This is kind of an 'easy'/simple thread, about ESFjs, and comparing them with myself, INTj. The goal is to seek your comments about the following thoughts - do you agree? Does this make sense?
INTjs do not mind fixing of maintaining something mechanical / logical things, as they get to use logic, specifically logic of structures - how things work. Making something work well is rewarding. Even more so, it is like that bit about how "if you ask an INTj to make a chair for one adult, they will make if strong enough for one adult elephant".
Now, apply this with ethical/emotional situatoins with ESFj.
I think one ESFj I know was really into that -- she sort of 'got off' on cheering people up. I was more melancholy at the time, and she commented how she enjoyed making me feel better. But even something like this -- and it wasn't serious, but sort of for fun (you know what i mean) -- "I sort of hope (person) does make you upset, so that I can cheer you up again!". The point is, that maintaining, and repairing, emotional/ethical relationships is rewarding.
It makes the other person feel useful, and it is "what I do", so to say. It is like asking Shaq if he wouldn't mind dunking a basketball. (Asking him to shoot free throws would probably be like me talking about emotions, with emotion and empathy).
So, does that seem right?
I suppose this is an investigation into duality, but also something about ESFjs that I wasn't quite certain about.