Quote Originally Posted by Inguz View Post
This is really all that I need to conclude that you are Delta NF, more specifically EII. I am still leaving the door open for the possibility that you could be IEE if you do find it to be a better fit.

And no, an ethical type does not need to be emotionally expressive. Or rather, this is usually associated with .
Thanks Inguz, I was just going over some more Jung and this article "Socionics Information Elements: Descriptions by Functions" http://www.the16types.info/vbulletin...s-by-Functions to round out my understanding.

I am inclined to agree you (and others) might be on the right track with EII since I find it hard to reconcile with many aspects I've read about and Jung's Introverted Thinking Type.

"This thinking easily loses itself in the immense truth of the subjective factor. It creates theories for the sake of theories, apparently with a view to real or at least possible facts, yet always with a distinct tendency to go over from the world of ideas into mere imagery. Accordingly many intuitions of possibilities appear on the scene, none of which however achieve any reality, until finally images are produced which no longer express anything externally real, being 'merely' symbols of the simply unknowable. It is now merely a mystical thinking and quite as unfruitful as that empirical thinking whose sole operation is within the framework of objective facts. [p. 483]"

I don't believe my thinking has ever reached a point where it lost touch with reality. In fact, I almost always "double check" my thinking with other sources because I don't have enough confidence in my own judgement to feel certain in the conclusion I've made. More often than not my conclusions are sound but I am always extremely anxious until I see their validity verified by something.

"By his wider circle he is counted inconsiderate and domineering. But the [p. 488] better one knows him, the more favourable one's judgment becomes, and his nearest friends are well aware how to value his intimacy. To people who judge him from afar he appears prickly, inaccessible, haughty; frequently he may even seem soured as a result of his anti-social prejudices. He has little influence as a personal teacher, since the mentality of his pupils is strange to him."

Again this is one of those things I'm certain I've almost never encountered. Perhaps maybe when I was in my teens I was a little inconsiderate... but prickly, inaccessible... maybe...? (no one has ever mentioned it). I'm not sure how certain I am on the teacher part, I've been told far too many times that I'd make a great teacher. The worst I can remember is getting very impatient when someone wouldn't quickly understand something and I was in the middle of doing something and couldn't explain the well enough myself.

Two road blocks come to mind preventing me from sitting comfortably with
in the ego block. One is I attribute (perhaps incorrectly) with having extremely strong and clear personal values AND emotional responses. I'm not quite sure how clear my values are or even how to express these sometimes. Add to this, the fact I don't always notice strong emotions in myself guiding my choices. Maybe I am understanding the concept incorrectly from previous information I have read, and this is one such incompatibility between socionics and other systems?

I do know that some of the choices I make don't have a basis in logic at all, while others would seem to. How would someone valuing explain the rationale for trying to be "honourable" or something like not wanting to kill a spider for their girlfriend? It is hard for me to give reasons to those choices, as cheesy as the sound lol. That also brings up another thought, I wonder if other people feel guilty when they kick people's butt at a game like Starcraft 2? When I shut people down in that game I always seem to assume a story behind their reason for being terrible "They're probably just small kids, they might be 'dopey', etc". I can feel pretty horrible after winning without them even saying a word lol, but then I remember - it's just a game (this is all stuff I keep to myself though).

I suppose the second roadblock is that I really don't identify with this "emo" image I see associated with the EII or more specifically, the MBTI INFP (another system difference?). I value being strong in myself and as I've alluded to before, I rarely get into "moods" (unless I'm maybe listening to music). I'm fairly certain I'm an enneagram 6 and as the type suggests, I value courage and being able to push through the obstacles of fear that my own psyche presents me with. After reading descriptions of I don't really see anywhere that "emo" behaviour is a requirement so I suppose it would be nice to have that confirmed by someone who is more experienced with understanding that function.

Regarding music: I remember my ESE s.o. (made her do the assessment out of curiosity ) saying one time when she looked through my playlist while I was away (-.-)... "You listen to such depressing music". I was surprised at her reaction. I honestly don't even think the music I listen to is that depressing and maybe this is where judgement comes in? I find when I listen to certain music (mostly jazz and downtempo) I can attach a whole slew of meaning to what is/isn't being said and understand the vocalist or tone of the song on a deeply personal level. It's sort of scary how much I can get out of it and it is very hard to explain. Here are some examples searchable on youtube for the sake of the discussion (Kaskade - Honesty [HQ], 10 Battlestar Galactica Season 2 Soundtrack - Something Dark is Coming, Hammock - All Is Dream And Everything Is Real, KUNIYUKI TAKAHASHI ( w / Kristiina Tuomi ) Deliverance)