Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom
....But as for the parents/children thing, you need to see this from the other side. First, all children have tantrums at some point - at least most. Most healthy children. I have a friend whose son had never had a tantrum by age 3 and his pediatrician had him evaluated for autism because of it. He doesn't have autism, he's just quiet and unusually docile, but it's an example that *most* children have tantrums. It's a natural part of them learning they are their own people and have some power over themselves. Completely natural.

Second, I don't believe in corporal punishment. Using physical aggression toward children leads to aggressive children in my opinion.

But, if my daughter had a tantrum in a store, restaurant, whatever, we went outside until it was over. There's no reason for everyone else to have to live through it. She's outgrown tantrums now. But if she's loud and disturbing people around us, we go outside until she's able to be quieter. I don't punish her for it, I just take her outside for a few minutes. It doesn't happen often and usually only when we've had a big day and she's overstimulated. Again, this is normal and natural.
Thanks for your response Slacker Mom. If your form of discipline works then more power to you. At least you would take the child outside. After re-reading my post I suppose I should have emphasized this was no normal everyday tantrum. This was a full on demonic asault, very dramatic and piearcing. I see children get upset all the time in public and the parents will speak to them in serious tones and they get the point or get taken to the car. This is acceptable. These wussy parents acted like they were helpless and slaves of their 4 year old tyrant. I noticed people leaving the bookstore to get away. Thats just wrong.