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Thread: I'd appreciate your input...

  1. #41
    Infinity Persephone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lemontrees View Post
    i have a huge girl crush on LID ;______;

    (I type thee beta st @Persephone)
    I am flattered

  2. #42
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    What kind of car do you drive, color, make, ,model, year… kick ass stereo? 2007 Ford Focus. Normal stereo system - enough to listen to music. Never saw the point in the fancy systems.

    What's your hair color, hair style, eye color, skin tone etc..? Dark brown hair, green eyes, and very pale skin.

    Ethnicity? Caucasian. English, German, Irish, Native American (Cherokee). However, my mom was adopted and I'm not all too familiar with her biological side, so it's hard to say whether or not anything else adds into this mix.

    Sexual orientation? Mental, emotional, and physical connection > genitalia.

    Have you ever, been to church, black mass, a sporting event, a rave, Woodstock, head start class? Yes, yes, yes, yes, no, yes.

    Do you collect anything? I have a small coin collection, and books.

    Do you paint, write, draw, write your own music/lyrics, play an instrument, sing, dance? Writing has been a big part of my life since around the age of six, when my grandfather introduced me to his old typewriter. Drawing and painting were also a big part of my childhood, but I somehow lost touch with them over the years.

    What are your sleep patterns? Natural night-owl. Late to bed, early to rise, usually. When I have energy vs. when I have to complete my responsibilities.

    What do you usually dream about? Nightmares? Nightmares really only occur when under significant stress in my waking life. This week alone, I have dreamt of having a baby (this is strange for me), and my dad going to prison. There is also that frequent falling dream.

    What is your sexual style? Normal and average, I don't know.

    Who would your celebrity parents be? This question would be so much easier to answer had it been 'which fictional characters'. I can't think of any celebrities, so I will just be without parents.

    Financial status? Not nearly enough earnings, but at least I have always been good at saving.

    Any deep, dark secrets? There is always that possibility.

    If stranded on a desert island what three things would you need to survive? Internet access (reading material, communication as needed, etc), boxes of food and water (think the boxes that were dropped during the Lost series), and eventually a plane or boat ride back home.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post

    If you answer all these questions, truthfully, then I will use my amazing powers of intuition and observation to tell you what kinda person you are, in ten words or less, or at the very least laugh at you. Coz, I got skillz like dat!
    Well, lets see what your intuition can do.

  3. #43
    Forests Oaky's Avatar
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    1. What kind of car do you drive, color, make, ,model, year… kick ass stereo?

    My car was a Hyundai Accent 2009. It was simple, efficient and looked pleasant. Comfortable enough and the stereo was proficient.

    2. What's your hair color, hair style, eye color, skin tone etc..?
    My hair colour is black, it fairly curly but can easily be straightened. My eye colour is brown and my skin tone is light brown.

    3. Ethnicity?

    I have a mix of Egyptian and Malay ethnic origins. Different nationality altogether.

    4. Sexual orientation? (e.g. Lone Ranger, Giddy up cowboy, wham bam, thank you ma'am, all the above)
    I am essentially genderless but apply myself to fit the bill of the generalised psychological adaptation of my biological state. I imagine others may find a difference in their mind but I am not in essence a lover of women nor men but a lover of individuals. And these individuals are usually set by the grouping of my mind. I have psychologically experienced altered perceptions in attraction to specific things from various focuses through perceptive empathy. In our current moment case, I identify myself as a heterosexual.

    5. Have you ever, been to church, black mass, a sporting event, a rave, Woodstock, head start class?

    6. Do you collect anything? Like what? (e.g. dolls, stamps, baseball cards, hand me down porn mags…eeeew)
    I collect hats and crystals.

    7. Do you paint, write, draw, write your own music/lyrics, play an instrument, sing, dance?
    I sometimes write.
    I compose my own music.
    I draw.
    I am an amateur in two instruments. Guitar and Piano.
    I dance sometimes.

    8. What are your sleep patterns (e.g. insomniac, dead to the world, early to bed, early to rise)
    I wish I had a sleep pattern... it's alway changing. Ideally I wish to sleep at sunset and wake up after midnight.

    9. What do you usually dream about? Nightmares?
    I dream about quite a lot of things.

    10. What is your sexual style? (e.g. I put it on ya, give it to me baby, I'm super freaky)
    I'm usually happiest when my partner is happy so I would try to respond positively to their moods. I feel like I can overthink and screw it up so I've low self-esteem in it (this is another result in overthinking). I have a fairly passive style.

    11. Who would your celebrity parents be? (e.g. Mother Teresa + James Dean =, Madonna + Lil Wayne =… choose as many as you like.

    12. Financial status? (e.g. my paper stacks so high when I look down on ya, all I see is the top of your head, skid row baby, now pass me that bottle, or anywhere in between.)
    Decent. Living.

    13. Any deep, dark secrets?

    Non I wish to share.

    14. If stranded on a desert island what three things would you need to survive? (e.g. my partner, my dog, my bible, my straightening iron, my vibrator)

    A Yacht with built in compass
    30 gallon tank of Yacht fuel
    My mobile phone.

  4. #44
    Forests Oaky's Avatar
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    People mentioned internet without a device to use the internet on.
    Last edited by Oaky; 07-16-2014 at 11:07 PM.

