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Thread: Sx/so

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    Lindsay Buckingham (9w1)

    Rich and famous or starving and poor, we went through the same problems. He always wanted me to himself, but somebody had to go out and earn some money. All he wanted to do was play his music. When I came home I'd always get a slight cold shoulder. He wouldn't quite trust me about where I'd been or what I'd been doing. When we broke up, two years after joining Fleetwood Mac, it was like a living nightmare....Everything about me seemed to bug him. My laughter, the way I could deal with a lot of difficult things, all made him want to cringe. So I changed when I was around him. I became mouse-like and would never dare offer a suggestion.
    ~Stevie Nicks, Woman's Own, 1990

    When he and I split up in the very beginning, Lindsey was never quite able to understand what had happened to us, and that in itself had to make day-to-day living very difficult for him, and it did for me.
    ~Stevie Nicks, The Music Paper, June 1990

    [Billy Burnette & Rick Vito] come up to my house, and they work with me [on music]. And, um, you see that is something that Lindsey and I never did, because he never wanted to be that close to me...anymore. Because we'd always get back on the subject of why we broke up 12 years ago.
    ~Stevie Nicks, BBC Interview, 1989

    I cooked and cleaned and took care of him. I mean, I my mom and dad considered Lindsey and I married. So did I. So did he. Now Lindsey and I don't speak at all. …It's a sad way to end a long, wonderful reationship.
    ~Stevie Nicks, USA Today, October 16, 1991

    Currently, Lindsey and I have no relationship. …Basically, I think Lindsey and I had sung our last song. We had taken that relationship as far as it could go without one of us killing the other. Plus, he had treated me so badly for so long. I'd walk into a room and he'd become the most sarcastic, unpleasant man on the face of the earth. I have total respect for him [as an artist]. I don't know if he has any for me. He feels I broke up our team. So, for that, in his mind, I should be tortured for days and then killed.
    ~Stevie Nicks, The Island Ear, August 22, 1994

    [These days] Lindsey deals with me on a much kinder level. And I'm more willing to be open with him. It's nice to think I might go to my grave being Lindsey's friend and not a thorn in his side for all eternity.
    ~Stevie Nicks, Daily News, August 12, 1997

    fyi Stevie is sp/sx, and was the one who broke it off

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    Last edited by maniac; 11-18-2016 at 01:15 PM.

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