ISFj or INFj?
ISFj or INFj?
I would say INFj... but I don't really know With Ne, we probably contemplate different possibilites and courses of action more.
I guess I meant in a hesitant way, not a procrastinating way.
I'm confused. What I said doesn't necessarily imply procrastination. But I think my explanation could be used anyways if you're talking about hesitation. Because we (INFjs) contemplate many different possibilities and courses of action, we're more prone to second guessing ourselves than ISFjs.
This thread should have consisted of several INFjs unable to make up their minds. It would have been so beautiful.
lol!Originally Posted by schrödinger's cat
I think INFjs would have a more difficult time making decisions.
EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
E3 (probably 3w4)
Cool ILI hubbys are better than LSIs any time!
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Definitely INFjs. My wife does not know the meaning or procrastinate. Sometimes I actually have to hold her back.
Te-INTp/ILI, my wife: Fi-ISFj/ESI, with laser beam death rays for ESTp/SLEs, lol
16 years of bliss in an Activity relationship
Virtually no difference. None of the perceiving functions have to do with decision making. All four IxxJ types are said to take the longest to come to a decision on a matter, and are the least likely to jump to conclusions.Originally Posted by Joy
I don't know if I agree with that a 100%. Maybe the longest to come to a decision but I've had those types "project" their feelings on to me as to my motives for behavior and jump to conclusions. I think that kind of comment really depends on the individual and how much they are willing to accept feedback. If there is any type less adept at accepting feedback, I would think that would be an I**J type.Virtually no difference. None of the perceiving functions have to do with decision making. All four IxxJ types are said to take the longest to come to a decision on a matter, and are the least likely to jump to conclusions.
I have had an INFj jump to conclusions many times over the way I feel. He was completely off base and just projecting his feelings on to me. He would accuse me of being judgemental when the mere accusation was judgemental.
I make observations, its not that I don't take all other kinds of things into consideration too. I change my opinon on people regularly. He would assume because I made this one observation that I was leaping to a judgement.
His observations were a reflection of his judgements of people, my observations were not....I'm always withholding judgement especially when it comes to people.
So basically, he would scold me for something I wasn't even doing.
Depends I guess. With some things, I take forever to decide. With other things, I make very last minute decisions and roll with it.
I just thought of another example as to how an INFj I knew would jump to judgements and conclusions.
One day we went for a drive to listen to a new CD he just got. As we are driving, he sees one of those Humvees. He starts getting angry and spouting off how people are just so concerned with looking good and being big spending consumers that they are willing to destroy our environment to do it. He is obviously very aggravated and holds the driver to this vehicle in some pretty obvious disdain.
I point out that he doesn't know if that driver is even the owner to the vehicle, it could be a mechanic taking it from point A to point B. Maybe its not the car they usually drive accept in certain conditions but their other vehicle is down and they needed to use that one instead.
To jump to conclusions about that driver is wrong ESPECIALLY when we are driving a V-6 Engine Grand Am around merely to listen to a new CD which we could have easily done at one of our places.