  5. #45
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    Dude, I don't have a car anymore, either!! edit my old post ftw, that partner with the ford is far-away now.

  6. #46
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    no, Mayr (you're a woman, I think) . I browsed the thread and saw some info I filled in was outdated. I have no car atm, either. And yeah, Berlin is also bad for moving around by car.

  7. #47
    Poster Nutbag The Exception's Avatar
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    [*]What kind of car do you drive, color, make, ,model, year… kick ass stereo?

    2003 Ford Focus, White, CD player and stereo- just basic, not kick ass.
    [*]What's your hair color, hair style, eye color, skin tone etc..?

    Brown hair, brown eyes, wavy hair that goes slightly below my shoulders, white/fair skin tone

    [*]Sexual orientation? (e.g. Lone Ranger, Giddy up cowboy, wham bam, thank you ma'am, all the above)

    Straight, but I'm totally pro gay rights.
    [*]Have you ever, been to church, black mass, a sporting event, a rave, Woodstock, head start class?

    Church, yes, against my will when I was young. I was raised Roman Catholic. Agnostic now.
    Black mass: No
    Sporting events: Yes.
    Rave: No
    Woodstock: No
    Head start class: No[*]Do you collect anything? Like what? (e.g. dolls, stamps, baseball cards, hand me down porn mags…eeeew)

    I collect information and useless facts, does that count?
    [*]Do you paint, write, draw, write your own music/lyrics, play an instrument, sing, dance?

    No, I'm not very creative artistically.

    I dabbled in piano lessons when I was a kid but gave up and got bored with it.
    [*]What are your sleep patterns (e.g. insomniac, dead to the world, early to bed, early to rise)

    Variable. On average I go to bed around midnight and get up around 8:00am.
    [*]What do you usually dream about? Nightmares?

    Dreams are usually about mundane type stuff but with a bit of a surrealistic bent.
    I rarely have nightmares.
    I usually don't remember much of my dreams either, as I wake up the memories fade away.
    [*]What is your sexual style? (e.g. I put it on ya, give it to me baby, I'm super freaky)

    LOL! You're asking the wrong person here.
    Gentle and easy, I suppose.
    [*]Who would your celebrity parents be? (e.g. Mother Teresa + James Dean =, Madonna + Lil Wayne =… choose as many as you like.

    No idea.
    [*]Financial status? (e.g. my paper stacks so high when I look down on ya, all I see is the top of your head, skid row baby, now pass me that bottle, or anywhere in between.)

    Lower middle class. I work part-time. I don't make a lot of money but I get by. I'm financially secure- I'm not starving, I have a roof under my head, I'm not up to my knees in debt.

    But it could be alot better. I rent a cheap apartment and don't have much extra for travel and things like that.
    [*]Any deep, dark secrets?

    If I told you, they would no longer be deep dark secrets.
    [*]If stranded on a desert island what three things would you need to survive? (e.g. my partner, my dog, my bible, my straightening iron, my vibrator)[/LIST]

    Food, water, shelter. I know so boring.
    Also intellectual stimulation and my sanity.

    If you answer all these questions, truthfully, then I will use my amazing powers of intuition and observation to tell you what kinda person you are, in ten words or less, or at the very least laugh at you. Coz, I got skillz like dat!


    Well we'll see about that!
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

  8. #48
    LauriesCrusador's Avatar
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    What kind of car do you drive, color, make, ,model, year… kick ass stereo?
    Audi A6 Avant 3.0 TDI quattro, silver. Yes, with kick ass stereo.

    What's your hair color, hair style, eye color, skin tone etc..?
    Brown long hairs, sometimes with blond hairlights and/or permed. Eye color some green/blue/grey mixture.


    Sexual orientation? (e.g. Lone Ranger, Giddy up cowboy, wham bam, thank you ma'am, all the above)
    I'm a fan of men.

    Have you ever, been to church, black mass, a sporting event, a rave, Woodstock, head start class?
    Yes, except Woodstock.

    Do you collect anything? Like what? (e.g. dolls, stamps, baseball cards, hand me down porn mags…eeeew)
    Computer (for some reason I just don't throw my old ones away)

    Do you paint, write, draw, write your own music/lyrics, play an instrument, sing, dance?
    Painting, drawing, playing several instruments, dancing... yes, done all that but none of it kept my interest.

    What are your sleep patterns (e.g. insomniac, dead to the world, early to bed, early to rise)
    I fall asleep within 10 minutes and sleep like a dead. I'm a night owl, I get up early but it can take up to 2 hours to actually get awake.

    What do you usually dream about? Nightmares?
    No, nothing. At least I don't know.

    What is your sexual style? (e.g. I put it on ya, give it to me baby, I'm super freaky)
    Looking for a threesome?

    Who would your celebrity parents be? (e.g. Mother Teresa + James Dean =, Madonna + Lil Wayne =… choose as many as you like.
    Erm... Sean Connery & .... dunno.

    Financial status? (e.g. my paper stacks so high when I look down on ya, all I see is the top of your head, skid row baby, now pass me that bottle, or anywhere in between.)
    Last time I checked, fine.

    Any deep, dark secrets?

