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  1. #1
    escaping anndelise's Avatar
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    Default Word Games

    Today I was playing around with the concepts from this site:
    and the info linked in this thread:

    Premises from both sites:
    N, F = internal qualities (?what is not visible?) (?what aspects of reality are implied?) (?implicit?)
    S, T = external qualities (?what is visible?) (?what aspects of reality are expressed?) (?explicit?)
    N, T = abstracted (?) (?information gathered through abstract reasoning?) (?abstract/intellectual?) (?objective?)
    S, F = involved (?) (?information gathered through the senses?) (?sensorical?) (?experience?) (?subjective?)
    Xi = field; relations; arc; path
    Xe = object; node
    (Note: (?...?) means that these are possible attempts to explain what is meant by the terms used. Without access to translators and/or definitional papers for socionics…it's all just meandering thoughts of the moment.)

    N, F, S, T defined by the terms given:
    N = abstracted internal qualities
    F = involved internal qualities
    S = involved external qualities
    T = abstracted external qualities

    8 functions defined by the terms given:
    Ni = abstracted internal field
    Ne = abstracted internal object
    Fi = involved internal field
    Fe = involved internal object
    Si = involved external field
    Se = involved external object
    Ti = abstracted external field
    Te = abstracted external object

    8 functions defined by alternate terms:
    Ni = objective implied relations
    Ne = objective implied nodes
    Fi = subjective implied relations
    Fe = subjective implied nodes
    Si = subjective explicit relations
    Se = subjective explicit nodes
    Ti = objective explicit relations
    Te = objective explicit nodes

    I haven't a clue. It's not my system, it's socionic's system.
    I just like playing around with nodes and looking to see how they relate.

    Anyone got any possible meanings or alternate terms?
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

  2. #2
    escaping anndelise's Avatar
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    Just thinking about this now..... and it seems to me that maybe (at least at the moment) it seems better to say:

    Ni = abstracted implied relations
    Ne = abstracted implied nodes
    Fi = involved implied relations
    Fe = involved implied nodes
    Si = involved explicit relations
    Se = involved explicit nodes
    Ti = abstracted explicit relations
    Te = abstracted explicit nodes
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

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