    As a stacking that is SP blind, both elements of this stacking are "people-based" in the sense that both SO and SX fulfill their instinctual needs via other people. SP on its own is primarily focused on the self and its body. This sometimes means that SO/SX uses a lot of display to attract people whether they are introverted or extraverted. This could mean clothing, jewelry, hair, memberships, art, music, etc. With SO/SX, social is an open current that invites people in. It could be inviting people for both positive and negative means, but unlike SX/SO, it flows into people. It attracts people. SO/SX has a craving for some kind of interaction whether that be getting a like on social media, getting a compliment on a cool hat, or pissing off a bunch of people. Other stackings can act this way too, but for this stacking, just getting that interaction is instinctual food.

    The energy of SO/SX can be described as "7ish" in the sense that it is sparkly. This doesn’t necessarily mean happy sparkly, but could also mean lightening shooting out in different directions, the energy of a "spray." Social is associated with the element of "air" because social is the instinct of communication and relationships. The food that SO seeks to eat is "outside," out there in the world. Even very introverted Socials will have some desire to put themselves "out there" in some way via social media, online groups, etc. They won’t necessarily always seek membership or "friends" because they can be both positive or misanthropic, but they will seek interaction. SX is associated with opposing elements such as fire/ice. SX as a supporting player to social adds a spark to social’s "up and out" energy. This is where the sparkler idea comes from. SO/SX has the energy of sending multiple iterations of themselves out in different directions. This is why SO/SX tend to enjoy repeating patterns aesthetically. The trend of wallpaper-like clothing with repeating patterns is a manifestation of the high number of SO/SX designers in the fashion industry. SO/SX can also be seen when "status" is playfully mixed into clothing such as specific hats, royal themes, crests of arms, and costume-like references.

    On that note, SO/SX can roll into SP/SO territory and vice versa. The synflow stackings can often flow into each other. The typing of a person never changes, but there can be elements from other stackings present. When SO/SX looks to its blindspot, it often finds itself in SP/SO land with the easy ebb and flow of a certain "lifestyle." The gounded-ness of SP supported by the secondary element of social focuses on living a certain way, like my home, my clothes, my friends/family, etc. One of the hybrid SP/SO-SO/SX phenomenon in our society is "holidays." The SP/SO gathering together of people to eat and perform rituals mixed with the SO/SX glittering spray of decorations and clinking glasses. One culmination of this in the Western-Christian tradition is the Christmas tree. It’s the SP/SO structure from the earth standing tall as a ritualistic icon but covered in the SO/SX glittering lights and decorations.

    One of the hardest pills to swallow for Social types, especially SO/SX is the need to be "cool." Being cool means being liked, being interesting, having certain friends/associations, being envied, getting what you want, and being the opposite of a social outcast. Part of why this applies to SO/SX more than any other stacking is because the idea of being "cool" is completely frivolous. It has nothing to do with acquiring any real needs for oneself. It’s entirely focused on the opinions of others and external circumstances. It’s the social need to have connections with the SX need to keep people hooked/interested. SP in the mix is better at helping people wise up and focus on more important things. However, being cool can still apply to other stackings. With SO/SX the attention goes there first. Needing to be liked is deep internal message. One thing that SO/SX will do is put a large emphasis on their unique social badges. So they might turn their attention immediately to their hair colour, clothing, tattoos, etc. When they say, “Here’s my tattoo,” they’re also saying, “I’m the type of person that gets tattoos, I’m in that category. And I’m doing it my own unique way."