    If stranded on a desert island what three things would you need to survive? (e.g. my partner, my dog, my bible, my straightening iron, my vibrator)
    Water, compass and some boat or water, diving gear/surfboat and a pair of wellies until rescued.
    "The spirit of resistance to government
    is so valuable on certain occasions,
    that I wish it to be always kept alive.
    It will often be exercised when wrong
    but better so than not to be exercised at all.
    I like a little rebellion now and then.
    It is like a storm in the atmosphere."
    Thomas Jefferson

  9. #49
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LauriesCrusador View Post
    Sexual orientation? (e.g. Lone Ranger, Giddy up cowboy, wham bam, thank you ma'am, all the above)
    I'm a fan of men.

    What is your sexual style? (e.g. I put it on ya, give it to me baby, I'm super freaky)
    Looking for a threesome?
    Are you saying it's negotiable?

    Thanks for filling out my crazy quiz that was created ,soon after I joined, in a state of hypomania.

    Thank you to everyone who filled it out. I still like reading over the answers now and then and I can remember how excited I was when you guys started to fill it out. I wasn't sure anyone would do it.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  10. #50
    LauriesCrusador's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    Are you saying it's negotiable?

    Thanks for filling out my crazy quiz that was created ,soon after I joined, in a state of hypomania.

    New York City / JFK → Duesseldorf
    10 March 2015 - 1:25 PM incl.2 pieces of luggage/adult free. I just don't know why you need luggage : ))

    or New York City/ Newark → Frankfurt
    11 March 2015 - 8:20 PM

    ...or perhaps you can use Air Force One for this exeptional case ??

    Your move, sister.
    "The spirit of resistance to government
    is so valuable on certain occasions,
    that I wish it to be always kept alive.
    It will often be exercised when wrong
    but better so than not to be exercised at all.
    I like a little rebellion now and then.
    It is like a storm in the atmosphere."
    Thomas Jefferson

  11. #51
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    Dude, I think Germany is in the Top 3 Countries in the world for free and diverse sexual identity&expression (threesomes included).

  12. #52
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    What kind of car do you drive, color, make, ,model, year… kick ass stereo? 2005 Maroon Kia Sedona Minivan. DVD player mounted in the back for the kiddos.

    What's your hair color, hair style, eye color, skin tone etc..? Dark blonde hair that I highlight, long and wavy, green/blue eyes, fair/olive skin

    Ethnicity? Irish and Polish decent

    Sexual orientation? I like people, I am attracted to people, but I choose to live heterosexual.

    Have you ever, been to church, black mass, a sporting event, a rave, Woodstock, head start class? Out of the list, I've been to church and a sporting event, though I don't like or go to either. Haven't been to the other events ever.

    Do you collect anything? Nope

    Do you paint, write, draw, write your own music/lyrics, play an instrument, sing, dance? I like to decorate, sing (I used to be very involved with singing) and I love to ballroom and country dance. (Anything with a partner for some reason)

    What are your sleep patterns? Before or after kids? Currently all messed up from the babies/toddlers waking several times a night, but if not, then I will sleep 9 hours a night, staying up a bit late and sleeping in. I am not a morning person.

    What do you usually dream about? Nightmares? My nightmares are me running away. I am not a fast runner.

    What is your sexual style? 10 minute quickie.

    Who would your celebrity parents be? My actual parents would be Sharon Stone and Elvis. (Yes, ended in divorce) hehe 2 celebrities that are more like me, that I would visualize forming me would be Naomi Watts and Ricky Martin.

    Financial status? SAHM, middle America. 3 bed, 2 bath house, 3 kids, one income family

    Any deep, dark secrets? I bet you all ready know.

    If stranded on a desert island what three things would you need to survive? My husband, enough warm clothes/blankets, my eyeglasses (but seriously, my husband is McGyver, he could probably make me anything I need. )

  13. #53
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    I'm listening to the horrible song to get in the mood. (actually, i like it more techno-like but everyone seems to go overboard on the techno) and F.U. youtube ads.

    What kind of car do you drive, color, make, ,model, year… kick ass stereo?
    i don't. maybe one day i'll drive a boat. it may be too late for the car and i. really it's too late for the car, but it keeps on with its reign like asshole kings who've got to go always do.

    What's your hair color, hair style, eye color, skin tone etc..? brown hair, hazel eyes, white skin that's slightly yellow-ish (i'm the sun)

    Ethnicity? euroamerican, half irish/scottish, half german/slavic

    Sexual orientation? straight

    Have you ever, been to church, black mass, a sporting event, a rave, Woodstock, head start class?
    i have been to christian church as a kid and i applied my analytical skills and they weren't appreciated. none of my skills were appreciated. i tried for a while to fit in there, i even tried to believe because i can be generous and try to bend my mind to the point of breaching insanity, but in the end i couldn't find anything of meaning or anything that "spoke to me." ironically, i can now. but i still wouldn't have found it there. it wasn't spiritual. it was stupid.
    i've been to two sporting events. significant things happened at both, but they didn't have anything really to do with sports. or they did, but not in the usual way.

    Do you collect anything? Like what?
    ticket stubs and records of where i've been. i can't pee on things to remember, so sadly i use paper.

    Do you paint, write, draw, write your own music/lyrics, play an instrument, sing, dance?
    not really anymore... i've parted from creative outlets and am suffering for it. i don't know my way back to a life that aligns with my "spirit." i let things take me to places i didn't want to go. this is totally the opposite of what my ticket stubs reflect... or perhaps not... i didn't want to go to some of those things either.

