View Poll Results: Hunter S Thompson's type?

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    0 0%
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    0 0%
  • ESI (ISFj)

    2 33.33%
  • IEE (ENFp)

    1 16.67%
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    0 0%
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Thread: Hunter S Thompson

  1. #1

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    Default Hunter S. Thompson

    I'm having trouble figuring out Hunter S. Thompson's type from what I know about him. Can anyone help? Here are some pictures and interview excerpts (with the interviewer's questions in bold)..



    You were a very vocal critic of the Clinton administration, but you were in correspondence with Sandy Berger, Clinton's Defense secretary. Are you guys still friends?

    Oh, yeah, definitely, he's a good boy. I disagree with a lot of my friends. Just because he's my friend doesn't mean he has to agree with me.

    Are you still in touch with Patrick Buchanan?

    Occasionally. We're still friends. Patrick is a libertarian, or at least in that direction. I think of politics as a circle, not a spectrum of one line not just right and left. Patrick and I are often pretty close. Patrick's an honest person. He's a straight guy and very smart guy.

    What do you think of the state of political journalism?

    Very bad. Very lazy and almost cowardly in its obsequiousness.

    What important questions are they not asking?

    God damn, man. Who wrote these questions for you?

    I did.

    Well, they're all kind of pertinent, but let's take a break and kind of work up to some of these.

    OK. I'm going to ask you some more softball questions. What are you driving these days and what's its top speed?

    Oh Jesus, you really are one of these, aren't you? It's snowing out. I drive a Jeep Cherokee through the snow.

    If they offered you the post of the governor of Samoa today would you accept it?

    Oh. That's interesting. Well, yeah, if I thought I could really have free hand. It would be an adventure. I'd try it for a year.

    What's the best drug to write on?

    You've got dumb questions.

    Um, sorry. Have you ever done ecstasy?

    Yeah. It seemed kind of mild and talky. I didn't mind it. It's not in the nature of the kind of drug I am normally accustomed to, it was a quasi-drug, I guess.

    You have claimed to be the most accurate reporter people could read. A lot of people would disagree. How would you defend that claim?

    With the exception of typos, I have some ungodly typos in my work. In terms of my...I might not get the dates right every once in a while. I try to be more accurate than other journalists, which is not that difficult. You have to distinguish between what happened and what the situation was.

    Do you think that's due to your willingness to put objectivity by the wayside?

    Well, you can't be objective when you're dealing with passionate situations, politics and so forth. I guess you can, I never have. For instance if you were objective about Richard Nixon, you would never get him or understand him. You had to be subjective to understand Nixon. You have to be subjective to understand the Hells Angels.

    What's the best firearm for home security?

    Twelve gauge short barrel shotgun.

    And what's the best for just fucking around?

    Machine guns are kind of nice. You can have a lot of fun with them. It's like watering the lawn. I don't get to play them very often.

    Ralph Steadman said that you almost killed him in a gun-related explosion while he was visiting you in Aspen. What happened?

    I don't know that story, but no doubt it's right. I can think of several times. Ralph is well acquainted with my lifestyle.


    Right, but I mean, there were those assholes who flew the plane into the World Trade Center.

    Who were they indeed? Now, [cough] do you believe that, that a bunch of Arabs jumped up from some kind of a campfire and fucking mountains over there and snuck into this country and hijacked those planes and did that by themselves?

    Well what are you proposing? I mean I think they were funded years ago by the CIA and it was a blowback, but, I don't think there was any direct... Are you saying there might be some other American agency or some international agency that directly supported them in that?

    Uhh, this is tricky territory, but yeah, that's what I'm getting at.


    I can't sit here and jerk up documents like Joe McCarthy, there's no proof of that. But I'm sure there is. And the idea that we're getting the whole story, uh, through the uh, the media, or from the president, is absurd on it's face because you never do, for one thing. And there's so many unanswered questions and loose ends and uh, lets see, well, lies! Yeah, about what happened. That they, in the run-up to that day, the years, I wrote a column about it right after it happened.

    I'm curious about why you're doing the kinda sports-centric thing with ESPN. I know you started as a sports journalist but...

    I got a soft spot in my heart for sports and what the hell, I bet on it, I'm into it all the time, I might as well make some money on it. One of the things I think I've learned over time is I have to make movie on, excuse me, money on, I have to get paid for my vices somehow, or else its gonna be destructive. If you're paid for being crazy, then you're not crazy, is that right?

    And when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.

    I think the real difference is functional and dysfunctional rather than sane or insane. And John Walsh at ESPN is an old friend. And I like it, it keeps me, the column kept me kinda sane, a regular deadline every week. I gotta finish it and read it the next day. I like the regularity of it. I grew up in newspapers. And it just gives me a nice little break every week.

    Well that was my last question.