    SO/SX is the "one to one" instinct if there is one at all. All stackings can have certain preferences for whether they spend time in groups or pairs, and it’s not related to the instinct necessarily. However, if there’s one stacking that is religious about "one to one" intimacy, it is likely SO/SX. The primary instinct is the scariest place for people. And for Socials, that means "connection" is the scariest place. Relationships, friendships, and even simple connections like saying "hi" to someone on the street can be an area of much greater focus than the SO/SX will realize. But the mega-fear for SO/SX is the question, can I connect with this person? It is easier for SO-2nds and SO-blinds to reach out to someone one-on-one that they are either intimidated by or assume have some kind of role/status that they lack. This can be as simple as a leader of an online group, a religious leader, etc. With social there’s an element of being specifically chosen for a connection. Any interaction is something to put a lot of mental energy into beforehand and during. More confident SO/SX will seem very sure of themselves and their ability to talk to others. SO/SX will often come across as totally comfortable with people. But inside they might be terrified to go to that party, or feel unworthy to speak intimately with a person, or even feel cheated by the lack of one-to-one time they got from someone with whom they’ve chosen to interact. SO/SX are always looking for their "best friend" or partner in each social setting that they enter. Without that person, it’s like they don’t know who they are or how to act. Having that special connection brings them alive and gives them confidence. SX in 2nd place is part of why they come across as so confident. SX as a 2nd-place play area makes it such that SO/SX have an easy time using sexuality to be interesting, shocking, daring, and unique. They might toy with socially acceptable notions of what sex is as part of their unique signature. The attraction space will mean a lot to them, but it doesn’t tear them apart the way it would for SX/SO. SO/SX can get extremely loud with their sexual display, sometimes even more so than SX-dominants, because it’s not the sacred place that the dominant instinct holds.

    Some themes in art/films they like will often depict people in sexual hierarchies, groups, multiple pairs, and scenes of intimacy. Sexual hierarchies means that SO, being in-tune with status and the organization of people, will be attracted to images where one person is dominating another, or specifically make a point to turn that preconceived idea on its head. SO/SX is also attracted to the idea of an "orgy." However, this version of an orgy includes multiple pairs or small groups sharing something intimate. The key here for SO/SX is SX from the standpoint of social, which means extreme "intimacy." Courtship and kissing are "connective" ways to do SX. This is separate from the SP/SO hand-holding; the idea that we are side-by-side partners linked in a "bond" speaks more to SP. With SO/SX, the SX brings snake-like intertwining limbs with the looking-into-each-other’s-eyes brand of extreme intimacy and connection. SO/SX is also the instinct of "portraits." It might be to represent a specific person that they identify with, or it could be simply to frame their face as communicating something like a facial expression. The face is the locus of communication which speaks to SO.

    One misconception about Social in general is that it is always positively associated with people. This is not true for SO/SX or any stacking with Social. It can be, but SO/SX can also be extremely introverted and even hateful of people. In fact it’s the focus on how people are a problem as a theme that speaks to Social being in 1st or 2nd place. Any stacking can be misanthropic. But SO/SX can be hyper picky about who they speak to or befriend depending on type. Socials will try to curate people in their lives, specifically selecting certain people and perhaps rejecting others. The first instinct will be the most particular about itself, and for Social, "connection" is the key.

    One aspect of social that often gets overlooked is the idea of morality and judgement. Part of the instinct of people is the notion that we all need to act a certain way in order to coexist. This parallel with type 1 is most apparent in the SO/SP stacking, but SO/SX can be surprisingly particular about how people are supposed to be. They might have their own unique spin on those rules, but their pet peeves will generally be related to the things people do that bother them.

  18. #658
    fka mrrrmaid SaveYourself's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ApeironStella View Post

    SO/SX Description

    Written by Joseph Simone

    Being part of the Synflow group, this stacking has a certain synergy between its elements that flows with people in contrast to the contraflow stackings that have a solipsistic energy. "With people" doesn’t necessarily mean "positively associated with people," but rather the opposite of solipsism.

    As a stacking that is SP blind, both elements of this stacking are "people-based" in the sense that both SO and SX fulfill their instinctual needs via other people. SP on its own is primarily focused on the self and its body. This sometimes means that SO/SX uses a lot of display to attract people whether they are introverted or extraverted. This could mean clothing, jewelry, hair, memberships, art, music, etc. With SO/SX, social is an open current that invites people in. It could be inviting people for both positive and negative means, but unlike SX/SO, it flows into people. It attracts people. SO/SX has a craving for some kind of interaction whether that be getting a like on social media, getting a compliment on a cool hat, or pissing off a bunch of people. Other stackings can act this way too, but for this stacking, just getting that interaction is instinctual food.