    What are your sleep patterns
    maybe getting better. i have to work 8-5 and i haven't adapted well. but i'm getting better, really. it's not a stagnant 10 yr situation. not at all. my main issue is i wake up at night and my mind goes everywhere and it doesn't want to sleep again. i'm back to taking melatonin for sleep.

    What do you usually dream about? Nightmares?
    my dreams these days have all been rather violent, often involving killing or murder. i actually think this is a good thing. it means my will is rising from the depths. many processes that are essential are also violent.

    What is your sexual style? i probably like to be controlled. but my sex life is really all in my mind and i feel more comfortable that way. i can't meet the expectations and requirements of others, and i really don't want to. thinking about what other people want seems to make me angry. IT'S ALL ABT ME COS I'M THE CENTER OF THE FUCKING UNIVERSE. <--that's great. masturbate then. i'm sure there's an instruction manual online. really, to me these things are sacred and if you're not a devotional person, then FUCK OFF. (oh there i go stating a requirement... you see what i mean? i don't want to deal with this shit.)

    Who would your celebrity parents be?
    i like this question. unfortunately i just don't really pay attention to celebrities. i have lots of reasons, but mainly i think the envy is too much to bear. that's probably what it's really about. i haven't really thought a lot about my "ideal parents." i used to envy other people's upbringings, or perhaps their circumstances... but that was a long time ago. the subject of parents is a difficult one for me. i suppose ideally i don't want parents. the subject of parents seems to align too much with the feeling of heartbreak. no matter what, it always hurts. so why does it matter who the parents are.

    Financial status?
    bad and careless. i place little value in money, but i'm trying to change that. i think that i don't believe in money and that's just a really unhelpful way of looking at it. i just seem to think that everyone else can focus on these things but i don't have to... it's just i don't know... i hate money and i hate the world and its dumb focus on wealth. but my hate just is so unhelpful. i just hate that i have to be subjected to the way we do things. poor, stupid humans. (but really, poor stupid me. (: )

    Any deep, dark secrets? i dream of sharing secrets with one other person sometimes... but i think that's a cover up because i don't like to reveal myself because i'm afraid. (and it's not like i'm this hidden jewel or something, really, it's not very exciting.)

    If stranded on a desert island what three things would you need to survive?
    obviously a camel so i can drink its spit whenever it spits on me. and the internet. and a turbin. and of course one of those desert oasis-es. oases? and a captor who i can always try to out-think, out-strategize, outfight, outrun, escape from, yet always fail. then i can be dissatisfied with my existence and so feel okay. and my laptop. and animals who won't kill me. perhaps parrots, corvids, monkeys, cats (domestic variety), dogs, and yes, camels. i'll be really happy living among the animals. i will devote all of my time to building relationships with them and when i'm done i won't wish to leave (but it's best if i don't admit that). if my captor attempts to harm the animals i may become violent. i will learn everything about the animals and when i'm done i will know that there is no difference between their souls and mine. this will go beyond conceptual understanding. i will finally really know that i was never separate. i think it would be best if my captor wasn't human either... as then i will have a mystery to dwell on. (please can it not turn out my captor is myself, that's just so dull.)

    If you answer all these questions, truthfully, then I will use my amazing powers of intuition and observation to tell you what kinda person you are, in ten words or less,
    such a scam.

    i think i've been corrupted by the techno music... these answers reflect a persona.

    and does prince often appear in lyrics? (please don't answer i just don't really want to think about it... i just heard it and thought "again?")

    but that actually is something genuinely true about me: i love, adore, worship, am in awe of, most animals. (just not people. :/)
    Last edited by marooned; 03-25-2015 at 03:06 AM.

  14. #54
    netflix and don't touch me Emmym's Avatar
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    What kind of car do you drive, color, make, ,model, year… kick ass stereo?

    Lol that's a secret.

    What's your hair color, hair style, eye color, skin tone etc..?

    Reddish brown and wavy with too much white popping up everywhere. Skin is pale with pink undertone. Eyes are green.


    White as the driven snow.

    Sexual orientation? (e.g. Lone Ranger, Giddy up cowboy, wham bam, thank you ma'am, all the above)


    Have you ever, been to church, black mass, a sporting event, a rave, Woodstock, head start class?

    Yeah but it's not my cup of tea.

    Do you collect anything? Like what? (e.g. dolls, stamps, baseball cards, hand me down porn mags…eeeew)

    I collect perfume and designer wallets... but not on purpose. (blushing emoji)

    Do you paint, write, draw, write your own music/lyrics, play an instrument, sing, dance?

    I write everyday.

    What are your sleep patterns (e.g. insomniac, dead to the world, early to bed, early to rise)

    I'm a natural night owl but I have to force myself to get up early and I hate it.

    What do you usually dream about? Nightmares?

    Recurring nightmares about ghosts/serial killers/apex predators/being chased.

    What is your sexual style? (e.g. I put it on ya, give it to me baby, I'm super freaky)

    I will flirt with you until you make me date you and then I will think wisely, for the first time, about whether we would actually make a good match. Once we start having sex, I'm generally all in.

