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Thread: Is hidden agenda the real Ego?

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    Default Is hidden agenda the real Ego?

    An entp is Ne Ti at the core, but isn;t an ENTp the things and people he loves, isnt that what hurts him most? Extrapolote to other types... So what is the real ego? Is it through what we percieve or is it what we latch onto. An intj... I think therefor I am, but what am I? HA: Si, I am my body? INTj's tend to think of tyheir bodies as invincible and them them for granted, ENTp's take the things they love for granted until they loose it, so is that what they are? I think so, because without the HA the person is nothing.

    What a great replacement for a nany

  2. #2
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    does not comply with me.

    My body is not my ego
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
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    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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    But if it starts to break down, would you see it as something that is critical to you, that you cannot be you without? I know we don't like to think about what its like to be without the hidden agenda, but if you were to start loosing it would you start to think that it is you. You might say of course, I need my body to live... but some people wouldnt care as long as they had their 6th.

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    We should start from definition of ego.
    ex-nameless ixtp
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    Well that's sort of strange, because everybody would shit their pants if their body was going downhill.

    Maybe using another example with other types would help, but it doesn't seem to come across thus far.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

  6. #6

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nessy
    We should start from definition of ego.
    an inflated feeling of pride in your superiority to others

    self: your consciousness of your own identity

    (psychoanalysis) the conscious mind

    In his theory of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud sought to explain how the unconscious mind operates by proposing that it has a particular structure. He proposed that the self was divided into three parts: the Ego, the Superego, and the Id.

    One of the three components of the human psyche delineated by Sigmund Freud. The ego mediates between the pleasurable desires of the id and the moral imperatives of the superego. The mature ego embodies the reality principle as it works to protect the individual from the oppression of society and to find a means for healthy self-expression in society.

    Freud divides the psyche into three parts: the ego, the id and the superego. The ego is the 'rational' part of the psyche

    The conscious part of the psyche with which we normally identify; the personality. Using the standard analogy of the iceberg, Ego would be that part of an iceberg visible above the water line, projecting into consciousness and identified as the personality. The unconscious is represented by the huge mass that is beneath the waterline and unseen.

    the person from whose point of view kinship relations are referenced.

    The mistaken notion of "I", a separate self, from which all confusion and suffering arises.

    part of the mental apparatus that is present at the interface of the perceptual and internal demand systems. It controls voluntary thoughts and actions, and, at an unconscious level, defense mechanisms.

    In psychoanalysis, the part of personality that represents reason, good sense, and rational self-control.

    (Latin) The personal pronoun "I"; in philosophy and theosophy, the ego is the center of 'I-am-ship' or egoity in the human being. There are two such centers: the spiritual and impersonal, commonly called the individuality; and the personal, often called the soul or the personality. The former ego is unconditionally immortal, the latter ego is conditionally immortal, but in most cases mortal because of its lack of binding aspirations with its higher Over-self, the individuality.

    A complex within the psyche which constitutes the center of a person’s field of consciousness and which appears to possess a high degree of continuity and identity. Jungian psychology speaks of an ego complex, which is both a content and a condition of consciousness.

    In yoga, the limited sense of "I" that is identified with the body, mind, and senses; sometimes described as "the veil of suffering."

    That fear based and unnatural aberration of mind which arises to protect personal integrity in a hostile environment. A psychological disease based upon memory and arbitrary assumptions, which is a cause of all the continuing imbalances in human society.

    The experience that one has a separate, individual existence distinct from God (Brahman); spiritual ignorance.


    What a frickin mess!!

    What a great replacement for a nany

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slava
    Quote Originally Posted by Nessy
    We should start from definition of ego.
    an inflated feeling of pride in your superiority to others

    About my body? No. My thoughts, visions, yes. But not my body. Not really , I don't think.

    Hmm.... uless you really want to twist it and say that my and such is a manifestation of self preservation...... but that doesn't seem right at all. Sacrifice that body, bay--beee! ( )
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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