    The energy of SO/SX can be described as "7ish" in the sense that it is sparkly. This doesn’t necessarily mean happy sparkly, but could also mean lightening shooting out in different directions, the energy of a "spray." Social is associated with the element of "air" because social is the instinct of communication and relationships. The food that SO seeks to eat is "outside," out there in the world. Even very introverted Socials will have some desire to put themselves "out there" in some way via social media, online groups, etc. They won’t necessarily always seek membership or "friends" because they can be both positive or misanthropic, but they will seek interaction. SX is associated with opposing elements such as fire/ice. SX as a supporting player to social adds a spark to social’s "up and out" energy. This is where the sparkler idea comes from. SO/SX has the energy of sending multiple iterations of themselves out in different directions. This is why SO/SX tend to enjoy repeating patterns aesthetically. The trend of wallpaper-like clothing with repeating patterns is a manifestation of the high number of SO/SX designers in the fashion industry. SO/SX can also be seen when "status" is playfully mixed into clothing such as specific hats, royal themes, crests of arms, and costume-like references.

    On that note, SO/SX can roll into SP/SO territory and vice versa. The synflow stackings can often flow into each other. The typing of a person never changes, but there can be elements from other stackings present. When SO/SX looks to its blindspot, it often finds itself in SP/SO land with the easy ebb and flow of a certain "lifestyle." The gounded-ness of SP supported by the secondary element of social focuses on living a certain way, like my home, my clothes, my friends/family, etc. One of the hybrid SP/SO-SO/SX phenomenon in our society is "holidays." The SP/SO gathering together of people to eat and perform rituals mixed with the SO/SX glittering spray of decorations and clinking glasses. One culmination of this in the Western-Christian tradition is the Christmas tree. It’s the SP/SO structure from the earth standing tall as a ritualistic icon but covered in the SO/SX glittering lights and decorations.

    One of the hardest pills to swallow for Social types, especially SO/SX is the need to be "cool." Being cool means being liked, being interesting, having certain friends/associations, being envied, getting what you want, and being the opposite of a social outcast. Part of why this applies to SO/SX more than any other stacking is because the idea of being "cool" is completely frivolous. It has nothing to do with acquiring any real needs for oneself. It’s entirely focused on the opinions of others and external circumstances. It’s the social need to have connections with the SX need to keep people hooked/interested. SP in the mix is better at helping people wise up and focus on more important things. However, being cool can still apply to other stackings. With SO/SX the attention goes there first. Needing to be liked is deep internal message. One thing that SO/SX will do is put a large emphasis on their unique social badges. So they might turn their attention immediately to their hair colour, clothing, tattoos, etc. When they say, “Here’s my tattoo,” they’re also saying, “I’m the type of person that gets tattoos, I’m in that category. And I’m doing it my own unique way."

    SO/SX is the "one to one" instinct if there is one at all. All stackings can have certain preferences for whether they spend time in groups or pairs, and it’s not related to the instinct necessarily. However, if there’s one stacking that is religious about "one to one" intimacy, it is likely SO/SX. The primary instinct is the scariest place for people. And for Socials, that means "connection" is the scariest place. Relationships, friendships, and even simple connections like saying "hi" to someone on the street can be an area of much greater focus than the SO/SX will realize. But the mega-fear for SO/SX is the question, can I connect with this person? It is easier for SO-2nds and SO-blinds to reach out to someone one-on-one that they are either intimidated by or assume have some kind of role/status that they lack. This can be as simple as a leader of an online group, a religious leader, etc. With social there’s an element of being specifically chosen for a connection. Any interaction is something to put a lot of mental energy into beforehand and during. More confident SO/SX will seem very sure of themselves and their ability to talk to others. SO/SX will often come across as totally comfortable with people. But inside they might be terrified to go to that party, or feel unworthy to speak intimately with a person, or even feel cheated by the lack of one-to-one time they got from someone with whom they’ve chosen to interact. SO/SX are always looking for their "best friend" or partner in each social setting that they enter. Without that person, it’s like they don’t know who they are or how to act. Having that special connection brings them alive and gives them confidence. SX in 2nd place is part of why they come across as so confident. SX as a 2nd-place play area makes it such that SO/SX have an easy time using sexuality to be interesting, shocking, daring, and unique. They might toy with socially acceptable notions of what sex is as part of their unique signature. The attraction space will mean a lot to them, but it doesn’t tear them apart the way it would for SX/SO. SO/SX can get extremely loud with their sexual display, sometimes even more so than SX-dominants, because it’s not the sacred place that the dominant instinct holds.