    Who would your celebrity parents be? (e.g. Mother Teresa + James Dean =, Madonna + Lil Wayne =… choose as many as you like.

    Omg. Um. Idek. Someone rich and supportive and not too dysfunctional. Definitely rich though.

    Financial status? (e.g. my paper stacks so high when I look down on ya, all I see is the top of your head, skid row baby, now pass me that bottle, or anywhere in between.)

    (blushing emoji)

    Any deep, dark secrets?


    If stranded on a desert island what three things would you need to survive? (e.g. my partner, my dog, my bible, my straightening iron, my vibrator)

    The internet, Diet Coke, and probably a bed.
    someday the grapes will be wine
    and someday you will be mine

    EII-Ne 2w3 - 9w1 - 7w8 so/sx

  15. #55
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    1. What kind of car do you drive, color, make, ,model, year… kick ass stereo?[/quote]

      White Kia Rio 2014 standard radio
    2. What's your hair color, hair style, eye color, skin tone etc..?[/quote]

      Brown, I really love long hair, olive skin
    3. Ethnicity?[/quote]

    4. Sexual orientation? (e.g. Lone Ranger, Giddy up cowboy, wham bam, thank you ma'am, all the above)[/quote]

    5. Have you ever, been to church, black mass, a sporting event, a rave, Woodstock, head start class?[/quote]

      Church, football games, rave once in college - don't like it
    6. Do you collect anything? Like what? (e.g. dolls, stamps, baseball cards, hand me down porn mags…eeeew)[/quote]

    7. Do you paint, write, draw, write your own music/lyrics, play an instrument, sing, dance?[/quote]

      Write, Oil, acrylic, watercolor, dance. I have bad motor skills so no musical instruments
    8. What are your sleep patterns (e.g. insomniac, dead to the world, early to bed, early to rise)[/quote]

      Often out by 11 and up a few times in the morning once at 5:46, then I go back to sleep and up at 7ish. I like to sleep in till 8ish but happens rarely
    9. What do you usually dream about? Nightmares?[/quote]

      Family gatherings
    10. What is your sexual style? (e.g. I put it on ya, give it to me baby, I'm super freaky)

      Lol pull my hair back!
    11. Who would your celebrity parents be? (e.g. Mother Teresa + James Dean =, Madonna + Lil Wayne =… choose as many as you like.[/quote]

      Naomi watts and her husband
    12. Financial status? (e.g. my paper stacks so high when I look down on ya, all I see is the top of your head, skid row baby, now pass me that bottle, or anywhere in between.)[/quote]

      I'm good. Great credit. Very little debt
    13. Any deep, dark secrets?[/quote]

    14. If stranded on a desert island what three things would you need to survive? (e.g. my partner, my dog, my bible, my straightening iron, my vibrator)[/quote]

      I wouldn't take my parents. I love them and they need proper medical care.
      A great knife, a bottle of would be my last plus would need the bottle for carrying water, maybe a book

    If you answer all these questions, truthfully, then I will use my amazing powers of intuition and observation to tell you what kinda person you are, in ten words or less, or at the very least laugh at you. Coz, I got skillz like dat!


    Do your magic
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

  16. #56
    Haikus Theoria's Avatar
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    What kind of car do you drive, color, make, ,model, year… kick ass stereo?

    I use public transport.

    What's your hair color, hair style, eye color, skin tone etc..?

    Dark hair. Unkept (shaven once a year, never touched again). Dark brown eyes. Sometimes sallow, pale skin.



    Sexual orientation? (e.g. Lone Ranger, Giddy up cowboy, wham bam, thank you ma'am, all the above)


    Have you ever, been to church, black mass, a sporting event, a rave, Woodstock, head start class?


    Do you collect anything? Like what? (e.g. dolls, stamps, baseball cards, hand me down porn mags…eeeew)

    People. Memories. Daydreams. Remorse.

    Do you paint, write, draw, write your own music/lyrics, play an instrument, sing, dance?

    I've done all of them. I don't do any of them.

    Except for the occasional doodle.

    What are your sleep patterns (e.g. insomniac, dead to the world, early to bed, early to rise)


    What do you usually dream about? Nightmares?

    1) Bugs. Moths, leeches, centipedes, beetles, worms, maggots -- invading my house. Covering the floor. Everywhere.

    Waking up. Waking up. Waking up. Waking up. Waking up. Can't wake up.

    unbearable screech -- can't breathe -- something's on me --

    can't wake up.

    The door. Can't open it.

    Something's crying.

    Is it behind me? Or beyond the door?

    ...can't wake up.

    Am I dreaming that I am aware that I am dreaming that I am aware that I --
    Is this only the illusion of awareness? Or is this the awareness of illusion?

    ...I hate it.

    I yell at my mom. I swear at my dad.

    My mom dies.

    I'm complacent.

    Can't remember that word. What was it?

    ...Wow. I made a mistake. Even in my dream. I hate myself.

    6) Forum people. On the forum. On Discord.

    Can't see you.

    Robbie Rotten blasts me up with a rocket launcher. Thanks.

    ) Spiders.

    What is your sexual style? (e.g. I put it on ya, give it to me baby, I'm super freaky)

    Afraid and ignorant.

    Who would your celebrity parents be? (e.g. Mother Teresa + James Dean =, Madonna + Lil Wayne =… choose as many as you like.

