Quote Originally Posted by Phantasmagorical View Post
Hmmm.... I'm inclined towards Se suggestive then.

The only reason I'm still skeptical about being an INTp (or to be more precise, a non-Si valuer, even if it's weak and unconscious) is that I often focus on past sensory experiences and try to reenact them in an attempt to emulate the feeling associated with that experience. Sometimes, I even retrospect just for fun, nostalgia is a recreation I frequently indulge in. I also tend to visualize my mind as a disorganized storehouse of memories (along many other visualizations). I would periodically get reminded of things that happened to me in the past out of nowhere. I am also somewhat guilty of attaching emotional significance to objects. For instance, a few days ago, the furniture in my room was changed and I remember feeling sad (well, not exactly sad, more like reluctant) about it. At the same time, however, I think Ni ego fits me more than Ne ego. So there's the conundrum.
That's no obstacle. In socionics, Si doesn't have the same associations with memories of past sensations that MBTI does. Si is all about one's relation to the sensory present​.