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Thread: Why do we talk?

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  1. #1
    fka noki, zap, ath kopyk's Avatar
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    @Esaman hard to explain. Its like... Who am I to speak? Why are my words so important? No one asked me to. I'm just another shit-producing human meatbag, not a god or sth special, so spouting off a bunch of complicated language can feel very vain to me. The feeling/notion of that perpetually lurks in the back of my mind. When I imagine convos in my head (like I often do) I occasionally end up cringing to a lot of the idiotic ideas that pop into my head. I think I don't wanna be dragged into any spotlight unless I'm really driven about sth. I feel somewhat similarly towards some of those who step into it - TED talkers for instance. Just a bunch of postmodern, western, self-important, "passionate" ppl getting to talk about what interests them, and sometimes they'll relate themselves to the topic too. ugh...

  2. #2
    Esaman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ath View Post
    No one asked me to.
    I just did.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ath View Post
    + solipsist with existential issues. You sure are justified in worrying about being such.

  3. #3
    Reficulris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ath View Post
    @Esaman hard to explain. Its like... Who am I to speak? Why are my words so important? No one asked me to. I'm just another shit-producing human meatbag, not a god or sth special, so spouting off a bunch of complicated language can feel very vain to me. The feeling/notion of that perpetually lurks in the back of my mind. When I imagine convos in my head (like I often do) I occasionally end up cringing to a lot of the idiotic ideas that pop into my head. I think I don't wanna be dragged into any spotlight unless I'm really driven about sth. I feel somewhat similarly towards some of those who step into it - TED talkers for instance. Just a bunch of postmodern, western, self-important, "passionate" ppl getting to talk about what interests them, and sometimes they'll relate themselves to the topic too. ugh...
    hmm.. Seems to imply a lot of self loathing and negativity towards the human species.

    Sure, language has evolved far past the necesity it might have been in the "run, lion" example. This is true for all our endeavors in a way. Western civilization has basically achieved the point where we don't actually encouter the "survival" aspect of our abilities anymore. I'm not sure this is true in development countries, i'll not draw conclusions for them.

    As for why, it's basically sexual selection. Intelligence, the ability to create results in the world, social structure, the ability to rally people around and actually enforce those results are sexy. Things that are sexy increase the likelyhood of being passed on to a lot of offspring. Those that will have the "sexy" trait will in turn look more sexy and give that trait through.

    As for "who am I to talk", yes, that's basically nihilism, the acute and utter awareness of the uselessness of it all, the lack of clear, objective, nondoubtable goals in life. One's awareness has been raised to the point where one actually doubts his or her own needs and abilities and purpose. This on the long term could be selected out (if you commit suicide for instance, or choose not to procreate) or not if it's not detremental to your mating. The question is one to answer on your own, do you need purpose? does that need to be external? Can you actually reconcile with the "vanity" of just being hedonistic or are you going to follow a greater good? If the latter, what good will that be? Where will you find it?. If neither the "die in agony" option is still there. Evolution doesn't care about our existential fear, it goes on even if you oppose it. There is no exit.

    So, to paraphrase Sartre: "you have the freedom to do anything with your life and so you have to take the responsibility for it".

    I myself don't see communication as vain or in the negative light you see it in. It's enjoyable, it's like dancing, fighting, fucking, it's a way to encounter the other, to reflect on myself, to tussle, to play, to create, to destroy. It's part of the pallete of life, like music, painting... It's not Grandiouse, or godlike. It's complex, but only because we think of it as complex. In the end it just is, it IS and you really cannot judge it without giving it strength.

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