    Jesus and Mary. Not Magdalene.

    Financial status? (e.g. my paper stacks so high when I look down on ya, all I see is the top of your head, skid row baby, now pass me that bottle, or anywhere in between.)

    Afraid and indignant.

    Any deep, dark secrets?

    I'm okay.

    If stranded on a desert island what three things would you need to survive? (e.g. my partner, my dog, my bible, my straightening iron, my vibrator)

    A dove, a swallow and a raven.

  17. #57
    mclane's Avatar
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    What kind of car do you drive, color, make, ,model, year… kick ass stereo?

    A night blue peugeot 206, full of bumps and scratches. Also, it is not mine.

    What's your hair color, hair style, eye color, skin tone etc..?

    Hair: ash blonde to brown, depends on lightning, the time of the year, and my mood. Dark brown eyes and pale skin.



    Sexual orientation? (e.g. Lone Ranger, Giddy up cowboy, wham bam, thank you ma'am, all the above)

    Heterosexual so far.

    Have you ever, been to church, black mass, a sporting event, a rave, Woodstock, head start class?

    Ever? Yes. But I don't usually go to these things.

    Do you collect anything? Like what? (e.g. dolls, stamps, baseball cards, hand me down porn mags…eeeew)

    I collect movies, videogames, music, and colored toilet paper.

    Do you paint, write, draw, write your own music/lyrics, play an instrument, sing, dance?

    I sing and dance sometimes, but only in the solitude of my home.

    What are your sleep patterns (e.g. insomniac, dead to the world, early to bed, early to rise)

    If left to my own devices, I'm a night owl.

    What do you usually dream about? Nightmares?

    I dream stuff that I should write down because it would make decent scripts for sci-fi movies. My nightmares usually involve myself being manipulated, harmed, or controlled in some way.

    What is your sexual style? (e.g. I put it on ya, give it to me baby, I'm super freaky)

    Dismissive. "Oh, you want sex?"

    Who would your celebrity parents be? (e.g. Mother Teresa + James Dean =, Madonna + Lil Wayne =… choose as many as you like.

    Clint Eastwood and Margaret Thatcher (no idea).

    Financial status? (e.g. my paper stacks so high when I look down on ya, all I see is the top of your head, skid row baby, now pass me that bottle, or anywhere in between.)

    Have some money saved up just in case.

    Any deep, dark secrets?


    If stranded on a desert island what three things would you need to survive? (e.g. my partner, my dog, my bible, my straightening iron, my vibrator)

    A water distiller, a fishing pole, and bait.

  18. #58
    huiheiwufhawriuhg's Avatar
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    What kind of car do you drive, color, make, ,model, year… kick ass stereo?
    None, I do not have a car and I don't feel like I should have one. I tried to get my driving licence when I was 18, but it was so boring that I didn't finish it and left after few lessons.
    What's your hair color, hair style, eye color, skin tone etc..?
    My current hair color is red/ginger, my hair is medium lenght, it falls on my shoulders and I like it straight with a bang on the side. My eyes are brown. I am very pale and I have a petite frame.
    Sexual orientation? (e.g. Lone Ranger, Giddy up cowboy, wham bam, thank you ma'am, all the above)
    Heterosexual but bi-corious
    Have you ever, been to church, black mass, a sporting event, a rave, Woodstock, head start class?
    I have been to a lot of concerts, one of the biggest was Pearl Jam in 2012. I love music festivals in summer, last time I went to Made of Metal in Czech Republic, hopefully this year it will be Brutal Assault or NovaRock. I am not religious, but I went to churches during vacation to appriciate the architecture, also I went to wedding. I hate sports so no sport events for me.
    Do you collect anything? Like what? (e.g. dolls, stamps, baseball cards, hand me down porn mags…eeeew)
    Not really... when I have a favorite band I collect things related to their music, but it's nothing big, just some albums and posters.
    Do you paint, write, draw, write your own music/lyrics, play an instrument, sing, dance?
    I write poetry and prose, I write my own music and lyrics, I sing and I play a guitar.
    What are your sleep patterns (e.g. insomniac, dead to the world, early to bed, early to rise)
    Late to bed, late to rise.
    What do you usually dream about? Nightmares?
    There is one dream that comes back to me ever since I was a child about a big wave that rises from the ocean and drags me under the water and I start to drown. I usually wake up when I stop breathing.
    What is your sexual style? (e.g. I put it on ya, give it to me baby, I'm super freaky)
    I am submissive when I am not really comfortable with the partner or when I do not know them well and I feel shy about my skills and my body, but as soon as I get to know my partner better I turn into a horny rabbit and I feel like doing it everywhere all the time.
    Who would your celebrity parents be? (e.g. Mother Teresa + James Dean =, Madonna + Lil Wayne =… choose as many as you like.
    Kurt Cobain and Marilyn Monroe.
    Financial status? (e.g. my paper stacks so high when I look down on ya, all I see is the top of your head, skid row baby, now pass me that bottle, or anywhere in between.)
    uhm...a poor student.
    Any deep, dark secrets?
    I am an absolute fuck up and a mess, but I like it, because at least I am not boring. I am probably not as messed up as I describe myself to be though, but I am quite complicated.
    If stranded on a desert island what three things would you need to survive? (e.g. my partner, my dog, my bible, my straightening iron, my vibrator)
    My headphones and some device to listen to my music on, guitar, piece of a paper and a diary, recorder.