    Some themes in art/films they like will often depict people in sexual hierarchies, groups, multiple pairs, and scenes of intimacy. Sexual hierarchies means that SO, being in-tune with status and the organization of people, will be attracted to images where one person is dominating another, or specifically make a point to turn that preconceived idea on its head. SO/SX is also attracted to the idea of an "orgy." However, this version of an orgy includes multiple pairs or small groups sharing something intimate. The key here for SO/SX is SX from the standpoint of social, which means extreme "intimacy." Courtship and kissing are "connective" ways to do SX. This is separate from the SP/SO hand-holding; the idea that we are side-by-side partners linked in a "bond" speaks more to SP. With SO/SX, the SX brings snake-like intertwining limbs with the looking-into-each-other’s-eyes brand of extreme intimacy and connection. SO/SX is also the instinct of "portraits." It might be to represent a specific person that they identify with, or it could be simply to frame their face as communicating something like a facial expression. The face is the locus of communication which speaks to SO.

    One misconception about Social in general is that it is always positively associated with people. This is not true for SO/SX or any stacking with Social. It can be, but SO/SX can also be extremely introverted and even hateful of people. In fact it’s the focus on how people are a problem as a theme that speaks to Social being in 1st or 2nd place. Any stacking can be misanthropic. But SO/SX can be hyper picky about who they speak to or befriend depending on type. Socials will try to curate people in their lives, specifically selecting certain people and perhaps rejecting others. The first instinct will be the most particular about itself, and for Social, "connection" is the key.

    One aspect of social that often gets overlooked is the idea of morality and judgement. Part of the instinct of people is the notion that we all need to act a certain way in order to coexist. This parallel with type 1 is most apparent in the SO/SP stacking, but SO/SX can be surprisingly particular about how people are supposed to be. They might have their own unique spin on those rules, but their pet peeves will generally be related to the things people do that bother them.
    This was ace! Sad there doesn't appear to be one for other stackings?
    "I take back like half of the exclamation points.....they make me look....eager to please. Which I AM....but I don't want anyone to KNOW that"
    - Carrie Fisher

  19. #659
    Heaven and Hell Samson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ApeironStella View Post

    SO/SX Description

    Written by Joseph Simone

    Being part of the Synflow group, this stacking has a certain synergy between its elements that flows with people in contrast to the contraflow stackings that have a solipsistic energy. "With people" doesn’t necessarily mean "positively associated with people," but rather the opposite of solipsism.

    As a stacking that is SP blind, both elements of this stacking are "people-based" in the sense that both SO and SX fulfill their instinctual needs via other people. SP on its own is primarily focused on the self and its body. This sometimes means that SO/SX uses a lot of display to attract people whether they are introverted or extraverted. This could mean clothing, jewelry, hair, memberships, art, music, etc. With SO/SX, social is an open current that invites people in. It could be inviting people for both positive and negative means, but unlike SX/SO, it flows into people. It attracts people. SO/SX has a craving for some kind of interaction whether that be getting a like on social media, getting a compliment on a cool hat, or pissing off a bunch of people. Other stackings can act this way too, but for this stacking, just getting that interaction is instinctual food.

