Quote Originally Posted by Expat
Quote Originally Posted by consentingadult
I'm not sure about your statement on rationality/irrationality. How can you recognize this externally? Typically, I used to think you could tell by people being messy or untidy, but I have found that J-types can be messy as well when they are operating on a neurotic level.
Messyness has nothing to do with being P or "neurotic".

I think Rick's definitions are good.
I agree with the P thing, but ask a psychologist about the mess. Not that all neurotic people are messy, some are even compulsive about neatness. Sometimes people are messy just because they are messy by nature, sometimes people are messy because they are neurotic or psychotic. This is exactly why being messy should not be used as a criterium for determining type; this is exactly what sucks about MBTI!