  19. #59
    maniac's Avatar
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    What kind of car do you drive, color, make, ,model, year… kick ass stereo?
    I don't have a drivers license,and i couldn't care less about cars
    What's your hair color, hair style, eye color, skin tone etc..?
    Gingerish color with awful roots and it goes down to my shoulders. I have brown eyes and ghost pale skin.
    100% european, almost only scandinavian ancestry but still got brown eyes and hair. My moms family has blue eyes, my dad has brown eyes but is the only one among his siblings, the other ones have blue. The brown eye gene just wont back down. Oh and lucky me I got the super thin scandinavian hair though.
    Sexual orientation? (e.g. Lone Ranger, Giddy up cowboy, wham bam, thank you ma'am, all the above)
    I don't even know.
    Have you ever, been to church, black mass, a sporting event, a rave, Woodstock, head start class?
    Just church, lol. I want to go to go to raves in the future, there are just so few here and they're tiny.
    Do you collect anything? Like what? (e.g. dolls, stamps, baseball cards, hand me down porn mags…eeeew)
    Do you paint, write, draw, write your own music/lyrics, play an instrument, sing, dance?
    I write when i'm in the mood, I play some instruments and I constantly to sing when i'm alone, and dance when the feeling strikes me.
    What are your sleep patterns (e.g. insomniac, dead to the world, early to bed, early to rise)
    They shift alot... Sometimes i sleep 12h and feel dead, I have periods where I have nightmares 7 days in a row, and periods where I don't need much sleep at all.
    What do you usually dream about? Nightmares?
    I know lately there's been a trend but can't remember it right now. But in general, the apocalypse, planes that don't take off or that go in the wrong direction, tsunamis, verbal fights with people and feeling like they've treated me wrongly and judged me unfairly. Also feeling overexposed after and regretting letting myself go that far.
    I used to dream ALOT that I had to go to the bathroom but there were never any walls around the toilet, there would just be a toilet in the middle of a mall with a bunch of people walking around. Or i would go into a public bathroom and there would be no stalls, just a bunch of toilets. I don't have that anymore.
    I just looked at my notes on my phone (I usually write my dreams down when I just wake up), it just says
    "Theme park in the sky
    Watching peoples air ship fail
    Going in it but getting out before"
    Lol I can't actually remember this but seems like the other dreams I have with planes, except this time it's me thinking ahead or going in the right direction.
    And another older one, that I actually remember:
    "I had to rebuild the moon and earth couldnt trust anyone to do it
    Fight with people, kill"
    The descriptions are usually longer than this but i guess i was really tired or had to do something.
    What is your sexual style? (e.g. I put it on ya, give it to me baby, I'm super freaky)
    Experimental <3
    Who would your celebrity parents be? (e.g. Mother Teresa + James Dean =, Madonna + Lil Wayne =… choose as many as you like.
    Mom: Elizabeth Taylor dad: Mick Fleetwood. I'm probably going to edit this lol
    Financial status? (e.g. my paper stacks so high when I look down on ya, all I see is the top of your head, skid row baby, now pass me that bottle, or anywhere in between.)
    I survive
    Any deep, dark secrets?
    No, im an open book when I sense a connection with someone. For good or bad.
    If stranded on a desert island what three things would you need to survive? (e.g. my partner, my dog, my bible, my straightening iron, my vibrator)
    My non-existent partner definitely, birth control cause I'm not having another person grow inside of me when I'm already struggling to survive myself... and another guy so my partner and him can fight over me. TO THE DEATH. and then we eat the loser.
    Last edited by maniac; 01-07-2017 at 08:08 PM.

  20. #60
    Melodies from Mars~
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    What kind of car do you drive, color, make, ,model, year… kick ass stereo?

    Suprisingly (well not really actually) I don't have a driver's liscense... no pressure to get one from parents and I have limited my needs to that which can be satisfied by my using own two feet, so I didn't feel compelled to bother learning.I also use the bus to go to school,and would love to continue using public transportation which I think is way more reliable than whoever is on the road... there's nothing not to like about buses. You don't have to do anything to ride one except pay a monthly fee

    What's your hair color, hair style, eye color, skin tone etc..?

    Average Brown, umm ... ??? a typical male cut, blueish green eyes, pretty white but probably less white than kimumu


    I would not know. Most likely some Northern European race but not really Nordic. English or Welsh or Irish maybe?! Idk.

    Sexual orientation? (e.g. Lone Ranger, Giddy up cowboy, wham bam, thank you ma'am, all the above)
    the one where I'm sexually attracted to cute femmish boys and whatever breed of female. I have way more restrictions on males than females... I've never been sure about whether I can consider this true Bisexuality.

    Have you ever, been to church, black mass, a sporting event, a rave, Woodstock, head start class?
    Church: Yes. Black Mass: what?!(no). Sporting Event: I'm american(yes). Rave: awh sadly not Woodstock: I have plenty of wood in stock Head start class: well obviously we'll be starting with the head, you can't start from the bottom smh

    Do you collect anything? Like what? (e.g. dolls, stamps, baseball cards, hand me down porn mags…eeeew)
    nope, not anymore. I have 300-400 yugioh cards however in my closet that haven't been used in years. So many memories playing with my brother :'( never played with anyone else. I guess that's why I have no friends nowadays! what a sad revelation. but anyways I would love to collect some cute things that would help energize my room~ like the first 151 pokemon in plushie form.
    Do you paint, write, draw, write your own music/lyrics, play an instrument, sing, dance?

