Ok, I just recently had a new roomate move in and I didn't know him before hand. I'm realizing now he is an ESTP. How do I know?
Well lets see, he moved in and instantly started reorganizing my whole apartment without consulting me for the most part.
He goes on about his 'connections' with people in power. I'm an ENTP, my ego is big enough that I consider myself my own power so this stuff doesn't impress me at all.
He is a complete shop-a-holic and has really started to move my things into other rooms and just kind of take over.
I couldn't find my medication (that I have to take everyday for the rest of my life) because in his fit of cleaning while trying to distract himself he was half hazardly shoving my things in places I'd have no clue as to where to look.
I work from home and he seems to have absolutely no self-control when it comes to interuppting me to tell me the most insigificant details of his thoughts.
He's NOSEY. He came up and just started to read an email I was writing to a friend. He has no quams at all about just looking at what I'm working on even though I've told him that the things I deal with are confidential (ok I was exagerrating but he doesn't seem to get how intrusive he is).
He has started to pretty much insert himself into my life and talks in a familiarity with my friends that's just not appropriate. My friends are like me....private people. They don't like anyone forcing themselves on them anymore than I do.
He has informed me I WILL be getting hugs so I should get used to it cuz its the way he is. You have no idea how much this bothers me. I'm such a no contact person for the most part except with my closest friends. He is not one of my closest friends, he's some guy I rented a room too who decided to come in and make my life better (but his version of better).
The way he brags about himself is not something that goes over well with the crowd I hangout with. We are not the type to pander to that kind of thing.
He is a big spender and is buying things for around the house to the point its actually making me a bit uncomfortable. At first it was kind of nice but now its just a bit too much.
He is trying to feed me a lot. I dunno if that's ESTP related but it seems to be with the ones I know. He is always putting out chocolates and candies.
He himself is very fit.
He goes non-stop trying to keep himself busy. He just can't seem to relax until he falls asleep. The whole time, I'm trying to concentrate on work and he's being quite disruptive.
I often sit in silence working away on the computer. He will get the TV going in one room, and radios in two others.
He told me what a quiet guy he was when I was interviewing him. I'm seeing his idea of quiet and mine are COMPLETELY different. He is almost non-stop trying to talk to me.
He is beyond curious at everything I do. He wants to know what I did all day and keep him apprised of my comings and goings.
I've lived alone for 2 years so its hard to adapt to anyone. I'm feeling completely overwhelmed and smothered with this situation. My experience in the past with ESTPs is that I'm so easy going they try to test every little boundary I have.
They then get terribly hurt, rejected, and start thinking paranoid thoughts when I finally try to put a breaks on their behavior due to the impacts its having on me.
This guy is really not a bad guy....and no, I know for a FACT he's not interested in me (he don't swing that way). He just wants to take care of me because he loves taking care of people. I think he's just identified me as some lost soul who "needs him" when its not the case. All I want is for him to leave me alone and him not feel wounded by it. He just simply gives me no space.
He has it in his head after a couple weeks of living together that we are Will and Grace. He has this fantastic picture in his head of our friendship when I'm like....I don't know you dude.
The biggest things I'd like to curb with this person is:
1. The way he interupts me while I'm working or trying to focus on my work or things I'm doing on the computer. (I have tried out right ignoring him, continuing to type and not even acknowledging he's speaking....none of these cues people normally pick up seem to have any impact on him).
2. I want him to start ignoring me and give me some space
3. I want him to realize that we are not the best of friends but we can co-exist peacefully if he would just back off.
I would like to try to co-exist with this person if possible. Any advice?