    The energy of SO/SX can be described as "7ish" in the sense that it is sparkly. This doesn’t necessarily mean happy sparkly, but could also mean lightening shooting out in different directions, the energy of a "spray." Social is associated with the element of "air" because social is the instinct of communication and relationships. The food that SO seeks to eat is "outside," out there in the world. Even very introverted Socials will have some desire to put themselves "out there" in some way via social media, online groups, etc. They won’t necessarily always seek membership or "friends" because they can be both positive or misanthropic, but they will seek interaction. SX is associated with opposing elements such as fire/ice. SX as a supporting player to social adds a spark to social’s "up and out" energy. This is where the sparkler idea comes from. SO/SX has the energy of sending multiple iterations of themselves out in different directions. This is why SO/SX tend to enjoy repeating patterns aesthetically. The trend of wallpaper-like clothing with repeating patterns is a manifestation of the high number of SO/SX designers in the fashion industry. SO/SX can also be seen when "status" is playfully mixed into clothing such as specific hats, royal themes, crests of arms, and costume-like references.

    On that note, SO/SX can roll into SP/SO territory and vice versa. The synflow stackings can often flow into each other. The typing of a person never changes, but there can be elements from other stackings present. When SO/SX looks to its blindspot, it often finds itself in SP/SO land with the easy ebb and flow of a certain "lifestyle." The gounded-ness of SP supported by the secondary element of social focuses on living a certain way, like my home, my clothes, my friends/family, etc. One of the hybrid SP/SO-SO/SX phenomenon in our society is "holidays." The SP/SO gathering together of people to eat and perform rituals mixed with the SO/SX glittering spray of decorations and clinking glasses. One culmination of this in the Western-Christian tradition is the Christmas tree. It’s the SP/SO structure from the earth standing tall as a ritualistic icon but covered in the SO/SX glittering lights and decorations.

    One of the hardest pills to swallow for Social types, especially SO/SX is the need to be "cool." Being cool means being liked, being interesting, having certain friends/associations, being envied, getting what you want, and being the opposite of a social outcast. Part of why this applies to SO/SX more than any other stacking is because the idea of being "cool" is completely frivolous. It has nothing to do with acquiring any real needs for oneself. It’s entirely focused on the opinions of others and external circumstances. It’s the social need to have connections with the SX need to keep people hooked/interested. SP in the mix is better at helping people wise up and focus on more important things. However, being cool can still apply to other stackings. With SO/SX the attention goes there first. Needing to be liked is deep internal message. One thing that SO/SX will do is put a large emphasis on their unique social badges. So they might turn their attention immediately to their hair colour, clothing, tattoos, etc. When they say, “Here’s my tattoo,” they’re also saying, “I’m the type of person that gets tattoos, I’m in that category. And I’m doing it my own unique way."

    SO/SX is the "one to one" instinct if there is one at all. All stackings can have certain preferences for whether they spend time in groups or pairs, and it’s not related to the instinct necessarily. However, if there’s one stacking that is religious about "one to one" intimacy, it is likely SO/SX. The primary instinct is the scariest place for people. And for Socials, that means "connection" is the scariest place. Relationships, friendships, and even simple connections like saying "hi" to someone on the street can be an area of much greater focus than the SO/SX will realize. But the mega-fear for SO/SX is the question, can I connect with this person? It is easier for SO-2nds and SO-blinds to reach out to someone one-on-one that they are either intimidated by or assume have some kind of role/status that they lack. This can be as simple as a leader of an online group, a religious leader, etc. With social there’s an element of being specifically chosen for a connection. Any interaction is something to put a lot of mental energy into beforehand and during. More confident SO/SX will seem very sure of themselves and their ability to talk to others. SO/SX will often come across as totally comfortable with people. But inside they might be terrified to go to that party, or feel unworthy to speak intimately with a person, or even feel cheated by the lack of one-to-one time they got from someone with whom they’ve chosen to interact. SO/SX are always looking for their "best friend" or partner in each social setting that they enter. Without that person, it’s like they don’t know who they are or how to act. Having that special connection brings them alive and gives them confidence. SX in 2nd place is part of why they come across as so confident. SX as a 2nd-place play area makes it such that SO/SX have an easy time using sexuality to be interesting, shocking, daring, and unique. They might toy with socially acceptable notions of what sex is as part of their unique signature. The attraction space will mean a lot to them, but it doesn’t tear them apart the way it would for SX/SO. SO/SX can get extremely loud with their sexual display, sometimes even more so than SX-dominants, because it’s not the sacred place that the dominant instinct holds.

