Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
Hmm, its more like I can't help but react to it one way or another. Asking nicely and lacing it with positive Fe works.. attempting to be manipulative, guilt tripping, accusing, twisting my words and causing drama only has one result tho: a definite NO. Its relatively easy in such a situation to cause me to get very stubborn or worse to blow up, get angry and smash shit as being reasonable and rational becomes pointless without reciprocity. I don't really give much a fuck about Fi in such a situation and burning that Fi bridge with such a person is quite satisfying. This is probably a unhealthy response I developed to deal with my grandmother and her side of the family, who is a manipulative old sociopathic bitch.

If someone tells me to do something and I'm not under contractual agreement its much more convenient to just say no, coercion is also a bad idea as it makes me aggressive just like attempted manipulation. Asking me to do something without Fe and no details again results in a immediate NO. Persuasion works, esp if the other person has good Fe. If ppl want to get me to do something I either have to like them, agree with them or they have to persuade me or a contract needs to be in place.

when I still don't know ppl I tend to be nice by default, but getting to know them does away with the surface niceties as I tend to relax.
All that just sounds like a normal reasonable human being who doesn't want bad drama. I relate a lot lol.

OK, extreme anger is extreme, lol. I usually use my anger on the offensive ie to get something, rather than on the defensive like you seem to be (to refuse requests or the offensive from another person). Would be in line with Se creative for you supposedly (that's the one that tends to use anger like that; Se lead goes on the offensive instead)

I was the same in the video I sent to Gulenko as I was in the type me video here and otherwise on the forum. No difference, I am like that IRL. Compared to an ESE tho or even ESI, its very subdued. by comparison I'm .. artificial.. would be the right word. Its all surface level mostly learned stuff. IF social interaction goes on long enough I will actually not have the energy to maintain the facade and power down into "serious and bored" mode. Thats when ppl start asking if something is wrong.. annoying. Its weird that Gulenko picked up on me learning communication techniques. I had to do it tbh as the social sphere is where my weakness is, I'm not very competent at building and maintaining relationships or emoting, much less so if it involves more than one person to interact with. One to one it can go decently well and I don't seem to turn into that low battery robot. I have talked with ppl before one to one almost an entire day non stop about rather heavy topics and it didn't drain me.
I don't feel it's very subdued but it's all relative. You're definitely not like some over the top diva. (Yeah I know some male divas lol...)

Also I didn't feel you were very artificial per se in the video, I did feel you were strongly trying to be "ingratiating" but it didn't feel totally un-genuine or whatever.

I do associate some kinds of being ingratiating with LSI Fe suggestive + something else, because LII stereotypically doesn't really do it, I met maybe one likely LII who did it a little (unless idk if he was LSI maybe). My ESI friend is also very ingratiating tho different from LSI...so it could even be some xSI thing lol I don't know tbh if it's related to type whatsoever, these are just my observations from limited data.

You do sound like an introvert alright with the shutting down after a while. I don't look very socially extraverted but I don't recall having such an experience myself with socialising so I'm more extraverted in that way.

Introverted feelers are rather "soulful"..

Extroverted feelers are "passionate"
Yeah I'm glad people are not just black and white templates of this stuff. It would be so boring. When "skimming", I did see the first video does mention how real people do actually do more than just "Fi" or just "Fe" so that's okay.