So, I'm still trying to determine my type, having narrowed it down to ENTp, ENTj, and INTp as far as I'm concerned, and if anyone has any ideas on it, I'd love to hear them, but this isn't another "What's My Type?" thread. The reason I mentioned this is that I'm trying to figure out whether I use certain functions more than others, and I'm currently contrasting Te to Ti.
I've found a lot of stuff on the differences between these two functions via phpBB's search function, but I'm still undecided. Although I've found plenty about Ti being "structural logic", Te being "business logic", the difference between them as thought processes, etc, etc, I have what hopefully is a pretty simple question that I haven't found an answer for:
Can anyone explain the practical, observable differences between types that use more Te than Ti and types that use more Ti than Te?
Thanks in advance.