    Some themes in art/films they like will often depict people in sexual hierarchies, groups, multiple pairs, and scenes of intimacy. Sexual hierarchies means that SO, being in-tune with status and the organization of people, will be attracted to images where one person is dominating another, or specifically make a point to turn that preconceived idea on its head. SO/SX is also attracted to the idea of an "orgy." However, this version of an orgy includes multiple pairs or small groups sharing something intimate. The key here for SO/SX is SX from the standpoint of social, which means extreme "intimacy." Courtship and kissing are "connective" ways to do SX. This is separate from the SP/SO hand-holding; the idea that we are side-by-side partners linked in a "bond" speaks more to SP. With SO/SX, the SX brings snake-like intertwining limbs with the looking-into-each-other’s-eyes brand of extreme intimacy and connection. SO/SX is also the instinct of "portraits." It might be to represent a specific person that they identify with, or it could be simply to frame their face as communicating something like a facial expression. The face is the locus of communication which speaks to SO.

    One misconception about Social in general is that it is always positively associated with people. This is not true for SO/SX or any stacking with Social. It can be, but SO/SX can also be extremely introverted and even hateful of people. In fact it’s the focus on how people are a problem as a theme that speaks to Social being in 1st or 2nd place. Any stacking can be misanthropic. But SO/SX can be hyper picky about who they speak to or befriend depending on type. Socials will try to curate people in their lives, specifically selecting certain people and perhaps rejecting others. The first instinct will be the most particular about itself, and for Social, "connection" is the key.

    One aspect of social that often gets overlooked is the idea of morality and judgement. Part of the instinct of people is the notion that we all need to act a certain way in order to coexist. This parallel with type 1 is most apparent in the SO/SP stacking, but SO/SX can be surprisingly particular about how people are supposed to be. They might have their own unique spin on those rules, but their pet peeves will generally be related to the things people do that bother them.
    One big caveat: this description is mired with type 3 traits, such as "Even very introverted Socials will have some desire to put themselves "out there" in some way via social media, online groups, etc."
    The desire to "put yourself "out there"" is explicitly type 3 territory and is not required for a So/Sx typing.

    "One of the hardest pills to swallow for Social types, especially SO/SX is the need to be "cool.""
    Same deal. This isn't So/Sx. We're dealing with type 3 again.

    "The trend of wallpaper-like clothing with repeating patterns is a manifestation of the high number of SO/SX designers in the fashion industry. "
    Uh... yeeah. Type 3.

    I do think that the author is likely So/Sx, but take into account the type 3 bias. (I am aware that they self-type at 4, but this So/Sx post is just dripping with core 3.)

    -- Also, the "flows," this isn't verified by anything at all, whatsoever. Take this type of talk with a big grain of salt. It's hypothetical, at best.
    Last edited by Samson; 05-07-2020 at 04:49 AM.

  20. #660
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    girl gang
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    "I take back like half of the exclamation points.....they make me look....eager to please. Which I AM....but I don't want anyone to KNOW that"
    - Carrie Fisher

  21. #661
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrrrmaid View Post
    This was ace! Sad there doesn't appear to be one for other stackings?
    Yeah, couldn't find one as it seems like the author wrote about their own stacking than writing one for all of them, but figured it was an interesting one 💜

    Quote Originally Posted by Samson View Post
    One big caveat: this description is mired with type 3 traits, such as "Even very introverted Socials will have some desire to put themselves "out there" in some way via social media, online groups, etc."
    The desire to "put yourself "out there"" is explicitly type 3 territory and is not required for a So/Sx typing.