    What are your sleep patterns (e.g. insomniac, dead to the world, early to bed, early to rise)
    Normally: I can fall asleep pretty early, or a lot of the times around 12:30am if I'm on my phone more; I pretty much wake up at 7am ideally, but my Si polr brother always finds a way to disrupt my sleep so I can sleep maybe an hour later than that too. But my sleep is good. Not ideal though, I don't think I'm a good dreamer.

    What do you usually dream about? Nightmares?
    When I do dream, it's usually positive in my eyes. I enjoy most of my dreams, even the scary ones I get a kick out of! But I mostly just love to explore amazing landscapes and city architecture that my mind can create, worlds and atmospheres that I could never have fantasized in the day... yesterday I dreamed of a cool playground design covered in grass and flowers and trees, gigantic and made of very drastic and crazy 3-D shapes, I don't know why I get so excited by dreams of architecture lol. It's like the best possible dream I can have though, even more than sex dreams ;p

    What is your sexual style? (e.g. I put it on ya, give it to me baby, I'm super freaky)
    I just want cuddles and the feeling of their body~ Maybe some other stuff too if they want to... but I'm not interested in any aggressive play.

    Who would your celebrity parents be? (e.g. Mother Teresa + James Dean =, Madonna + Lil Wayne =… choose as many as you like.
    uhhh markiplier and a female
    Financial status? (e.g. my paper stacks so high when I look down on ya, all I see is the top of your head, skid row baby, now pass me that bottle, or anywhere in between.)
    I don't ... do that stuff. I have no money.

    Any deep, dark secrets?
    Yeah.......................... I can't tell you. >_>

    If stranded on a desert island what three things would you need to survive? (e.g. my partner, my dog, my bible, my straightening iron, my vibrator)

    a puppers, a hooman who is my dual, and a chocolate clone of my dual for libido and energy
    Last edited by chrys; 01-10-2017 at 01:36 AM.

  21. #61
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    btw im totally gonna fill this out soon just so I can say that I am gay for the ten billionth time.

  22. #62
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    1. What kind of car do you drive, color, make, ,model, year… kick ass stereo?

    white mazda protege, I don't like going into that many details about it online sorry. it feels serial killer-ish.

    "Nope. It's for everybody's benefit... "

    it's for the benefit of creepy serial killers!

    2. What's your hair color, hair style, eye color, skin tone etc..?

    hair color: brown. hair style: ugh idk what style its called, white trash dork? eye color: hazel/light brown with specs of blue and rainbow. skin tone: yellow-ish.

    3. Ethnicity?

    white trash

    4. Sexual orientation? (e.g. Lone Ranger, Giddy up cowboy, wham bam, thank you ma'am, all the above)

    Guys i have something really important to say. You've never ever heard this from me before: but... and this is so hard for me. Please. this is taking a lot of courage right now. I need a lot of strength and help. You see.. .I... ........................ I'm gay. (the audience groans and throws a tomato but I just smile)

    5. Have you ever, been to church, black mass, a sporting event, a rave, Woodstock, head start class?

    just to church and a sporting event.

    6. Do you collect anything? Like what? (e.g. dolls, stamps, baseball cards, hand me down porn mags…eeeew)

    video games/star wars figures.

    7. Do you paint, write, draw, write your own music/lyrics, play an instrument, sing, dance?

    I love to write and draw, I seriously wanted to be an artist ever since I was 2-3 years old. (for stereotypical IEI fag ness) My daddy also loved art so it runs in the family.

    8. What are your sleep patterns (e.g. insomniac, dead to the world, early to bed, early to rise)

    all over the place. i wanna get back into some sorta routine but it's difficult.

    9. What do you usually dream about?

    Usually just weird shit like vacuuming up large bugs on an island or something like that. One of my logical type friends was trying to tell me the scientific reason why ppl's dreams are usually really weird. I forgot what he said though because it sounded kinda dry and boring. I often have very grimdark/negative/creepy/would-make-k0rp-happy dreams too, although those have been a bit less lately. Now they are just weird. The weird though.. it heals.

    10. What is your sexual style? (e.g. I put it on ya, give it to me baby, I'm super freaky)

    versatile and piggy.

    11. Who would your celebrity parents be? (e.g. Mother Teresa + James Dean =, Madonna + Lil Wayne =… choose as many as you like.

    um idk, maybe that Fe dork from MASH (alan alda tho a bit younger than he is now) and Jane Fonda?

    12. Financial status? (e.g. my paper stacks so high when I look down on ya, all I see is the top of your head, skid row baby, now pass me that bottle, or anywhere in between.)

    I'm poor. Let's face it- if I were rich and famous why would I spend my time here hahahahahahahhaha.

    13. Any deep, dark secrets?

    tons but i like the other person to be clever enough to figure them out.

    14. If stranded on a desert island what three things would you need to survive?

    food, water and a good dildo.

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