Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
In addition to making you gain weight, drinking will majorly disrupt your sleep cycle. Alcohol consumption prevents you from entering deep/ REM sleep. Even though you fall asleep quicker after a couple of drinks, you’re not getting restorative sleep, which leads you to feeling tired the next day. Back when I was drinking, I would wake up nearly every night between 3-4 am and would start drinking again until I fell back asleep. Not surprisingly, I was always tired lol.

Sorry I hope this doesn’t come across as too lecture-y lol.
You know, oddly, I tend to sleep better when I’ve drunk. It’s likely as you say counter to the chemical effect of alcohol, but I think it’s because it makes me happy and calm, while my difficulty sleeping comes from a feeling of being tense and uncomfortable. The more stressed I am the more difficult it is to sleep.