    "One of the hardest pills to swallow for Social types, especially SO/SX is the need to be "cool.""
    Same deal. This isn't So/Sx. We're dealing with type 3 again.

    "The trend of wallpaper-like clothing with repeating patterns is a manifestation of the high number of SO/SX designers in the fashion industry. "
    Uh... yeeah. Type 3.

    I do think that the author is likely So/Sx, but take into account the type 3 bias. (I am aware that they self-type at 4, but this So/Sx post is just dripping with core 3.)

    -- Also, the "flows," this isn't verified by anything at all, whatsoever. Take this type of talk with a big grain of salt. It's hypothetical, at best.
    That's definitely a fair point. Looking more at their blog, I wouldn't be surprised if it was instead 3w4 than 4w3, and there are some parts I don't personally click as much with (like the ones you pointed out), but wanted to add this as an interesting example, especially since it does sound like the most likely stacking for the author.

  22. #662
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    Precure and most other magical girl shows in general fits, but also shotout to Star Twinkle season where one of the main themes is communication and befriending people different from you, with some of the cast being quite literally aliens that learn about each others' cultures and strike a friendship. (Though, Hikaru is probably sx/so herself, sx/so 7w6 IEE would be my guess? Could see so/sx too but aside from that, don't see much else that could differ) With a fairly pastel palette too, but that seems to be something Toei is going for other Precure seasons in recent times too.

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    Especially with video implying in a few scenes the 'singer' being torn between siding with a friend being that is being bullied but also fearing to go against the 'social order', before finally breaking through that? Soc-first for sure, but rather than counterflow, seems more like synflow being torn between priorities?

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    Quote Originally Posted by ApeironStella View Post

    Especially with video implying in a few scenes the 'singer' being torn between siding with a friend being that is being bullied but also fearing to go against the 'social order', before finally breaking through that? Soc-first for sure, but rather than counterflow, seems more like synflow being torn between priorities?
    Where's the sx in this? Could easily be sx-last / contraflow, imo.

  25. #665
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    Quote Originally Posted by lynn View Post
    Where's the sx in this? Could easily be sx-last / contraflow, imo.
    The song pretty much being about clash of personal bond (more than once visuals and lyrics implying that two used to be close friends/in lyrics "I compared and contrasted/My fragile self-respect/And our weakened friendship, and felt my weakness.") and social acceptance ("Hidden within a mask are the emotion I’m giving up on, saying “It’s a play”") rather than a so/sp self isolation to me?

    Definitely a so-first, but being torn on going against social roles sounds more of a thing for synflow?

    Edit: On second thought, can see the so/sp survival concern in it too, so that's a fair point actually.
    Last edited by ApeironStella; 05-20-2020 at 05:57 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ApeironStella View Post
    The song pretty much being about clash of personal bond (more than once visuals and lyrics implying that two used to be close friends/in lyrics "I compared and contrasted/My fragile self-respect/And our weakened friendship, and felt my weakness.") and social acceptance ("Hidden within a mask are the emotion I’m giving up on, saying “It’s a play”") rather than a so/sp self isolation to me?

    Definitely a so-first, but being torn on going against social roles sounds more of a thing for synflow?
    Hm, but friendship (as in social bonds) itself is already a social instinct theme. From the video it seemed so/sp to me. I don't think so/sx is the only possible interpretation of the video, but if you strongly relate to it, it's another matter. The stackings are also filtered differently through the different enneagram types, so I can't say I know for sure.

  27. #667
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    Quote Originally Posted by lynn View Post
    Hm, but friendship (as in social bonds) itself is already a social instinct theme. From the video it seemed so/sp to me. I don't think so/sx is the only possible interpretation of the video, but if you strongly relate to it, it's another matter. The stackings are also filtered differently through the different enneagram types, so I can't say I know for sure.
    That's also fair. Definitely not the only interpretation, and I certainly did neglect the self preservation concern in the video by not wanting to take a social position that is not sp friendly, by supporting the "losing" team, so to speak? I was focusing more on personal bond vs social hierarchy in it, but as I said in my edit, definitely can see fitting so/sp in terms of that more?

