Quote Originally Posted by Ms. Kensington
I am now thinking even more that she is ENFp. After reading about Ann's description of Si dual seeking in the video thread, I now see in what way I relate to her lyrics.

Also witness the egg-rolling inthe Venus as a Boy video Same thing.

i don't know, but lyrically i have always thought she was a genius ("hyperballad"!) she's like the ESFj i just won't accept as ESFj or i'll change my type to INTj!!! even what with her aggressively protective nature towards her kids!!! she's getting exclamation marks out of me!!!!

yet i do still think she looks like ellen pompeo.

@ miss kensington -- you think matthew barney (i assume you are talking about cremaster mb) is an INTj? i suppose i could buy that. what 14 hours or whatever into those cremaster movies i suppose i was pretty well "inside the INTj's head."