    Well that's, uh, good luck! And you're gonna need it.
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  2. #2
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    With no previous knowledge on the man and acknowledging that there isn't enough material here to be sure, I'd say ESTJ.
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  3. #3
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    Yeah, my first thought was ESTj as well ...

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    I also thought ESFp, but couldn't really conclude that.

  5. #5


    He's a intuitive. I saw him in an interview on Charlie Rose, and his intuition was strong. He's really out there. He's also quite bright.

    He is incredibly eccentric and his personality was probably been permantly altered by his use of strong substances, so his type is tough to pin down

    He also got along well with Charlie Rose; mainly on an intellectual level Charlie Rose is probably an INTj. I say this because he reminds me a lot of my uncle who is an INTj. So, perhaps they are both ALPA

    ENTp? INTj? (first choices)
    ENFP is perhaps an other possibility
    Thus, I think he has strong not
    But hey, what do I know?
    But ESFp or ESFj...I really don't think so

  6. #6

    Default Hunter S. Thompson

    The king of Gonzo journalism. A very amusing man. Now will you all be so kind as to try and type him for me? You will I know, because you are all fine little pets. Man makes me slightly angry though, there are NO photos of him without the glasses. Just a tip to the dead Hunter. We knew you were druged you could have taken them off. Anyway have at it.

  7. #7

    Default Hunter S. Thompson

    sorry you can't see his eyes in any of those... The journalist portrayed by Johnnie Depp in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, and Bill Murrey in Where the Buffalo Roam. If you've seen either of those movies supposedly they both did his personality dead on...

    any guesses on his type?

  8. #8


    good interview from Letterman in 198something...

  9. #9


    watching this interview he reminds me a hell of alot like Johnie Depp (being Johnie Depp) from an Actor's Studio interview. He's a little more animated and talkitive than Depp... but their mannerisms and speach patterns are very similar.

  10. #10


    another Letterman interview... he's obviously jacked up on something in this one

  11. #11


    last one... from the 70's on Nixon, drugs, himself, etc...

    lol he spills his bag and freaks out at one part... another part he spills his drink on the grass and starts babbling on about drinking chloaphyle. I love this guy too.

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    But, for a certainty, back then,
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    i think hes some Te type. I've thought ENTj and ISTp in the past. he was great.

  14. #14
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    Default Hunter S Thompson

    Yes there are multiple threads on him, merge if necessary.

    Personally I think he is LSI-Se

    A few quotes I found particularly telling:

    "Hunter always had to have some type of crisis, something to animate him, to get him going."
    "Hunter did everything for effect. He wasn't ever happy, I don't believe, when things were stable and tranquil."
    But, for a certainty, back then,
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  16. #16
    Coldest of the Socion EyeSeeCold's Avatar
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    LSI(based off impressions, but ESI not at all)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post

    I know I've already argued this into the ground before.
    Oh come now, take up a shield for old times sake.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
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  18. #18
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    The people who knew him best felt that he felt a lot.of weight to keep up the "Gonzo" character, to live up to the image he created for himself that he saw himself as through the eyes of others. Fe seeking to the max, and likely 6 disintegration to 3.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
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  20. #20
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    An EIE turned the crowd against him; therefore he is ESI. Perfect.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
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    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
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  21. #21
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    Fe PoLR? How so?
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  22. #22
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    I kind of think he was just being civil. He probably would have taken his turn to shred the guy but they didn't give him a chance, the other dude just steamrolled him with preaching.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
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  23. #23
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    He was also kind of an insular guy, a performer in some ways but from my impression of him I would think he mostly kept to his own except when the job demanded it.

    There is something about his physical demeanor and flair that actually reminds me of Marlon Brando:

    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
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    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
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  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by he died with a felafel View Post
    true that, but he sorta lost his opportunity to explain his take on the situation and didn't really seem to care for it. i mean, he didn't seem to care to have his explanation taken into account or 'clear up his name' or w/e. btw, i've found that same sorta deadpan interaction from him in almost all clips/interviews/show appearances i've watched in the past.

    i really see no Se-drama lol. i mean, you quote above that hunter did everything for an effect, or sth like that. and yet, when he has an opportunity for an effect in real-life *public* interaction, like on a show, he really doesn't seem to care.

    btw, i don't wanna bring on too much info on him, it gets kinda exhausting to get into too much detail (for me anyway), so i'm focusing on his public appearances only.

    btw, what makes you think istj or even isxj...?
    Well the guy was the ultimate in counter-culture media and he was on a popular television show, he probably felt extremely out of place and on the spot. He's used to being the one doing the observing, poking, and prodding.

    He seems very rational to me. His face as an older man has a look to it that I find salient in older rational white men, hard to describe but it's something I've noticed consistently.