  28. #668
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    so/sx the soc-subtype ... the title should be changed from Trump's to Western Europe's bommer's greatest failure

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    Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
    so/sx the soc-subtype ... the title should be changed from Trump's to Western Europe's bommer's greatest failure

    Besides the scapegoating in the end, this was an extremely interesting piece of information, thanks for sharing

  30. #670
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    Quote Originally Posted by lynn View Post
    Wow this is my life, lol.

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    I am so/sx and I have a couple of so/sx friends. Sometimes I think that these friendships feel almost like relationships. I feel very upset if there are problems in the friendship and we have a lot of romantic, idealistic conversations. Finding an so/sx bestie feels like one of my top goals in life. A girl or even a guy. A guy would be cool. Like a dream, fantasy boyfriend. A relationship which wouldn't work in reality- like something from a romantic novel. Except it's purely a friendship

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    so/sx 6.. duty with warrior undertones...

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    I think Frankie Goes To Hollywood is an So/Sx band

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    Blur is probably So/Sx, light social critique (also why cant I embed videos?)
    Last edited by Karbonkel; 04-29-2021 at 09:55 AM.

  36. #676
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    Main theme would have to be presentation, saying things in a bubbly way, with enormous outpouring, energy and frequency, a silly swirl of hose projective randomness and the youngling snapshot of joy.
    It's Henry vs Zidane, France vs Spain in the 2024 Olympic soccer final, Egypt vs Japan, Yugioh vs Pokemon, Poimandres vs Zarathustra, Giordano Bruno vs Friedrich Nietzsche, haystack picnic robed in silver rods to treasures of lore and sacred spark to unite and forge dancing stars and futures refracting crystal moonlight lures of hanger bay crunching fabrics webbing steel and blizzards juice stringing code red trains of yonder fluid ribbons trophy waterfall cake blueprints frenzy retracting haunted capital terra horns of leading edge canopy blossoms rendezvous shuffling Articuno!!
    RaptorWizard Sci-Fi Empire Lugia Bunny ~ Ultimate Aeon Willpower: Wes Net (

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    Lol I put all of this back into My type, just like the good old days!!

    Bunny promises flighty music to crystallize and anchor chromatic stamps of class and force squiggling and barrage meteor mashing prototype custom Poke-Ball order for Professor Oak.
    It's Henry vs Zidane, France vs Spain in the 2024 Olympic soccer final, Egypt vs Japan, Yugioh vs Pokemon, Poimandres vs Zarathustra, Giordano Bruno vs Friedrich Nietzsche, haystack picnic robed in silver rods to treasures of lore and sacred spark to unite and forge dancing stars and futures refracting crystal moonlight lures of hanger bay crunching fabrics webbing steel and blizzards juice stringing code red trains of yonder fluid ribbons trophy waterfall cake blueprints frenzy retracting haunted capital terra horns of leading edge canopy blossoms rendezvous shuffling Articuno!!
    RaptorWizard Sci-Fi Empire Lugia Bunny ~ Ultimate Aeon Willpower: Wes Net (

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    Quote Originally Posted by RaptorWizard XD001 View Post
    Main theme would have to be presentation, saying things in a bubbly way, with enormous outpouring, energy and frequency, a silly swirl of hose projective randomness and the youngling snapshot of joy.
    Yes that's it! Real so/sx:

    Ana de Armas so/sx VS james Corden so/sp:

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    Syn-flow stackings aren't very well described on this forum, because most people on here are contra flow. There is something very shiny and communal about this stacking, but not necessarily 'happy'(that's only enneagram 2,7 and 9 so/sx). Let's be intense all together, intense about the social.

    Musicals are very so/sx and probably also alpha:

    So/sx songs are intense, but the intensity is always about 'bros', helping others, "doing things together", there isn't a single focus point, not one single dancer, but group chorographies:

    So/sx movies are "me and my friends and family" kind of movies:

    (I think Shia plays a SEE and the Dakota plays a ILI)

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