Quote Originally Posted by megapol View Post
Maritsa, how would you normally react to holding a conversation with a family member who calls you almost every day to talk about something you don't care about. This family member might also often times repeat themselves, saying the same things they mentioned the previous day.
Listen to them endlessly and try to learn everything I can about anime

Quote Originally Posted by megapol View Post
For me, this happens when an uncle of mine calls to talk about anime he watches or his accomplishments in games I don't care about. I know for a fact that he puts off many people with his personality and has almost zero people in his life he can talk to about his interests. He is very much alone in the world from what I notice. He is a good person sometimes while at other times he is a snake, he complains to my father about driving to work (he works for my dad) and my dad will give him 20 dollars a day to make the trip (more than he needs). He will also sometimes arrive to our house an hour late, then proceed to stay here to eat our food, drink, and talk to me (if I'm home) for another 30 minutes or hour before actually meeting with my dad.
This changes the game for me. I will resent it after a while and either not serve the person food or tell my father, "don't you realize he doesn't really care about you...he's just here to freeload?" I would not want to be around this person but I won't tell them unless I felt I was in a safe area as in the one my cousin created when she invited all the girls in the family for a dinner and to "have what was on our minds about each other out." There and then did I feel enough support, like what I was going to say really was going to be heard and understood and I felt safe to say what I was thinking and feeling. I told my SEI cousin "you don't seem to see your actions and don't seem to understand that you can't continuously, night after night, go to other people's homes and not have something small at your home. It's not for me believe me I don't have enough energy to go to your place this is for our aunt who is seriously ill and came to see you but she was hungry and neither you nor your husband who make good amount of money can or have offered to get her a morsel of food to eat. This isn't acceptable. You're being mean." She blew up in my face with hysterics which her sister, my cousin remained calm and agreed with me.

Quote Originally Posted by megapol View Post
When he calls me I feel obliged to talk to him and can get extremely frustrated being on the phone with him (though I don't do anything about it because I don't want to crush him). I answer about 1 in 5 of his calls, and at one point he actually told me in person that I never answer the phone. I am curious how you as an EII would react to a similar situation. I also invite other types to comment.
The phone is very impersonal to me. I can say how I feel as long as it's not in person. I can see how you may feel like you'll crush him and refrain from being serious. But my coldness and distance gets people to come to me and ask me what's up and in which case I will tell them honestly and exactly.

Quote Originally Posted by megapol View Post
Another interesting thing happened today which I thought might be worth of discussion. When I went to check on my dad he was watching "Guy Fieri's Grocery Games". I had never watched the show before, they were at the part where they went off to the shelves and collected their ingredients to prepare their meals. Guy said "Oh I forgot to mention something to them before they went off, I'll just tell them when they get back". I said to my dad "What they are gonna swap bags?" Sure enough when they came back, Guy messed around with them a bit and exchanged their bags. My dad laughed and asked "How did you know!" ... Well, how DID I know lol? It was just a pure guess on my part I didn't have a distinct impression it was going to happen but felt it would be likely. Was that something that could be explained by cognitive process or just a lucky guess?
You assumed the next logical thing in a progression of events or you had viewed somewhere from experience and it stuck with you. One is dynamic and the other is static.