    He seems obviously an Se/Ni quadra. All his talk about the edge, the way when he speaks, he says words that point at something without saying it directly, but you know what he's talking seems obvious to me, a lot of other Se/Ni valuing types do this kind of thing, using a kind of volley of particulars and snapshot impressions, direct experiences, that all sort of form a kaleidescope that only makes sense when the author is skilled enough to really get into his or her frame of mind. The lyrics of Amanda Palmer's songs are a solid and accessible example.

    I think the art he chose to associate with himself has a distinctly Beta feel to it, reminiscent of Tim Burton's art in some ways, a kind of grim charicature that manages to be at once delicate and raw, honest in sentiment and yet forthcomingly parodying in form. Granted, it's not Thompson's work, but the fact that it resonated with him enough for him to choose it as a kind of brand is telling IMO.

    In demeanor he is largely contained, but he was known for his "spurts" of energy or anger, being typically withheld in an intense fashion but "coming out" when necessary.

    Re: the drama, I think Hunter wanted drama in the sense that he wanted to feel that what he was doing was urgent. I think this kind of need for things like running gags and flights of fantasy is necessary for LSIs to keep them going, keep them from becoming stagnant; their Ni-seeking nature gives them a kind of thirst for urgency or import of their actions, and Hunter creatively dreamed up situations to encourage and motivate himself. This kind of blurring of the real and the imaginary was what made him such an amazing writer and entertainer, because it gave his audience something to believe in: him. Classic Ni seeking with a glaring overriding theme of need for Fe.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
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    You don't need to know anything about them; just take a look at that picture, and then maybe go watch Streetcar Named Desire. There is a similar kind of energy to them, a composure struck with mischievousness, in the same way that JFK was a preppy playboy. I think it's a Beta thing, maybe...vague...
    But, for a certainty, back then,
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    As an example, I could see someone like discojoe behaving in a very similar fashion on a TV show, especially when confronted with that much overwhelming Fe presence. It seems almost like he is giving the guy his space respectfully, despite disagreeing. Maybe he knows that if he just tries to stick his foot in that it won't be as powerful as if he waits for the guy to run out of steam and then turns around and crushes him. But there's not enough time, because TV is gay like that.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
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  28. #28
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    Ummm...he barely says a thing. How does that give any evidence of Fe or lack thereof?
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    I could imagine discojoe behaving similarly under such circumstances.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
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    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
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    Last edited by mfckr; 12-25-2014 at 01:30 AM.

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    Yes I agree with ESI, after watching extensive interviews. Serious, Decisive, IJ.

    As for LSI, I personally don't see him using any Ti or Fe anywhere, and reminds me too much of other ESIs. I think Se subtype is probably right.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by poli View Post
    Yes I agree with ESI, after watching extensive interviews. Serious, Decisive, IJ.

    As for LSI, I personally don't see him using any Ti or Fe anywhere, and reminds me too much of other ESIs. I think Se subtype is probably right.
    Which ESIs would you offer as examples?
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
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    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
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  33. #33
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    Personally I think the positivist/negativist dichotomy is poorly explained in such terms, it makes it seem like optimism vs. pessimism.

    As I said before, I agree that he probably feels incredibly out of place on the show, and as such I think that makes it a bad snapshot with which to truly judge his personality. I think anyone could become so uncomfortable as to be fairly unresponsive. Eminem, who is IEI in my opinion, actually behaves similarly in interviews. I can easily see Betas doing this as a way of spoiling peoples expectations of them, being as they are both relatively opposed to their view of society at large, yet another factor that would make them less than enthusiastic about being poked and prodded by the public rather than appreciated for what they already do.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
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    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
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    Under cerulean skies...

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    I would suggest that those interested in learning more about him watch the documentary on netflix I linked to rather than parse through disparate interviews that totally fail to capture the real Hunter S Thompson. I think HST gives very clear examples of using Fe when he is captured more candidly rather than interviewed. He is always imagining himself in some kind of caper; everything is always a bit bigger, more dramatic, more interesting and exciting than it really is. I don't think I've ever seen ANYTHING like that from any Serious type I've known, and I find it very common amongst Fe valuers, especially Betas. Strrrng and I kept up similar such running gags when we spent a lot of time together a year or so ago.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
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    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
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    Also I would point at Hunter's attitude towards people in general as evidence of his being a logical type. He has a very obvious need for people,for love and admiration and being seen as unique in a way (4 fix probably), and was very warm and affectionate, and yet he seems to be the type of person who was always distant in some way, never truly accessible, even to the people closest to him. To me this is pretty much typical anti-Fi.

    Also his last wife, Anita Dejmuk, seems glaringly Beta NF to me.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    oh, how convenient
    Yes, how convenient that the description you cited makes it seem like Positivsts are Optimists and Negativists are Pessimists.

    that's by no means unique to Beta by any stretch
    I never said it was; it's my explanation for his failure to live up to his character when left sweating under a spotlight, which is supported by absolutely everything I can see and know about the man.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
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    That's how I see it too, but the article just colors it too much.
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    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
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    Is it my turn now?

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